march5th00, A Founder of

Member Since

Beginning of Time

Last Activity

10/7/2021 9:05 AM

EXP Points


Post Count


Storygame Count


Duel Stats

45 wins / 50 losses


Architect Exemplar



Be amazed at the wonder that is march5th00. .

Trophies Earned

Founding the website. Having Infinite Points Given by alexp on 06/23/2006 Given by BerkaZerka on 10/17/2021 - Got to have them all! Given by chocobot on 06/23/2006 Given by EndMaster on 06/22/2012 - For creation of this cool site Given by Fleshnblood_78 on 06/23/2006 Given by Havacoman on 06/23/2006 Given by JJJ-thebanisher on 06/23/2006 Given by march5th00 on 06/23/2006 Given by solostrike on 06/23/2006 Given by tsmpaul on 02/26/2008 - And the winner is... (drum roll please)... march5th00 for reaching the Top Games list! Given by Will11 on 01/14/2018 - For all the fantastic work you've done in helping create this site


Finals Week!
You're about to play one of the first few games that ever existed at MAG - it was written in 2001 (I was 21).  This is the game that brought us variables and was my first attempt at a game, and turned into a mini epic (that kept building on itself as we'd try to add new features to the website).  You can beat it fast, or you can find all the hidden little things.  Depending on your grades you get one of 5 endings... err... Hey George McDougal! You're in my Game!

Cult Classics

She was the love of your life before they took her. You think you can get her back.

Dungeons and Dragoons!

Dungeons and Dragoons is a full interactive role playing adventure!  Begin as a level one novice and work your way up to a master!  Choose your class and your spells wisely... The dangers of this land are fierce! (Dungeons and dragoons is no play on the game Dungeons and Dragons... it's a... ummm... coincidence...)

Happiness Test!
Are you really happy?? Take this test and find out!  (based on leading psychological theories of happiness).

Recent Posts

Way Back Machine on 6/3/2017 11:38:38 PM
heck all 3 of them still have published story games lol

Boardgame Thread on 6/3/2017 9:21:30 PM
For the Soccer Mom's I'd recommend some of the hidden deception games too - coup, revolution, saboteur - as well as some more fun interactive style games like Dragon Delta, Gloom, & Tokaido. All are fairly easy to pick up & learn quickly & require a great deal of interaction. Not going to hit anybody's "best games ever" lists but are solid fun.

Way Back Machine on 6/3/2017 9:13:30 PM
binladen was actually chocobot just trying to stir up fun. thatguy was actually alexp imthechessking was actually me just making fun of alex lol.

Way Back Machine on 6/1/2017 8:03:37 PM
Just went to & happened upon some fantastic old screenshots of the website in its infancy. Thought might be of interest to somebody.

Chaos Contest on 5/10/2017 9:34:37 PM
That's a shame. The last time I was this disappointed was when Ford personal messaged me in 2014 saying he working on an epic story but just had writer's block, only to check his profile 3 years later to find he still hadn't published a single story.

Chaos Contest on 5/10/2017 8:53:34 PM
lmao got it, thanks Steve24833. Give me a few days to cull through your achievements.

Chaos Contest on 5/10/2017 8:51:43 PM
"an artist's representation of themselves as a furry". Mizal we need pictures.

Chaos Contest on 5/10/2017 8:46:32 PM
what exactly is an "expert ho" and a "fursona". I'm more interested in the latter.

Chaos Contest on 5/10/2017 6:19:51 PM
I wanted to read all the contest entries.

Chaos Contest on 5/10/2017 10:10:16 AM
And hello, nice to see you again too. Send me a PM with: 1. the story you believe deserves a trophy. 2. Your most recent contest entry. 3. A list of your contributions to the site. I'll also need a letter of recommendation from Endmaster.