benholman44, The Dramatist

Member Since


Last Activity

3/27/2025 9:24 PM

EXP Points


Post Count


Storygame Count


Duel Stats

2567 wins / 2651 losses


Marauder of Avon



Credit for my new profile picture goes to the incredible and amazing Fresh! Message her for a commission, you won't regret it!


My goals I set in 2014 were finally met after a decade of hard work and mountains of bullshit. My new goals?

-Win my own personal trophy 

-Win a contest

-Defeat EndMaster in a writing contest of some kind (granted, I'll probably fail at this, but that's what I said about the last three goals)


"Ben's life as far as I can tell has been one of turmoil and strife. He's been mocked, embarrassed by his baby mama who then eventually left him for a tranny. And he had some other issues after that.

But it's all been leading up to this moment. I myself shall usher him into the Gates of CYStia where he shall be Eternal. Awaited and Blessed." -EndMaster

"It's probably the most depraved thing I've read. And no, that's not a compliment." -Mystic, reviewing my story 'Terrorist'

"Don't forget the lighter! ^_^"  -Avery_Moore

"Ben gonna Ben" -EndMaster

"You are a disgrace upon civilization and what it means to be human" -TCat


Site Drama Before Baby Mama: 20

Succubus Expert: 25

Patriot: 50

Dude come on: -100

Gayest user ever award: 100

Worst Ninja Ever: -125

Best Santa Ninja Ever: 150



Third place in Will11's Reading Review competition.

Fifth place in Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest.

Second Place "Most Secretive" award for Mystic_Warrior's Secret Santa Event.

Second Place "Funniest Gift" award for Mystic_Warrior's Secret Santa Event.

Third Place "Funniest Gift" award as Santa's Ninja Helper for Mystic_Warrior's Secret Santa Event.






Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Rated 56.4% of all Stories


Fleeing the Forest

In this story inspired by Watership Down, you play as Hops, a average, run-of-the-mill rabbit forced to flee with the other furry woodland creatures as the Titans destroy your home.

Entry for Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest.

Halloween Fright

A short horror story where you're hazed on Halloween night. While others are trick-or-treating, you're involved in a fight for your life.


Entry for EndMaster's 2024 prompt contest.

Story prompt: A game revolving around carrying out a terrorist attack. There's actually several within this game, the method and motivations varying depending on your playthrough.

Warning: this story, while not explicit in accordance with site rules, does have sections involving murder, SA, incest, bestiality, racial undertones, and societal class discrimination. Essentially you're playing as a sick fuck who's also rich. Also keep in mind that while your protagonist can complete their objectives depending on how you play, there is no 'happy ending,' per se.

Articles Written

How to write despite real life issues
A short guide to creating a great story when life’s got you down.

The Fast and the Furry-ous
How to write a good story centering around an animal protagonist.

Recent Posts

Thunderdome: Valentine's Match on 3/27/2025 4:48:08 PM

Congratulations Fresh!

Interesting comments 10 on 3/27/2025 4:45:17 PM

I'm guessing Pengbeng is a COGite

CYS Monthly Gazette - 10 March 2025 on 3/12/2025 5:57:59 AM

I looked up FlopTok. It's retarded enough that I now hope we all die in nuclear hellfire.

Interesting comments 10 on 2/27/2025 12:18:15 PM

lol, fags

Return of the Bling on 2/24/2025 1:19:24 AM

You're fine dude. Nothing wrong with trying to help noobs. 

I'm actually surprised that I wasn't more rude towards him. Then again, between Fresh's through thrashing and the fact that he's apparently still affected over something that happened two months ago, I'd say it was unnecessary for me to do so this time.

Return of the Bling on 2/23/2025 7:23:03 PM

There were parts of the thread that were lost to time. End references this in the CYS History thread I think 

Return of the Bling on 2/23/2025 6:44:57 PM

I forget. It was during the baby's momma incident. I've looked for it before but it's unfortunately part of the "lost archives."

By the way, am I crazy or do people somehow get more brutal after you adopt them? Is there some kind of noob-slaying training regimen you put them through?

Return of the Bling on 2/23/2025 6:37:59 PM

Yeah? Have you seen the forums? I've been told to kill myself, hang myself, drink bleach, get a sex change so I can't reproduce, etc. I still never whined this much.

Like everyone here keeps telling you, the best thing to do is back off the forums, go contribute to the site with some feedback on a few stories, and chill.

Return of the Bling on 2/23/2025 6:36:04 PM

We didn't get banned cause we knew when to stop and didn't make a bunch of alts.

Return of the Bling on 2/23/2025 4:53:52 PM

Bit of additional advice: when leaving a comment, make sure it's relevant. Even something as short as "good story" is a lot better than some of the bilge we see.

For reference on comments you don't wanna leave, please refer to the Interesting Comments section of the forums