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Happy Valentine's Day!

22 days ago
What are your plans for the day?

Anyone doing anything fun? Any special plans?

As for me, I didn't do anything, but I did have a great sandwich so that was my Valentine's Day. And it wasn't just any sandwich it was a toasted tomato caprese sandwich with pesto. Please share, and if you didn't do anything special on Valentine's Day like me, at least post a sandwich that rivals the one I had.

Happy Valentine's Day!

22 days ago

I had some lobster mac and cheese for lunch.

Happy Valentine's Day!

22 days ago
Nice, sounds delicious!

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 days ago
I sat back as the all powerful DM and watched with absolute glee while a big retard, a gullible chef, a frail forest waif, a farmer boy, and a smug fence (not to be confused with a rusty gate!) tried to solve a mystery on a cruiseliner they're almost all wholly unfit for. Felt great.

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 days ago
That sounds really fun! Did they solve the mystery at the end?

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 days ago
It'll need a couple more sessions.

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago
That makes sense. I'm not too familiar with how DnD works. I thought it would be a one and done thing, but this sounds way more fun.

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago
I was the smug fence :P
(jk, RK, I was the waif)

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 days ago
Cupid cursed me with a crush, so I've been coming up with a convoluted scheme to see if he's single and a good hugger. I also have an obligatory sandwich to rival your own.

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 days ago
Have you considered going over to him and asking if he's single?

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago
In all honesty, I don't really feel good about outright asking if someone is single; it would feel offputting to me if someone asked me that without even really knowing me too well, but I get weird about things. I'm planning on asking him about his weekend if I get a chance to talk to him this week to see if he says anything about Valentine's Day this time or casually slips a girlfriend into the conversation. It's bound to happen eventually. I wish it was as easy going over to him as well. There's only one tech I can rely on to show up somewhat regularly to "fix" the machine that always pisses everyone running it off, and he pissed me off last week. Anyway, this guy is elusive. He's always running around from line to line working on things when I notice him, and when it's time to clock out I'm lucky to catch a glimpse of him.

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 days ago

I doubt you need a convoluted scheme here. This is a guy we're talking about, and he's unlikely to back away from you if you go in for a hug unless there's something severely wrong. ( And I trust you're a very clean person so you should be fine.)

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago
The convolution in this scheme is figuring out how to break machines without looking like it's intentional until I get the right tech. Then I take a chance on summoning Pretty Boy (derogatory) who's more interested in chasing tail (said tail isn't on our line, so he isn't really interested in working on anything). I don't think I could hug someone without asking or being offered one first, and I'd have to feel pretty down to even ask. But I still probably wouldn't ask if it was the only thing that could save my life. Luckily, I'm paranoid about body odor and poor hygiene drives me insane.

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago
Or you could just ask the guy if he wants to get ice cream sometime

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago

Did you try chatting with him and getting to know him like a regular person. Might want to stow the convoluted schemes for now lol

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago
Just don't lose your job over a nice butt

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago
Everyone here is right, ask him out. most guys would love being asked out by a girl, it really takes the pressure of us. And for the small percentage of men who find that "emasculating", they're probably not worth it anyway.

Maybe just go to his office or something during a lunch break. You did say that it's hard to find him since he's always popping between machines, so it might be tricky, but once you do ask him out on a low-pressure date like ice cream or something. There's no way someone would say no to an ice cream date, right? And that shows you're sweet!

I don't have much experience with this(perpetually single college student), but I'd still say to go for it. Best of luck, hope it works out!

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago
Just don't lose your job over a nice butt
No worries there. There isn't any man worth this job: less than ten minutes away, I get paid enough to survive without needing a second source of income, and I'm planning on getting hired on when my 90 days are up. If this was absolutely horrible, I probably would give in to impulse because that man is fine.
Or you could just ask the guy if he wants to get ice cream sometime
"Hey, you wanna go to the grocery store sometime and get ice cream with me?" Unless he knows a good place, this is the only option for good, fancy ice cream for the same price or less than the ice cream parlors around me. And that's for a pint instead of just a few scoops. There are a couple of cafes I'd like to try though, and I love a good coffee and cinnamon roll.
Did you try chatting with him and getting to know him like a regular person. Might want to stow the convoluted schemes for now lol
Lol, that's what I've been doing when I have the opportunity. I have had a few chances to talk to him already, and smiled and acknowledged him when I couldn't stop to talk to him one time. I do actually want to talk to him more before I ask if he wants to grab a coffee or something sometime. It's always seemed weird to me to straight up ask someone out without kind of getting to know them first, but that's just me.
Everyone here is right, ask him out. ...
How dare you imply that can't show someone that I'm sweet through verbal communication! In all seriousness though, I am a lot more gentle irl than I let on, on here. What I refer to as the tech den is always empty whenever I walk by, probably because all of the techs are having to work on something because we don't have any engineers to actually fix engineering issues. Don't think I'm technically allowed to be in there anyway. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would feel easily emasculated. At least I hope he's secure in his masculinity; as far as personality goes, there isn't much that's more attractive than that. Edit: According to my coworker my face gets red when I talk to him. Fml.

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago
Down bad

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago
Don't stress it too much. The male brain definitely finds a red faced girl cute instead of weird

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 days ago
We drove/rode 17 hours from the Port of Palm Bay back to central Kentucky.

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 days ago
Nice! that must have been a fun trip!

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 days ago
The drive was tolerable, but the wedding we went to in FL and the cruise we took after were really good.

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 days ago

Went for oysters with my gf and then [REDACTED BY MINISTRY OF PUBLIC MORALITY]

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 days ago
sounds delicious! the oysters, I mean.

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago

This year I learned that single college girls are especially crazy on Valentine's Day. I spent a lot of time in a penthouse, and I was actually sober the whole night, which only made the events more fun.

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago

I went to the dollar store and spent $3 on a candle and some dollar bath bombs to give to my ex since Valentine's Day was literally a day before the one year anniversary of her grandmother's death. We ended up having sex, and I got banned from coming back again by her mom who heard us (for the record, my ex is 38, and is on the lease, so kinda dumb af). 

Other than that, I binge-watched horror movies (Scream 5 and 6, Terrifier) and wrote a lil bit. Found out my most recent ex  (not the one mentioned above) who still has my deceased father's stuff was looking forward to her first Valentine's Day with her new boyfriend, ended up coming down with COVID along with her bf and kids, so got a bit of an lol out of that. 

Considering she had to be hospitalized and almost died the first two times she had it, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for round 3 being the charm.


Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago
Damn, your day was really eventful compared to mine lol. Also, it sucks that your ex didn't give you back your deceased dad's stuff.

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago
I ate a lot of sausage.

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago
Way too much information

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago

I spent time with friends and family. My younger cousin had bought a bunch of Valentines snacks that were on sale and we celebrated by eating them. I also talked with some of my friends and we had a good time, even though a lot of them had to leave to go on dates and stuff.

And then I slept.

So it was pretty much a slightly enhanced normal day. Can't complain.

Happy Valentine's Day!

20 days ago

Spent the actual day treating myself to dinner and the weekend working college parties. Those were fine, but it was cold, and my hands were practically freezing off. Not bad I think, but I would have preferred actually partying to having to run one, LOL.

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago

I spent Valentines Day killing old people with farts. Ogre would be proud. 

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago

Got a fancy apartment for the day, banged our brains out, went to dinner, then went back and banged our brains out more while watching infinity war. Then banged some more in the morning of the 15th and went to protests afterwards.

All in all I'd say it was nice.

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago

What do you Serbians protest?

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago

Maybe it's this?

Kitty WOW!

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago

So Serbia is China's butt buddy now. Honestly considering what happens to countries who decline (Ukraine) I'm not altogether surprised.

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago

That would indeed be it, End.

And also the dude is just a cunt in general. I'd gladly take some inspiration from the dutch and just chop him up into pieces for people to eat.

Happy Valentine's Day!

18 days ago
Well since no one else is going to say the obvious: These are some pretty harsh things to say about your Valentine's date, damn.

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago
is legal in Serbia

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago

Since there's no mention of any gender for your sex buddy, I suppose it's safe to assume that they are male?

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago
Let's not be so judgmental, I'm sure they were only assigned that way at birth.

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago

How did you know? They were sure they pass :(

Happy Valentine's Day!

13 days ago

What do you mean "assigned that way at birth"? Do you believe in soulmates and twin flames too? (I have a friend who deeply believes in twin flames, but is still trying to find her's) 

Happy Valentine's Day!

13 days ago
I don't know about the rest of that but I sure believe in the power of autism.

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago
I didn't know you found Thanos so erotic.

Happy Valentine's Day!

19 days ago

Nothing gets me going like melanin rich individuals getting murdered by aliens.

Happy Valentine's Day!

13 days ago

True, true (hear-hear)