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American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago

Not sure if anyone still watches (or ever watched) this show but I laughed so damn hard at the first 10 seconds to the trailer of it.

(The comment section is a fucking warzone just from those 10 seconds, but that’s normal for Youtube)

In any case, I’m sure the season is probably going be on a scale between "mediocre" to " complete shit" with maybe a few shining moments due to murder clowns being in it.

So an average AHS season.

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago

Don't hope the show will do what so many shows have done before them, and prioritise quantity over quality. With the last season being rather disappointing, I had hoped they would end the show there. 

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago
Really? I liked the last season, I felt like it mindfucked me a couple times which is refreshing considering most of the other shit on TV.

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago

The main thing Roanoke had going for it was it actually focused mainly on a single plotline rather than going in 50 different directions which is usually the main problem with the show.

They do a scattershot of ideas they think are "cool" and hope one of them actually works. This approach might be better if they had a lot more episodes per season (Like say 22 or so), but they just don't have time to explore half the ideas and so most of them just end abruptly and unsatisfactory.

In any case as long as this season isn't as shitty as Coven it's still a step up. (Christ, that was an awful fucking season)

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago
But coven had such female empowerment! Cool witches and girl power! Teen drama! Honestly the best part of it was the girl who killed anyone she had sex with. That's kind of a cool power.

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago

Actually, I thought the last season had too much going on at once, but maybe it gave that impression because it was too short to cover the whole plot. I did however enjoy Coven. It was refreshing, to say the least. 

Still think American horror story is a great show, although it have had its ups and downs. (Even if that is totally based on the different point of views from the viewers. It's like art. One think that, another think this.)

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago

I think I want to try this show now.  

This is supposed to be a comedy, correct? The guy suddenly thrusting at the television made me laugh a bit too hard.

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago

Technically it's supposed to be all horror, but they sort of abandoned that attempt by the third season, so it's usually a mix of comedy and horror.

I think this season is supposed to have some satire of the 2016 election such as them showing how the liberals were all freaking out and crying when Trump won, while the other side was overly happy.

Though the guy humping the TV in the trailer probably isn't so much of a conservative/republican, so much as he's a trolling psycho that's ready to take advantage of people's fear and chaos due to Trump winning.

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago

Hmm, that does sound quite interesting, and so was the trailer. 

Would you recommend watching it? 

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago

I haven’t seen this season yet, but the show itself is probably worth trying out if you’re into the genre. Some of the seasons are better than others of course.

My personal preference from best to worst:

1. Asylum (Season 2)
2. Freakshow (Season 4)
3. Murderhouse (Season 1)
4. Hotel (Season 5)
5. Roanoke (Season 6)




6. Coven (Season 3)

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago

I just finished it, so I thought now would be a good time to resurrect this thread. I thought it started fairly shit, but it got better. I kind of missed all the supernatural shit, as so far this is the one most lacking in it. (Except Roanoake, maybe? Skipped it). I really liked Evan Peters, especially when he's playing all the various cult leaders like Manson, Jones and a few others.

The finale was shit, though. It made literally no sense. I don't know why we were supposed to support the the lesbian, the black chick and the sister towards the end given that they had all brutally tortured innocent people under Kai in horrific ways. This was especially the case with black chick, who I thought was going to turn out to be stronger and more evil than Kai, until she was broken, at which point, I guess we were supposed to sympathize. You shouldn't have. Then it acted like her getting better and ending happy was a good thing, which was boring.

Anyhow, the main thing that annoyed me was Kai. His cool preggo massacre idea was stopped, but then it flash-forwarded, and in the end, he stormed the place where Lesbian was running for office with his armed goons and a fatter black chick. Unfortunately, fatter black chick betrayed him, and took the ammo from his gun. Which, somehow he didn't notice. And then, when it doesn't fire, he just kind of gives up immediately. Did he not realize he had a bunch of armed goons with him? Like, they were there, I saw them. But apparently, as he had no ammo in his particular gun, he lost.

Then, black chick pulled out a gun, which somehow she managed to get into a senatorial debate without anyone noticing, and managed to draw and fire without Kai's goons, who were all focused on the stage, stopping him. Then when Kai's dead, they just kind of... well, it cuts off, but I assume they go home.

And that's it. I guess Lesbian becomes a senator because girl power, but ooh, spooky, she has a hood and it's implied she's... I just don't know. Started a cult? I don't know, it was a huge let done. I wanted Kai's end to be something big and cool, a Jonestown type suicide or Waco type stand off, but apparently, it falls apart for a meek confrontation with a nonsense ending.

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago

Yeah, I didn't get why one of the other thugs he had at the debate didn't just shoot her. In fact, I sort of figured they were just going to start mowing people down in the audience.

I thought the hood thing might imply the lesbian senator was going to have ties to the witches coven from season 3 since she did say she was connected to a small group of powerful women.

American Horror Story: Cult

7 years ago

I didn't think about the witch thing. I mean, it'd raise so many, many more questions than it answers, but it'd be... something, I guess?