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Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Or the equivalent. Kinda weird that school was suspended two Fridays in a row here.

(trying to start talking/posting in the forums, delete this if it's a low-effort post or the like)

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago
How did you get suspended two Fridays in a row, you criminal and reprobate

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Some people never learn.

After getting suspended the first friday, shoulda just skipped the second.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago
What a strange person.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago
you really thought about this for three days?

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Not that I recall.  I think there was a year or two in middle school where a planned in-service day for the teachers lining up with holiday or something that gave us either two long weekends in a row.  Usually that was arranged to give us one four day weekend vs. two three days though.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

If such a thing ever happened, I couldn't recall my school schedule well enough to tell you.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

I was in grad school by that time so no.

There was a bomb threat on campus though on the day of 9/11, but I was already done with classes and going home anyway.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Oh, I didn't even think this was a 9/11 thing.  I was working when 9/11 happened. We were in the office, but everyone just sat around watching the TV in the break room and listening to news on the radios.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago
I also didnt think this was about 9/11, I thought it was some british kid writing the date in the wrong order and saying they got no school on 9/1 and 9/8 in the last two weeks. This thread is weird and OP is retarded either way.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Yeah I had a bout of dyslexia or some shit and read the numbers backwards or some shit.

Anyway, yeah let's go with what your last sentence says.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago
Commended by Ford on 9/14/2023 6:11:38 AM

Nah it's not about 11/9, and ye I'm not british but I'm retarded 

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

You should make an alt called RetardedPancake. 

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago
My assumption was also what they were European aka retarded, it was the only way I could parse anything about that date since I know all the other countries do it backwards and wrong. They should be embarrassed.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

The important thing is he admitted to being retarded.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

I would rather admit that I'm retarded and get commended than screaming 'oMg yOu gUyS aRe sO mEaN aNd i"M a GiRl sO uSe tHe RiGhT pRonOuNs'

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago
Well now you went and did both. Great job

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Wow.  He thinks this is being mean.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Nah that's how things are here lol 

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Hi End is your pfp supposed to be a grim reaper or something

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Sure let's go with that.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

I always thought he was based off that one ghoul from Lord of Shadow Keep.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Potentially one of many classic hooded faceless figure influences, though not the oldest one. That would be the phantom from the old C64 game Forbidden Forest (With skeleton minions)


Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

But... But I always thought...

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

If you wanted his attention you shoulda tagged him, that's how it's done around here

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago
Commended by Ford on 9/16/2023 7:15:49 AM

Guess it's time to pull this out 

A person with cat ears and paws

Description automatically generated

He's actually a cat. meOW!

(Yes, End 100% consented to this being drawn. He was even the one who requested it.)

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

So you've chosen death.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Damn. I knew it was too early to pull that out.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

It's treason then.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

I can't believe it. School was just suspended the third time due to a bad rainstorm. But our school decided to make us have online lessons lol.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Rain? You cancel for rain? Where do you live, California???

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

Once my school canceled for snow and then it didn't snow.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

My school cancels when it legally required to and not a second before

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

My university classes are constantly cancelled because of strikes. Some teachers wouldn't even tell us which classes will be cancelled beforehand, so that it inconveniences students and forces the government to give lecturers better pay or something like that.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

That's interesting, and frustrating. Y'all are paying for those classes (well, if you live in America). At the very least, the teachers are wasting your time. Their cause is valid, but the situation is less than preferable

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

It's the UK, where everyone strikes from buses to hospital staff. But yeah, it's super annoying since we've paid for those classes, although some of the nicer lecturers would email us about which sessions would be affected by the strikes.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago
I was in class as a kid when 9/11 happened, while living in Long Island with most kids’ parents working in the city.

School was not cancelled that day or after.

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago

I love how 1/9 somehow got translated to 9/11 ^_^

Was school ever suspended on 1/9 for you?

10 months ago
I think the fact the thread didn't make any sense turned it into one of those Rorshach tests where our brains had to overlay their own meaning. And everyone had 9/11 on the mind given Miss Hatter moved the contest deadline to then to celebrate.