Ok, so this seemed like a basic task but something has obviously gone wrong (knowing me it's most like just a tiny little silly mistake) and I can't seem to fix it. Ok, so I am making a last page link with a map (item). In the map item scripting section, I have put the code %LASTPAGE := $PAGEID. When this map is selected, you go to a different chapter where you can get information about different places around the game. On the starting page of this map I have a back link (for when you have finished going through the links and looking at different areas, these other pages have back links going to the page that comes before them) that has the link script $DEST := "@P" + "%LASTPAGE". But for some reason this script doesn't seem to work, the first one works fine at setting the variable, but the link to go back doesn't work! Have I done something wrong in the scripting, is it something about it being a different chapter or is this a bug?