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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Commended by Ford on 9/16/2023 7:14:34 AM

To put it simply, I fucked up. We have established that I know not when to stop speaking nor how to navigate a social environment. However, if there is one thing I've learned, it is that crossing EndMaster only ends in damnation. Thus I had to try. If only for a brief moment.

Now, here in damnation, I must sit and think of all I can do to improve. I have no reputation to speak of or good will on your end, but I must try to plead for a second chance. In many ways, I have failed but I refuse to allow my curiosity to be the end of me. Not yet. So instead, I am going to attempt something that has never worked for me before.

Please, forgive me for my digressions. I have learned from my mistakes and will take into account all that has happened. There is little more I can say and my groveling has gone on long enough. I may have more to offer, I swear. Just one more chance.

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Why do you guys only do this while I'm at work

Begging for Life

10 months ago

I was at work too. Just have to utilize those breaks efficiently.

All the groveling in the world isn't going to help Suranna and she better hope she doesn't end up like BriceBitch with his meowing shit on story comments. He's gone.

And Captain Cool, you're next if you keep fucking bothering me with questions.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Jeez, you coulda just told me to stop asking, ya wannabe grim reaper.

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Oh, this one is retarded.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Oh, hi! Have we met? I don't card who you are so feel free to zip it

Begging for Life

10 months ago

You don't card? 

Do you only take cash like your mom?

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Nah, I take checks too!

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Ah, I see.

The next generation should improve or do things differently than the previous one after all.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Hmmm, maybe I was too hasty in my thinking of you as an enemy of all Coolness...

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Nah. I'm an enemy.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
My enemy? Or a universal one?

Begging for Life

10 months ago


Begging for Life

10 months ago
How do you just say yes? It was a freaking question. For some reason, I'm gonna say a universal one.

Begging for Life

10 months ago

She's both your enemy and a universal one. ^_^

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Wrong reaction.


Begging for Life

10 months ago
Ahem. What CaptainCool meant to say was sorry for asking you questions… now can you please unban Captain’sOG account? Please?

Begging for Life

10 months ago
If you want the account unbanned, all you have to do is tag EndMaster three times with @ before his username (e.g. @Lux_Inferni).

Begging for Life

10 months ago
I'll give it back if you win a contest

Begging for Life

10 months ago
You being fr bro?

Begging for Life

10 months ago
I was until you said "fr bro" and now you disgust me immensely and you deserve to be banned

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Yo, chillax homie! You actin' wicked sus bruv. Trippin' to the max while I'm chillin' like a villain. Take a page outta Captain Cool's guide to cool and quit being an ultra mega cringelord.

Peace out! ^_^

Begging for Life

10 months ago
something seems different about you...did you recently pick up the use of that ^_^ emoji? It doesn't really fit your normal post tone.

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Fo shizzle my nizzle ^_^

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Petros is a bad influence.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Whoa, whoa, whoa. I can enjoy Kraft singles, Willie Nelson, and NASCAR just as much as the next guy

Begging for Life

10 months ago
I like this human.

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Human? o.o

Begging for Life

10 months ago

We like her too

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Wait, if you're fresh out the oven, does that mean you're always hot?

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Commended by EndMaster on 9/19/2023 6:46:41 PM

Kids aren't allowed to flirt here with each other here.

This isn't a Kiel pajama party.

Begging for Life

10 months ago

She's too good for him anyway.

Begging for Life

10 months ago

A compliment! I'm honored

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Uhhh what's a pajama party? Is that a friend activity because if so, there's a reason I'm confused

Begging for Life

10 months ago
And I thought I was socially retarded...

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Commended by TharaApples on 9/19/2023 5:09:21 PM

It's where a bunch of underage kids all get together and have half naked pillow fights while Kiel watches on with a newspaper on his lap and his hands move around a lot under the newspaper for some reason... I think he secretly bought his Nintendo Switch to the party and is trying to keep it secret so the kids don't want to share. ^_^

Begging for Life

10 months ago

A great post, Briar.

Yes. I'm dead-naming you.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Ah, understood,...somewhat

Begging for Life

10 months ago
I wonder why the surgeons agreed to help her do this.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Commended by TharaApples on 9/24/2023 3:37:19 PM
Actually I guess I always imagined it went down like, Kiel busts into an emergency room holding aloft an Oscar Meter wiener and just blurts out, "I need this grafted onto me, the trio of mythological dog men who live inside my head will force me to kill myself if I don't meet their new grooming quotas!"

And then he and the doctor shared the secret IFag crotch bump (which incidentally can only be performed by individuals with no testicles), and the rest is history.

And the doctor, his name was Sethaniel.

Begging for Life

10 months ago

This is now canon.

Except he just met Seth in his dining room who had a copy of Grey's Anatomy on the table to help him perform the procedure.

(A DVD set of the show, not the actual medical book)

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Was that a pickup line? What are you, ten?

Besides, didn't I just say I liked Avery? ^_^

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Besides, you should never pickup anything fresh from the oven. You'll burn your fingers. ^_^

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Twas a question. I just wanted to see if your head was always on fire like Sweet Tooth

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Oh, well in that case then yes

Begging for Life

10 months ago

Begging for Life

10 months ago
I'll give it back if he wins a contest. I'll also ban all other entrants.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Gettiñg my stuff and destroying others hard work. That's just evil...I love it!

Begging for Life

10 months ago

That explains a lot, he's now bothering me with questions and not even with high quality ones. I'd say that even Enter's most generic ones triumphs his in quality.

-So it was really about Suranna not completing her mermaid fanfic before the deadline? Isn't the punishment a little too severe for a kid?

Begging for Life

10 months ago

As amusing as it is, I'll spare you the confusion. It's nothing to do with the contest lol. Look for the cursed picture in this thread: link

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Bro my writing questions are of the utmost quality what kind of bad shit are you on right now?

Begging for Life

10 months ago

It's a compliment, take it.

Edit: whoever banned captaincool, I thank you for your efforts and for sparing me the trouble of reading through his work.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Even a vage hint at any of my questions being generic when they're all hand crafted to perfection wounds me to my core

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Jeez, that’s mean. I was trying my best…

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Dude, don't admit that. You gotta save face a little

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Ah, right...

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Commended by EndMaster on 9/16/2023 7:01:29 PM

No mercy! Burn the witch! ^_^

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Resurrecting the funny meme alone will not save you. I do have ultimate control over server invites and sometimes veto terrible yet deserved judgements, but you are in the unfortunate position of being even lazier than Ford and Ace right now. (But not lazier than Dark if it makes you feel any better.)

Go finish Lakeview now that you've experienced some REAL wrath of the mods and think about what you've done.

And feed your poor dragons, you heartless monster.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
And in the meantime I think you should try to work through your complex feelings by drawing a disgruntled little gnomish man with yellow boots. No reason, just an image that came to mind! But he might be examining a bean with a magnifying glass, just as a random idea.

Begging for Life

10 months ago
Commended by mizal on 9/17/2023 8:08:28 AM

Ha ha, so weird. Just had the sudden urge to draw exactly that! ha ha

One not-so disgruntled gnome man with yellow boots

Optional simple version

Begging for Life

10 months ago

You do good art. ^_^

But you also turned me into a newt, so... Burn the witch! ^_^

Begging for Life

10 months ago

That's tough, pal.