In case you need more instructions, this is what to stick in your page script:
$PAGETEXT := $PAGETEXT + "<br><br>" + "<img src='/i/?5984 ' style='float:right;margin:5px'>"
The number after the question mark must be the ID number of your picture. Ie, replace ?5984 with your own picture's number. To find out it's number, go to MY PICTURES, left click on an image, and the picture will open in a new window. Look at your internet address bar, and instead of a web page showing, there should be a question mark and a number. That's the number you need.
To change whether it is on the right, in the middle, or at the top of the text, change the word after 'float:' in the script. To see what options you can use for aligning the picture, add a picture to a page the normal way, right click on it in the page editor, and select IMAGE PROPERTIES. There's a drop-down box called Align in the bottom left, with the different options you can use. Just insert the word you want into the script I typed above, after the word 'float:' to make the picture display that way in your script.
That script above will add the picture at the bottom of the page (or beneath any text already entered in your script). If you want the image at the top, use this script, and make it the first line in your script:
$PAGETEXT := "<img src='/i/?5984 ' style='float:text top;margin:5px'>" + "<br><br>" + $PAGETEXT
(I think I've got the script's right, but haven't tested them recently)