Cosmolucent_Iris, The Wordsmith
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2/11/2025 10:40 PM
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Eating chop suey as a pastime activity.
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Who's your Valentine? on 2/8/2025 6:33:13 AMGee, I have absolutely no clue, but I do know you're a dumbass.
Who's your Valentine? on 2/7/2025 8:44:09 PM
I can't even look at hot men without looking for an escape route, so why the fuck would I actually talk to them?
I think I want to make a story. on 1/30/2025 8:50:10 AM
Thanks, I hate your story already.
offensive words on 1/30/2025 8:07:45 AM
Hell yeah! That's the spirit!
Thunderdome 19: Anthraxus vs Wildblue! on 1/30/2025 7:36:59 AM
Both of these were better than I thought they would be. Unfortunately, I can only vote for one story, so I think I'll go with Story A. I felt like it resonated more with me than the other. However, if Story B had gone for a more Tomb Raider (think Angelina Jolie movies and the games pre-2013) feel, then I probably would have voted for it without hesitation.
Why don't Brits dance on 1/28/2025 1:26:11 AM
They're too white.
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6 on 1/23/2025 8:10:32 PM
Employment and interests, that's what my problem is! That's what makes me a childish, infantile, brainrotted... man? Well, I guess by some mens' standards, whose names I shall not name (Cel, Crimson, and Flutter), I'm supposed to be meek and unobtrusive if I'm actually a woman.
(The real point of this post is to share this, which I have discovered through occult algorithms and black magic. You can tell this is evil because the woman making these sculptures is speaking the devil's language. For real though, I love the way the artist talks about her work, and the way the other woman talks about the piece. I can only wonder if something like this would work in a cold glass technique like in Jon Kuhn's and Jack Storms's works.)
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6 on 1/22/2025 5:16:53 PM
Well, geez, I'm sorry my autism was triggered by your metaphor. Nevermind that I have experience with vegetable gardening and have complex feelings toward monocrops, biodiversity, and the destruction of the environment. If you'd have asked I would've told you information is closer to junk food and baked goods than weeds. Not inherently bad, depending on how much you consume and whatnot, but it is designed to be addictive.
What part of my post did you find insulting? My tongue-in-cheek Satanic Pan-ic comment? Well, that was partially a jab at you for equating a god associated with nature to Satan. Was it when I asked you why you hate nature? Still waiting on answer for that one, by the way, because a lot of your posts have led me to believe you do actually hate nature. Was it where I said your posts are stupid, misinformed, and outright wrong? Please note, I did not say you were stupid, misinformed, and outright wrong. Or, is it because I don't take you seriously? It's pretty hard for me to take someone seriously when they have some off-the-wall beliefs that they refuse to elaborate on or outright ignore questions and criticisms that get brought up.
It's quite bold of you to assume you know anything about me. I really could make a list, but I have no interest in doing so. You haven't earned that kind of effort from me. Anyway, I have no concern over what algorithms put in my social media feeds simply because I have the freedom to choose what I watch and read. So far, watching what those nasty algorithms throw at me haven't turned the things I enjoy into "rot," and have only fed my passion for said things. I've discovered things I never would have known existed before thanks to those evil algorithms (like optical glass sculptures, and another one).
I know you've been online, before this point, and had plenty of time to think about what you wanted to say. The fact that you had plenty of time to think of how you wanted to respond and still chose to respond this way, tells me everything I need to know. Despite whatever you might think, I have no interest in being unnecessarily cruel to anyone, especially you since you clearly need help. But, I am not your doctor and you are not my patient; I'm not your mother either. As far as I'm concerned, I'm being much nicer to you than I was being to Crimson and have been to Cel. But, that doesn't mean your bullshit antics are any less irritating than theirs.
As for this:
Look, if you're going to go with the infantile, childish, brainrot insults, at least use the word "malodorus", not "odorous". "Odorous" is clearly a neutral term, not technically a term of insult. See? I've educated you now, for free! I don't expect thanks, but this does help to increase my karma and that's reward enough for me.Maybe you did reap some good karma from "educating" me, but I would guess bragging about it would reap just as much, if not more, bad karma. But, I think Sent is right. I was probably thinking of odious. :)
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6 on 1/21/2025 6:51:41 AM
If you're going to describe yourself as malodorous, don't you think it's time for a shower?
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 6 on 1/20/2025 2:41:58 PM
Personally, I wouldn't consider any of that "junk information" since it says a lot about the person saying those things, and the ones who believe those things. I feel like junk implies there's nothing to be gained, but I guess it all comes down to personal opinion.