Ok ok. It used to work just fine. The Digits displaying the name, the male/female display, all that wasn't working was displaying the traits in my game. I was like, "ok fine, let me see what's wrong..." I had the traits typed in wrong. So instead of going back and changing every TRAITS1 and TRAITS2 to TRAIT1 and TRAIT2, I was a lazy butt and just went into the variables and changed the names. So I was like, "ok, that should work, let's test it." Not only are the traits still messed up, but the other displays that were working are now screwed up. I went into the editor and I was like "ok, let me see here." Advanced scripting is ON and similar variables still work perfectly. I tried retyping the whole string of code into the editor, but it didn't work so that was a waste of my time. And I noticed that when I go into the game to test the display, ONLY THE PARTS WITH "%%%%" are screwed up. They show up in the code as "0" instead of what they should be. But in the editor they appear just fine. What the hell is wrong with it?
Typical name code: %%DIGIT1%=%1%A%%%%DIGIT1%=%2%B... etc.
Male/Female code: %%SEX%=%1%Female%%%%SEX%=%2%Male%%
Traits code (now this one was a little tricky because there are three codes and I'm only using two strings, but I looked it up and figured it out so here it is):
%%TRAIT2%=%1%Soldier%%%%TRAIT2%=%2%Hunter%%%%TRAIT2%=%3%...etc. etc.