The best (and easiest) way to do it would be to make individual links for them. So first, create the three items, set them to appear on that certain page, then create three options as such:
> Take cheeseburger.
> Take hotdog.
> Take pizza slice.
In the editor, there will be a few tools to the left of each link. Click the stop sign! With this tool, you can make it so this link requires a certain item or variable (or it requires to not have these certain items or variables!) to be clickable. Let's say we're editing the cheeseburger option.
Click on "Item Restrictions" and make sure the cheeseburger is switched to "Has" and the hotdog and pizza slice are switched to "Not Has". Save it! Then make sure to do the same for the rest of the options, their selected food with the "Has" and the other foods with the "Not Has". You can also go to "Link Restrictions" and click the "visible when inactive" option so you can still see the other options but even if they're not clickable!
Now when you test your game, you'll see that when you pick up the cheeseburger, the option > Take cheeseburger. is now clickable, but the other options are not! If you pick up the pizza and cheeseburger, no options are clickable!
There are other ways to do it, but personally, this one is the easiest to do.