We like saying fag and retard because it maintains a certain site culture and encourages censorious or thin-skinned people to move on.
Chortle, homosexual
Kill yourself, niggerfaggot.
Cel is Serbian, that's just how they say hello.
I mean... you're actually right on this one, funnily enough.
except he'll post something so breathtakingly homosexual it might get deleted again.
Censorship? On MY CYS? What the fuck did he post?
Edit: Yeah nevermind I think I got it.
It didn't get censored so much as it got moved (and semi-archived) since Mizal was annoyed by Ben fagging up her thread.
Now he's lucky Berka isn't around anymore, Berka might've just flat out banned him.
It got deleted. Personally, I'm glad I wasn't banned, although that short story really isn't the worst thing I've written.
Honestly, we are known for being openly homophobic, racist, and hateful and general. This is because people see the same bad words you have and automatically jump to conclusions.
The fact that we have moderators and recognized contributors on here who are black/colored (MHD, TCat) and LBGTQ+ (Darius, Gryphon, myself) who genuinely don't care about these slurs and actively use them as well, is apparently of no significance to these whiners whatsoever.
Did you edit Ben's post to include "myself" next to Darius and Gryphon? I could have sworn that was not there before (unless Ben edited it before you replied...) Ben...are you gay or something? Bi? Are you saying your gay as a joke? Cause based on what you've shared with everyone here I would have guessed that you weren't gay... Interesting... :O
At least it was better written than some of my previous short stories.
And it got me TWO achievements. Woot.
EDIT: If this is filth, why do you have a screenshot of it?
I definitely never said myself. Someone edited it.
I am bisexual, so it's not entirely inaccurate. Also, considering I was referring to "recognized contributors" I'd say it's a compliment!
For the love of God, somebody PLEASE get this woman a commendation. This was perfect timing, and since I got a commendation for giving her a shoutout on her art, it's only fair she gets a commendation for digging this up.
I like RK. ^_^
I like RK
I like RK as well.
RK is ranked 3 for me. But he is rated against Ogre (I like Ogre) and MERCER GANG.
You're right. I do feel guilty for his unfair placement.
RK is #1 in his own catagory in my heart.
I stopped doing that years ago. It was a phase.
I refer to the eyeliner, obviously. Not the cock sucking.
Well that was obvious.
But I suppose you had to have priorities.
Well traditionally most of the Indian users that have rose to prominence on the site have all been really degenerate and typically got themselves banned or otherwise just eventually left after annoying the hell out of everyone.
That being said, I'm fairly certain there are A LOT of Indian readers/lurkers that peacefully pass through this site. I know since I've seen some praise my stories.
Also news to me that MHD is black, it'll probably be news to her too. And Ben might've made a powerful enemy today by calling TCat black. (Turks can vary wildly in skin tone)
Not sure why Ben just didn't mention Petros as an example of a black member on here.
I think Clayfinger is Indian, so that's a good start.
Suranna however has so far been unable to repair the even worse reputation that the Mormons have around here.
No Suranna still sucks.
She's way ahead of any other Mormon we've had to deal with.
I've noticed Suranna has quite the reputation of being "annoying"...or something...the accusations seem to change every time I hear about her... (though honestly its mainly been you saying that, but everyone seems to go along with it so its probably true).
However I have yet to see any blatant example of such since I first came here, so if she was annoying, she seems to have straightened out by now. And yeah, I have tried looking at super old threads just to see what I can find, but I'm probably not doing a good enough job at that. So yeah, if someone can educate me on Suranna's lore more (via a screenshot or otherwise), that would be pretty dope! ;)
Dude. In your book everything is awesome and everyone is wonderful and shiny. Not a criticism. Don't join us on the dark side though, it might break the universe.
There's nothing I love more than being both gay and depressed!
Well yeah compared to you, she's not annoying.
Ah I see. You archive people's retardation even after they stopped. (though that was pretty obvious since that one thread where you brought me up a lot) It seems Flutter is the only recent person to have outdone me, though I suppose even that's pretty subjective...
I have to wonder what it is that makes Mormon culture so obnoxious to deal with (speaking from personal experience here). I mean, I kind of know, but its still really weird. I think Suranna's cool though, easily putting her in the top 1%. Like yeah she's weird, but its a weirdness that I'm able to vibe with much more compared to some other people. (aka I think its a cool weird! :P)
Hey I know you were looking for some of my lore so I found some for you!
show bobs
Off topic to bobs, but on topic for Indians: I'm trying make some Butter Chicken because that shit is good af
My friend, my compatriot, my comrade - I thank you for your query. Unfortunately, I didn't end up making it and I regret that this is the news I must break to you. I'm sorry.
My bad, I got the minorities mixed up. MHD was supposed to go in the gay category.
Although she's definitely got street cred.
As for Petros, I prefer to keep him in the reserves as an example of why the term "nigger" is used so much on this site.
It's nice how Ben has all the minorities neatly categorized. Perhaps we can get them all armbands to wear so the are easily differentiated.
That's genius! While we're at it, they all need to have their own neighborhoods, schools, and designated seating areas!
Separate but equal! This way everyone can have their own space without feeling left behind. Why has nobody ever thought of this?!
Reverse Racism/Sexism goes REEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have lighter skin than you, you fuckwad.
I apologize. I fucked up.
Ok, that I never said
At least I'm not making multiple threads about how I've unlocked the secrets of the universe through a children's cartoon.
A year ago, yeah. Found it here.
This implies that Bezro and Crimson hit on Fresh. I find this hard to believe (though I suppose I could see Bezro doing that, but I'd like to think he didn't) I take it this post is an extended joke though...as in...this guy is similar to Bezro and Crimson in other ways... (maybe idk, lol :P)
Why the fuck do you find that hard to believe
You're literally a retarded preteen child with the social skills of a particularly stupid lobster, maybe you should go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, or at least learn how to make a single post without an ellipsis or help from ChatGPT.
No, I didn't mean in other ways, I meant the way I explicitly stated. I'm not surprised your five brain cells couldn't piece that together. Did you even need to reply? No. You can take your trash opinions and shove them farther back in your throat than Crimson shoved his dick in it while you typed that message.
My day has been fucking awful; you picked the wrong moment to annoy me, though honestly every single thing you've said ever has annoyed me more than I previously considered physically possible. I would call it a talent but sadly enough you seem to be genuinely trying to interact with the world and are just failing at it miserably.
Just because you've got a gay romance with Crimson doesn't mean he doesn't hit on chicks, dumbass, and maybe you should think before directly disagreeing with someone infinitely more important than you around here.
Not only have you not yet responded to my question about Eternal, but you've clearly got time on your hands in which to do so because to my absolute dismay I keep seeing your username on my screen. I've never actually hated a site member before but you're managing to play limbo with the low bar I have set for what I'll tolerate from people just by being pure fucking stupidity in physical form.
I don't know what kind of drugs your mother was on when she was pregnant with you, but I hope to God that she still has access to them because I don't see any other way she'd be able to deal with your bullshit day in and day out.
Stay in your lane and shut the fuck up.
I pray that tomorrow gets better for you, and please let me know if I get on your nerves and how so I can immediately stop.
Smh I've never understood why people hit on someone online? Like, they're likely never gonna meet you in real life, and they haven't seen you outside of pictures you drew.
You're definitely an awesome person, and I enjoy conversations with you, but having a crush on your fellow CYStians is like having a crush on your favorite anime character.
.... Nevermind, I just realized they probably do that too.
They want the CYSussy
Thanks Sherb. Now I have to go look for the original lol.
Wait not only is MHD gay, she's also black? What the fuck?
And Darius is an actual homosexual?
Why doesn't anyone tell me these things.
MHD is Caucasian, apparently.
Darius is definitely a homosexual.
I knew he was a faggot. I did not know he was a homo.
I've met actual gay men that act less openly homosexual than Darius. If I'm wrong, and there's a single molecule in his body that isn't flaming faggotry, he's done an amazingly good job at hiding it.
The faggotry is arguably the least bad part of "It's a boy!"
Haven't read it yet. I just might now.
EDIT: I read it. What the fuck
I'm not, but I have been told that I'm the gayest heterosexual person they've seen.
Some of the people here are British. We're talking about cigarettes.
I'm not gonna lie Will, I've always thought you were either a serial killer or a bot who achieved sentience.
The French need to grow tighter skin. If it was as hard and crusty as your baguettes there wouldnt be a problem
lol, French
Wow, this thread went way better than the one back in 2015.
Truly this site has become a beacon of diversity.
Why is it that the threads started by noobs are the ones that REALLY kick off?
The important thing is that everyone had fun.
This is the internet. It's safer to assume you're retarded than it is that you're capable of sarcasm.
Here, read this.