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To Hell and Back

18 years ago

You are a fallen angel. Banished from heaven. Damned to Hell. But you escaped. You are now in the world of the living. Planet Earth. What you do here is your choice. Will you use your power to protect the innocent by striking fear into the heart of the sinner? Or will you use it to get the one thing youv'e always wanted, but never had... and that is life.

Coming soon...

To Hell and Back

18 years ago

What do you think?


To Hell and Back

18 years ago
Seems like an okay idea, although you'll need to include a lot more storyline and the such.

To Hell and Back

18 years ago

Yeah, that's just the summary.


To Hell and Back

18 years ago
Hey isn't this the guy whi Predicted to either not finish or not have a good zombie game series?/Game?

To Hell and Back

18 years ago

...I think your prediction about Dead End will be wrong, all my friends have LOVED it so far.


To Hell and Back

18 years ago
I think this has great potential, like Mommy. make it with an advanced score, traits, etc... and loads of different endings, You'll have yourself a masterpiece.

To Hell and Back

18 years ago

DV13 :D We shall see.

To Hell and Back

18 years ago
Yes we shall...Bwaahahahahaha!

To Hell and Back

18 years ago
But I think we both know that I am 100% and wont be losing that any time soon.

To Hell and Back

18 years ago
Losing what?

To Hell and Back

18 years ago
my 100%

To Hell and Back

18 years ago

oh. yeah.


To Hell and Back

18 years ago

To Hell and Back

18 years ago

This reminds of a book by Eoin Colfer, something about heaven and hell, and how this girl committed so many "wrongs" however just before she dies, she saves some dudes life, so she has equal wrongs and rights or somethign, so she is given a chance to make things right and go to heaven, but then there is this dude stopping her and what not, its a really good book! lol sorry that was offtopic, i think this is a great idea!

To Hell and Back

18 years ago

What was it called? Sounds interesting.


To Hell and Back

18 years ago

The wishlist


To Hell and Back

18 years ago
OMG YES!1!!!! thank you jjj, thats the one!

To Hell and Back

18 years ago
Colfer Kicks But!

To Hell and Back

18 years ago, every topic goes off-topic.


To Hell and Back

18 years ago
Since it was basically you who started it I didbnt move it.

To Hell and Back

18 years ago

Any other opionins?


To Hell and Back

18 years ago

Oh, wow I spelled my name...How the hell does someone spell their name wrong?


To Hell and Back

18 years ago


Remember its only a typo.  ITs not like you dont know how to spell your own name.. Right?

To Hell and Back

18 years ago

Umm...I just remembered my name is spelled reiley...Just Kidding!


To Hell and Back

18 years ago
That would scare me.

To Hell and Back

18 years ago
Don't worry, you don't to be scared.

To Hell and Back

18 years ago

I meant to say you don't NEED to be scared.

And I also meant to put Riley. Jeez, we were actually TALKING about the freakin name and I still forgot to put it.


To Hell and Back

18 years ago
Dont get riled up now.

To Hell and Back

18 years ago
I'm doing something similar to that (oddly) I got killed,got to heaven,sent to hell, escaped, ended up in purgatory made a difference and I can't say where I finally end

To Hell and Back

18 years ago
That sounds very cliche to me.

To Hell and Back

17 years ago
by that you mean..................

To Hell and Back

17 years ago

Cliche means it's been used a lot.


To Hell and Back

17 years ago

To Hell and Back

17 years ago

...yay what?


To Hell and Back

17 years ago

"All we caught was this 'Tin can, boot and this book of cliches'." - Family Guy

A lot of horror movies seem cliched to me.

To Hell and Back

17 years ago
You could make a it a tricky storyline and make it that the fallen angel is actually Satan (who in some religions is a fallen angel).

To Hell and Back

17 years ago

Well, all devils, according to the Bible, are fallen angels.  A literal reading supports that:

1.) Lucifer (now known as Satan or the Devil), chiefest of angels, sought to be greater than the God who created him and all else that is,

2.) He revolted against God; a third of the angels supported him, and all of these were cast out of heaven,

3.) Like angels, devils have no physical form, and are present on the earth right now (with a possible exception in a particular group, according to some theological interpretations of Genesis, chapter six).

4.) After the future Battle of Armageddon, Satan will be cast into a bottomless pit where he can no longer tempt or influence any of the human race, during a future period of history known as the Milennial Reign--a thousand years of peace on the earth after a seven year period in which God will pour out his wrath on mankind and a figure known as the Antichrist will commit abominable crimes against God and humanity.  After the Millennium, Satan will be cast into the Lake of Fire with all those who reject Christ.

All, of course, based on a literal, fundamentalist interpretation of both Old and New Testament prophecy.  Obviously I don't think the subject of demonology is to be taken lightly.  Also obviously, I cannot tell anyone here what to believe on any of these issues--I can only tell you what the Bible says and what I believe.  But if you're curious about either of these things, I will gladly explain them in detail in a private message.

To Hell and Back

17 years ago
There are a few theories on that. Some people say that Satan is the one and only Devil. Others say that the Devil used to be one but was broken into three (Satan, Lucifer and Beezlebub). And of course, others say he was a fallen angel.

And about three: I never knew that. That's very smart, not having any real form. How would angels find the body to support a winged human though, if they are taking the form of something else?

To Hell and Back

17 years ago

How did we get on the subject of "what the Bible says about Satan"?

Anyway, there's also the consideration of Hell as a physical location, supernatural plane of existence, or metaphysical state of being separated from God.

To Hell and Back

17 years ago

Those are good points, but remember that I am only speaking for literal interpretation of the Bible.  I don't have the time to list all the etymological technicalities, but "Satan" is really a phonetic recovery of the original Hebrew and Aramaic forms of "devil", though that name, of course, refers to the devil rather than a devil.  "Lucifer" was used extensively by the apostle Paul, and is also the name used in what I take to be an account of the fall of the Devil (also desribing the fate of a wicked Assyrian king) in Isaiah 12:

 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?  All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house. But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet." (verses 12-19)

"Beelzebub" has its origin in a Hebrew parody of the proper name for the Philistine god "Baal-zebub" ("Lord of the fly") worshipped at a place called Ekron according to one Old Testament account.  This and other facts I don't really have time to list seem to support the idea that the three are simply different names for the same person. 

On your second question, angels can (and according to biblical accounts, have) taken on forms.  Gabriel and Michael (the two angels other than Lucifer who are mentioned by name in the Bible) are both mentioned as being seen by members of the human race.  By the bye, these forms are always masculine, contrary to popular belief.  However the only angels I can think of now (though there may be other examples that don't come to mind right now) to be described as winged and humanoid are the seraphims in the book of Ezekiel, and the two images of cherubims with outstretched wings covering the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant. 

I don't have time to get into detail (nor would anyone else on the forums care for me to do so, I think), but if you would like to continue this discussion through personal messages, I'll be online again tomorrow.

To Hell and Back

17 years ago

Hey...I just asked what you thought about my game...Not if it's biblicly correct. (yeah, that's probably spelled wrong)


To Hell and Back

17 years ago

That's kind of what I meant in my post.

Could be great- depends on the writing.  Your games are usually pretty good.

To Hell and Back

17 years ago



To Hell and Back

17 years ago

Sorry, Vader. I did get a bit carried away there.  This story has the potential to be very good.  As long as everyone keeps in mind that, you know, it's only a story.

To Hell and Back

17 years ago

Yeah, I don't think some kind of religious cult will form because of my story that believes every word of it is true. lol.


To Hell and Back

17 years ago
Well, you never know....  [scratches scalp in contemplation] 

To Hell and Back

17 years ago

To Hell and Back

17 years ago

so, are you working on this story?


To Hell and Back

17 years ago



To Hell and Back

17 years ago

i want a full report on my desk by monday Mr. Vader.


To Hell and Back

17 years ago

ROFL! I'm mainly working on Dead end right now.
