I just finished it, so I thought now would be a good time to resurrect this thread. I thought it started fairly shit, but it got better. I kind of missed all the supernatural shit, as so far this is the one most lacking in it. (Except Roanoake, maybe? Skipped it). I really liked Evan Peters, especially when he's playing all the various cult leaders like Manson, Jones and a few others.
The finale was shit, though. It made literally no sense. I don't know why we were supposed to support the the lesbian, the black chick and the sister towards the end given that they had all brutally tortured innocent people under Kai in horrific ways. This was especially the case with black chick, who I thought was going to turn out to be stronger and more evil than Kai, until she was broken, at which point, I guess we were supposed to sympathize. You shouldn't have. Then it acted like her getting better and ending happy was a good thing, which was boring.
Anyhow, the main thing that annoyed me was Kai. His cool preggo massacre idea was stopped, but then it flash-forwarded, and in the end, he stormed the place where Lesbian was running for office with his armed goons and a fatter black chick. Unfortunately, fatter black chick betrayed him, and took the ammo from his gun. Which, somehow he didn't notice. And then, when it doesn't fire, he just kind of gives up immediately. Did he not realize he had a bunch of armed goons with him? Like, they were there, I saw them. But apparently, as he had no ammo in his particular gun, he lost.
Then, black chick pulled out a gun, which somehow she managed to get into a senatorial debate without anyone noticing, and managed to draw and fire without Kai's goons, who were all focused on the stage, stopping him. Then when Kai's dead, they just kind of... well, it cuts off, but I assume they go home.
And that's it. I guess Lesbian becomes a senator because girl power, but ooh, spooky, she has a hood and it's implied she's... I just don't know. Started a cult? I don't know, it was a huge let done. I wanted Kai's end to be something big and cool, a Jonestown type suicide or Waco type stand off, but apparently, it falls apart for a meek confrontation with a nonsense ending.