
Forums » The Lounge » Read Thread

A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

offensive words

one month ago
Hello everyone,

I haven’t been on this site for very long, but I’m already a huge fan. I really enjoy small communities like this that come together around a shared passion. That said, I’ve noticed a lot of instances where words like “fag” or “faggot” are used. I’m not sure if they’re meant as jokes, but I personally find them very offensive and disrespectful. I’d like to understand why these words are being used, especially since the LGBTQ+ community seems to have a strong presence here. Maybe in the US or UK, these terms are used in a non-literal way, but as a French person, I find them really shocking. What are your thoughts on this?

offensive words

one month ago

We like saying fag and retard  because it maintains a certain site culture and encourages censorious or thin-skinned people to move on. 

offensive words

one month ago
More often than not those words aren't actually being used here to refer to LGBTQ+ers.

offensive words

one month ago
Commended by EndMaster on 1/29/2025 11:14:00 PM
Hi DocPepouze,

It's good to have you! I'm glad you enjoy these stories. I think the usage of words like "fag" or "faggot" is mainly tongue in cheek. They're used jokingly. In this context, when people say "fag" or "faggot", they aren't refer to LGBTQ+ people in a derogatory or hate filled manner, it's more of a substitution for "stupid" or "lame". Admittedly, even in the U.S., the use of these words isn't common, but this site is more of a place to relax and not worry about all these hang ups. As long as you're not actively harming, expressing legitimate hate, or discrimination against anyone, you're pretty much free to say whatever. When you spend a lot of time not being able to just say things, when you go to a place that does allow you to say whatever comes to mind, people sometimes let loose.

To expand upon what Malk is saying, the usage of these words selects for a certain kind of temperament in people. Communities sometimes get overrun with trying to be politely correct to the point where the original site culture gets washed away, and as a result, the site becomes homogenized. I think the fact that there is this much freedom to say whatever you want without punitive consequences means people will naturally just be free in how they talk.

My advice would be not to really worry about it unless you see something that is genuinely troubling. I'm not trying to be rude and dismiss your point of view, but ultimately that's just the site culture. And that's what sets us apart from the rest. Here, writers aren't coddled. If you're writing is shit, then people will tell you it's shit, while laughing at you at how you smell. But if your writing is good, then you know it's good. Here people know their stuff, and they aren't afraid to come out and say what they think of you. That kind of frankness and genuine allows people to make real friendships, and it gives a culture of authenticity to the site.

You will find many people who don't say "fag" or "faggot" when they talk, and they're able to co-exist with the people that do. If that means you won't be comfortable engaging on the site, then so be it. You're perfectly welcome to read the stories if the forums make you feel uncomfortable. If not, then I guess you could move on to several other interactive fiction sites that will cater to you better.

We have several LGBTQ stories on this site, and the authors of the stories try to be authentic and genuine to the characters they write, irrespective of race and sexuality. Ultimately, we're all here to write and grow with a like-minded community, not to express hate and be a bunch of bigots like what you're thinking we all are.

offensive words

one month ago
lol, fag

offensive words

one month ago

Chortle, homosexual

offensive words

one month ago
Thanks for your answer,

I figured it was probably just an expression, but I wanted to be sure. Basically, to give you some context, I just discovered the site, I was enjoying reading a few stories, and then I stumbled upon the forum, where the word "fag" popped up every few sentences. I made this post just to make sure I hadn’t accidentally wandered into a forum known for being openly homophobic, racist, or hateful in general.

I’m relieved to see that these expressions aren’t meant literally. That said, my views on free speech differ from yours in this regard—there’s a reason no white person uses the N-word. I have no respect for Elon Musk and his social network, which promotes "free speech" at the cost of spreading nonsense, hate speech, and enabling cyberbullying.

Anyway, that’s not the point. I completely understand the site's culture now, and I’ll keep reading the stories here. Thanks for helping me understand the way these words are used. Have a great day! 😊

offensive words

one month ago

Kill yourself, niggerfaggot.

offensive words

one month ago
Have a nice day too

offensive words

one month ago
Cel is Serbian, that's just how they say hello.

I'm also just going to predict now that the other resident autistic edgelord benholman will be over here shortly, except he'll post something so breathtakingly homosexual it might get deleted again.

offensive words

one month ago

Cel is Serbian, that's just how they say hello.

I mean... you're actually right on this one, funnily enough.

except he'll post something so breathtakingly homosexual it might get deleted again.

Censorship? On MY CYS? What the fuck did he post?

Edit: Yeah nevermind I think I got it.

offensive words

one month ago

It didn't get censored so much as it got moved (and semi-archived) since Mizal was annoyed by Ben fagging up her thread.

Now he's lucky Berka isn't around anymore, Berka might've just flat out banned him.

offensive words

one month ago

It got deleted. Personally, I'm glad I wasn't banned, although that short story really isn't the worst thing I've written.

offensive words

one month ago
I did go back and delete it later. IMO we reeeeaaaally don't need to be encouraging members to be writing porn about each other lol. (Or themselves!)

(The fanfic Darius wrote about Cel and Crimson was at least TASTEFUL dammit!)

And also there was an actual 12 year old noob posting in CC at the time so I might have had one of those "but think of the children!" moments I admit.

offensive words

one month ago

Honestly, we are known for being openly homophobic, racist, and hateful and general. This is because people see the same bad words you have and automatically jump to conclusions.

The fact that we have moderators and recognized contributors on here who are black/colored (MHD, TCat) and LBGTQ+ (Darius, Gryphon, myself) who genuinely don't care about these slurs and actively use them as well, is apparently of no significance to these whiners whatsoever. 

offensive words

one month ago
I will say though, I think we pretty much are unequivocally racist against Indians. (If someone on the forum is Indian and we haven't noticed, well congrats, you're one of the good ones.)

offensive words

one month ago

Did you edit Ben's post to include "myself" next to Darius and Gryphon? I could have sworn that was not there before (unless Ben edited it before you replied...)

Ben...are you gay or something? Bi? Are you saying your gay as a joke? Cause based on what you've shared with everyone here I would have guessed that you weren't gay...

Interesting... :O

offensive words

one month ago
oh you sweet summer child

offensive words

one month ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 1/30/2025 3:30:20 AM
This kind of degeneracy is exactly what happens when you let the queers grow too confident.

offensive words

one month ago
I thought it was funny and rather creative to cram that much degeneracy in such a small space, lol.

offensive words

one month ago

At least it was better written than some of my previous short stories.

And it got me TWO achievements. Woot.

EDIT: If this is filth, why do you have a screenshot of it?

offensive words

one month ago

I definitely never said myself. Someone edited it.

I am bisexual, so it's not entirely inaccurate. Also, considering I was referring to "recognized contributors" I'd say it's a compliment!

offensive words

one month ago
Commended by EndMaster on 1/29/2025 11:30:53 PM

offensive words

one month ago

For the love of God, somebody PLEASE get this woman a commendation. This was perfect timing, and since I got a commendation for giving her a shoutout on her art, it's only fair she gets a commendation for digging this up.

offensive words

one month ago
I second this. That was the best post in that dumb thread, besides Fresh ascending to daughterhood of course, that was legendary. This one is a close second.

offensive words

one month ago
You are the most wholesome and happy noob I have ever seen. Never change.

offensive words

one month ago

I like RK. ^_^

offensive words

one month ago

I like RK

offensive words

one month ago
I like RK :]

offensive words

one month ago

I like RK as well.

offensive words

one month ago

RK is ranked 3 for me. But he is rated against Ogre (I like Ogre) and MERCER GANG.

offensive words

one month ago
This is no excuse when RK (I like RK) ranks you and everyone else here as #1, simultaneously.

offensive words

one month ago

You're right. I do feel guilty for his unfair placement.

RK is #1 in his own catagory in my heart.

offensive words

one month ago

Wholesome Dog

offensive words

one month ago

offensive words

one month ago

offensive words

one month ago
Never would I EVER encourage anyone to paste that first sentence over one of the too much eyeliner photos. That would definitely be wrong.

offensive words

one month ago

I stopped doing that years ago. It was a phase.

I refer to the eyeliner, obviously. Not the cock sucking.

offensive words

one month ago

Well that was obvious.

But I suppose you had to have priorities.

offensive words

one month ago
Wait, did you guys have a bad experience with Indian site users? What happened?

offensive words

one month ago
Did you read the part where it said they were Indian?

offensive words

one month ago
Yes. I'm asking what happened? What did they do?

offensive words

one month ago

Well traditionally most of the Indian users that have rose to prominence on the site have all been really degenerate and typically got themselves banned or otherwise just eventually left after annoying the hell out of everyone.

That being said, I'm fairly certain there are A LOT of Indian readers/lurkers that peacefully pass through this site. I know since I've seen some praise my stories.

Also news to me that MHD is black, it'll probably be news to her too. And Ben might've made a powerful enemy today by calling TCat black. (Turks can vary wildly in skin tone)

Not sure why Ben just didn't mention Petros as an example of a black member on here.

offensive words

one month ago
Got it. That's unfortunate, at least the readers/lurkers were ok. Maybe some day, Indian writers that aren't degenerates or spammers will join and rehabilitate the reputation of Indians on this site.

offensive words

one month ago

I think Clayfinger is Indian, so that's a good start.

Suranna however has so far been unable to repair the even worse reputation that the Mormons have around here.

offensive words

one month ago
Nice! Clayfinger seems really chill and his "Ignis and Aero" story is really good. And Suranna remains one of only 2 people to bet their entire account(I think Ford was the other one) in a contest, and live to tell the tale, so that has to count for something for the Mormons, right? Like that's a pretty ballsy move.

offensive words

one month ago

No Suranna still sucks.


She's way ahead of any other Mormon we've had to deal with.

offensive words

one month ago

I've noticed Suranna has quite the reputation of being "annoying"...or something...the accusations seem to change every time I hear about her... (though honestly its mainly been you saying that, but everyone seems to go along with it so its probably true).

However I have yet to see any blatant example of such since I first came here, so if she was annoying, she seems to have straightened out by now.

And yeah, I have tried looking at super old threads just to see what I can find, but I'm probably not doing a good enough job at that.

So yeah, if someone can educate me on Suranna's lore more (via a screenshot or otherwise), that would be pretty dope! ;)

offensive words

one month ago
In my book, Suranna's awesome! She liked Gay & Depressed in Prison, and whenever I see her posts, they're always funny as hell.

offensive words

one month ago

Dude. In your book everything is awesome and everyone is wonderful and shiny. Not a criticism. Don't join us on the dark side though, it might break the universe.

offensive words

one month ago
Aww thanks DBNB! That's a really nice thing to say. I'm glad to be the "sunshine, butterflies, and rainbows" guy on here, lol.

offensive words

one month ago


There's nothing I love more than being both gay and depressed!

offensive words

one month ago

Well yeah compared to you, she's not annoying.

offensive words

one month ago

Ah I see. You archive people's retardation even after they stopped. (though that was pretty obvious since that one thread where you brought me up a lot)

It seems Flutter is the only recent person to have outdone me, though I suppose even that's pretty subjective...

offensive words

one month ago
Mormons are insufferable by default and Suranna has been too much of a perpetual apathetic flake to break the mold. But yeah she's way ahead of the others, just needs to bootstrap out of that -100 racial modifier.

offensive words

one month ago

I have to wonder what it is that makes Mormon culture so obnoxious to deal with (speaking from personal experience here). I mean, I kind of know, but its still really weird.

I think Suranna's cool though, easily putting her in the top 1%. Like yeah she's weird, but its a weirdness that I'm able to vibe with much more compared to some other people. (aka I think its a cool weird! :P)

offensive words

one month ago
Commended by Mizal on 1/30/2025 10:00:59 AM

Hey I know you were looking for some of my lore so I found some for you!

offensive words

one month ago
Well there you go, Clayfinger is a great contributor that everybody likes.

offensive words

one month ago
I am indeed Indian lol.

I've honestly lost count of the number of times I've seen a fellow Indian behave like a complete degenerate on any Internet platform with anonymous identities, and then proudly proclaim they are from India T_T

Anyway, I don't usually go around telling people I'm Indian because of this.

offensive words

one month ago
Not tonight, but someday soon we will have to impart to you the strange tale of ShoujoAddict.

offensive words

one month ago
Oh god, just the name makes me cringe ToT

offensive words

one month ago

show bobs

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one month ago
Ah yes, the tried and tested pick-up line that is 100% effective, provided that you are using it on a 40-year-old who is trying to catfish horny teenagers and scam them out of their pocket money XD

offensive words

one month ago

Off topic to bobs, but on topic for Indians: I'm trying make some Butter Chicken because that shit is good af

offensive words

one month ago
Dire, how did the butter chicken come out? Was it good?

offensive words

one month ago

My friend, my compatriot, my comrade - I thank you for your query. Unfortunately, I didn't end up making it and I regret that this is the news I must break to you. I'm sorry.

offensive words

one month ago
CYS had taught me that there are a lot more anime obsessed gender-bending autists with internet access in India than I could have ever possibly imagined! But Malk is in Toronto and has to deal with a large number IRL who apparently have a habit of defrauding food banks and otherwise just being really unpleasant, so we have at least one mod to carry the torch of Actual Racism. (just like Satanism!)

offensive words

one month ago

My bad, I got the minorities mixed up. MHD was supposed to go in the gay category.

Although she's definitely got street cred.


As for Petros, I prefer to keep him in the reserves as an example of why the term "nigger" is used so much on this site.

offensive words

one month ago

It's nice how Ben has all the minorities neatly categorized.  Perhaps we can get them all armbands to wear so the are easily differentiated.

offensive words

one month ago

That's genius! While we're at it, they all need to have their own neighborhoods, schools, and designated seating areas!

Separate but equal! This way everyone can have their own space without feeling left behind. Why has nobody ever thought of this?!

offensive words

one month ago

Reverse Racism/Sexism goes REEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

offensive words

one month ago

I have lighter skin than you, you fuckwad.

offensive words

one month ago

I apologize. I fucked up.

offensive words

one month ago
Commended by Mizal on 1/30/2025 12:03:10 AM

offensive words

one month ago

Ok, that I never said

offensive words

one month ago
I think that message just became the newest CYS copypasta lol. Right after the "insane, weird, controversial, spiritually serious, scientifically upending..." one.

offensive words

one month ago

At least I'm not making multiple threads about how I've unlocked the secrets of the universe through a children's cartoon.

offensive words

one month ago
That's true. And those weren't even your words, they were Sherb's. But it's much funnier when you imagine that groveling message coming from an avatar saying "lol fag".

offensive words

one month ago
It already is, it's a reference to a thread somebody made a few years ago.

offensive words

one month ago

A year ago, yeah. Found it here

offensive words

one month ago
Wow, that is a fun thread to read. Even though Suranna made the main copy pasta post, CaptainCool was the real standout in this thread. This dude even tried hitting on Fresh lol, which is an extra level of retardation in an already ridiculous pattern of posting.

And once I scrolled down and found the reason for why Suranna was begging for life(the Endmaster cat drawing, which was well drawn), that was the cherry on top to an already crazy saga.

10/10. I was emotionally moved. I laughed, I cried, it was better than cable.

offensive words

one month ago
Someone was hitting on Fresh? Man, who would've guessed. I'll add him to Bezro and Crimson's category. Though actually I had completely forgotten this one existed

offensive words

one month ago

This implies that Bezro and Crimson hit on Fresh. I find this hard to believe (though I suppose I could see Bezro doing that, but I'd like to think he didn't)

I take it this post is an extended joke in...this guy is similar to Bezro and Crimson in other ways...

(maybe idk, lol :P)

offensive words

one month ago
Commended by EndMaster on 1/30/2025 3:09:03 PM

Why the fuck do you find that hard to believe

You're literally a retarded preteen child with the social skills of a particularly stupid lobster, maybe you should go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, or at least learn how to make a single post without an ellipsis or help from ChatGPT.

No, I didn't mean in other ways, I meant the way I explicitly stated. I'm not surprised your five brain cells couldn't piece that together. Did you even need to reply? No. You can take your trash opinions and shove them farther back in your throat than Crimson shoved his dick in it while you typed that message.

My day has been fucking awful; you picked the wrong moment to annoy me, though honestly every single thing you've said ever has annoyed me more than I previously considered physically possible. I would call it a talent but sadly enough you seem to be genuinely trying to interact with the world and are just failing at it miserably.

Just because you've got a gay romance with Crimson doesn't mean he doesn't hit on chicks, dumbass, and maybe you should think before directly disagreeing with someone infinitely more important than you around here.

Not only have you not yet responded to my question about Eternal, but you've clearly got time on your hands in which to do so because to my absolute dismay I keep seeing your username on my screen. I've never actually hated a site member before but you're managing to play limbo with the low bar I have set for what I'll tolerate from people just by being pure fucking stupidity in physical form.

I don't know what kind of drugs your mother was on when she was pregnant with you, but I hope to God that she still has access to them because I don't see any other way she'd be able to deal with your bullshit day in and day out.

Stay in your lane and shut the fuck up.

offensive words

one month ago

I pray that tomorrow gets better for you, and please let me know if I get on your nerves and how so I can immediately stop.

offensive words

one month ago
you'll know.

offensive words

one month ago
In your opinion is the thread now living up to more or less of its potential than it was an hour ago?

offensive words

one month ago
It's just a jolly good time all around :D

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one month ago
Hell yeah! That's the spirit!

offensive words

one month ago

Smh I've never understood why people hit on someone online? Like, they're likely never gonna meet you in real life, and they haven't seen you outside of pictures you drew.

You're definitely an awesome person, and I enjoy conversations with you, but having a crush on your fellow CYStians is like having a crush on your favorite anime character.

.... Nevermind, I just realized they probably do that too. 

offensive words

one month ago

They want the CYSussy

offensive words

one month ago
The original was by True Paranormal, it's been copied a few times.

offensive words

one month ago
Good find. That was years after the original, though.

offensive words

one month ago
I doubt the original had CaptainCool though, his comedic timing is irreplaceable.

offensive words

one month ago

Thanks Sherb. Now I have to go look for the original lol.

offensive words

one month ago


offensive words

one month ago
Commended by EndMaster on 1/30/2025 10:43:49 AM

Wait not only is MHD gay, she's also black? What the fuck?

And Darius is an actual homosexual?

Why doesn't anyone tell me these things.

offensive words

one month ago

MHD is Caucasian, apparently.

Darius is definitely a homosexual. 

offensive words

one month ago

I knew he was a faggot. I did not know he was a homo.

offensive words

one month ago
I don't think that's true anyway. This is 2025 you savages, a man can draw twinks and enjoy femboy dating sims and write It's a Boy! without being gay.

offensive words

one month ago

I've met actual gay men that act less openly homosexual than Darius. If I'm wrong, and there's a single molecule in his body that isn't flaming faggotry, he's done an amazingly good job at hiding it.

offensive words

one month ago

The faggotry is arguably the least bad part of "It's a boy!"

offensive words

one month ago

Haven't read it yet. I just might now.

EDIT: I read it. What the fuck

offensive words

one month ago

I'm not, but I have been told that I'm the gayest heterosexual person they've seen.

offensive words

one month ago
This thread is the best idea anyone has ever had.

offensive words

one month ago
Lol, fag

offensive words

one month ago

Some of the people here are British. We're talking about cigarettes.

offensive words

one month ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 1/29/2025 4:41:34 AM
Here in the US, if someone told me they just smoked a fag, I'd call the police.

offensive words

one month ago
Are you offended because you are one? Or are you being offended on behalf of one? If so, which one? Or are you offended just because you like being offended?

offensive words

one month ago
Well....he's French....

That's all I'm gonna say.

offensive words

one month ago
Yes, it's juste because I'm French

offensive words

one month ago
Commended by EndMaster on 1/29/2025 11:14:10 PM
It depends on how people communicate. For some people swearing is a natural part of their conversation and they don't mean to be offensive when they use those terms (usually) but it is just how they communicate (I am thinking of a friend, ironically French here, who swears continuously in Chinese, English and French because that's how he talks). For others they don't tend to swear but don't mind if others do (like me). I think you need to think more about intent than content.

Obviously words like "fag" are derogatory but I think most people are unlikely to be offended by them (and Avery's right when she says in the UK they often mean cigarettes). I think you can ignore it unless people combine it with other offensive terms that clearly target a person (for example, "You're a British faggot who can only write derivative fake history crap" in which case the correct response is "Shut up Dad, you don't know me!" - just joking!). Then again it's up to you how you respond.

If it's a comment on a story from a stranger you can safely ignore it. If someone is insulting you in the forums they usually have a reason (for example, you're having a mental breakdown, threatening to leave the site and shit-posting your way through several threads). It's up to you whether they think that the person is out of order or whether they have a point (weirdly enough, people rarely conclude the latter). If the criticism is unjustified you can ignore it. If you think it is justified and you change your behavior because of it then actually it's useful.

Ultimately it's up to you how much attention you pay to profanity and it's effect on you. I think it's a standard part of conversation and always has been (both Chaucer and Shakespeare enjoyed a good cunt joke for example) so if what you read offends you, read something else (i.e. avoid The Lounge and flit about the Reading Corner or focus on the storygames). Some people (for some reason I'm thinking Catholics and Mormons?) probably do find these terms pretty shocking so certain stories (perhaps Grimdark Fantasies?) may not be for them. It's all about yourself and what you're personally happy with.

Hope this helps :)

offensive words

one month ago
Ten years of extreme, some might say inhuman goodwill, and the brony finally broke the infinite niceness generator.

offensive words

one month ago
I have learnt that seven threads of whining are more effective than one really long one :D

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one month ago

I'm not gonna lie Will, I've always thought you were either a serial killer or a bot who achieved sentience.

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one month ago
The two things are not necessarily incompatible :D

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one month ago

The French need to grow tighter skin. If it was as hard and crusty as your baguettes there wouldnt be a problem

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one month ago
Would a soft baguette be called a faguette?

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one month ago

lol, French

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one month ago

Wow, this thread went way better than the one back in 2015.

Truly this site has become a beacon of diversity.

offensive words

one month ago
Doc is a polite and pleasant noob.

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one month ago
He didn't have the necessary shocked, offended, and outraged response needed for a mega thread. No lolcow, no lols. It's very sad.

offensive words

one month ago
Actually I respect your opinion, even if I don’t agree. If I was really upset, I would’ve just left the site.

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one month ago
I was saying you weren't upset :)

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one month ago
Yes, I got it, I was just explaining why I wasn’t

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one month ago
However, sorry for the false hope.

offensive words

one month ago
Well, I hate to tell you, but you've truly joined in this degenerate society when you've reached the point where people can call you a faggot and you just don't care.


Welcome to the site.

offensive words

one month ago
You should go vote in the Thunderdome:

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one month ago
He's already better than Marlfox83.

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one month ago
So glad this thread is now beginning to live up to its potential.

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one month ago

Why is it that the threads started by noobs are the ones that REALLY kick off?

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one month ago

The important thing is that everyone had fun.

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one month ago
Well, it is all about being gay, right?

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one month ago
I think we scared Doc away. :(

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one month ago
Oh no don't worry I'm having fun reading your shit !

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one month ago
special shoutout to Fresh which I’ve learned not to mess with him.

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one month ago
I'm a chick :P

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one month ago
Oh sorry, I think your profile photo confused me

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one month ago
My profile is... also a girl

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one month ago
I'm this close to explaining sarcasm to you

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one month ago
Guess I'm just too used to genuine stupidity.

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one month ago

This is the internet. It's safer to assume you're retarded than it is that you're capable of sarcasm.

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one month ago
This is the internet. A lot of people with female pfps have never even touched a girl.

Although Fresh's isn't really anime enough for those kinds of assumptions.

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one month ago