After finishing work on The Curse of Norgurune, I have started working on a game called A World Destroyed (the name might change, as I don't really like that one very much). It is about a zombie apocalypse. You make choices to try and survive with your family and anyone who joins your group. I am currently planning on making eight major branches, with multiple choices in each. It takes place in the town of Twin Rivers, Washington, which is split in the middle by the Greywash River. The Greywash Bridge at the center of town is the only way (other than by boat) in which it can be crossed.
I am going to try to make a lot of choices, and this may take a long time to complete. I currently have only started two branches.
So, does anybody have suggestions on what they would like to see in a zombie apocalypse storygame?
EDIT: Does anyone want to be a co-author? I don't think I will finish this on my own, I usually give up on storygames after a while.