
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 6/27/2012: Automatically rejected as part of the FWW clean out.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
You know how on youtube you can comment on channels? Well I was thinking we could do that with profiles, where you have a commenting box on the bottom of your profile for people to comment on your profile.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

I asked for this awhile ago

I really want it to happen

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
I'm for this one to. It would actually be helpfull. Ex: Fixing a few VIT's.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Yeah, but why would you need people to comment on your profile? MY PROFILE IS PERFECT AND RIVALS THE AWE-INSPIRING GREATNESS OF STALIN HIMSELF!!! lol

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Sounds good.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

Whats a profile??

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Haha, a profile is what shows up when you click on someone's user name.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Yours says:

Profile Under Construction


Commenting on profles

16 years ago
I'm pretty sure he was joking. . .

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
... Possibly.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
It's not possible, it's probable.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Shut up. I'm not going to correct you.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

Wait a minute, why are you mad at me for something I did to zero?

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
You even correct me correctly!  Haha, "It's not possible, it's probable."

Haha, what is that!?  If it's probable, then it's obviously possible.  Man, it's really sad when you see mess up in correcting someone.  It just makes you look like an ass.

Besides, there's nothing wrong with what I said.  It really IS possible that he could've just been joking.  I realized that, so instead of saying, "No!  He was serious!  I could tell..." I thought I'd not be try to look like even more of a douche.

BACK on topic now... I do think it'd be cool to have a commenting feature for out profiles, but then again... Why?  Just 'cause?

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

Well, the main reason for a commenting feature on profiles is that if people want to say something good about a profile they don't have to start a Forum thread about it.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Well, I've yet to see anyone actually do that - start a forum about someone's profile, though, I'm sure it's been done here at least once...  I'm just saying, it's not like we can put too much on our profiles to begin with.  We can't put music nor videos.  To the best of my knowledge, all we an put are pictures and text.

Sure, some profiles, like JJJ's, where he has some of his Photoshop work, people could comment ones like those.  But the majority of us don't have anything too special, know what I mean?  But that's besides the point... I'm for commenting on profiles, I just don't see why it'd be a great addition to the site.  Though, I guess it just adds to the features on CYS, and that can't be bad.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

theres a reason we have PMs on this site. TO COMMUNICATE ABOUT ANYTHING!


Commenting on profles

16 years ago
I was thinking about that too, but then I thought... What if someone really likes another's profile, and wants others to know... Without having to start a thread. :P

I've had one or two people PM me about my profile.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

Your right Zero. With the proposed feature somebody could let others know he/she likes a profile without posting a forum thread.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

Commenting on profles

by Zero on 5/20/2008 23:19 EST

Well, I've yet to see anyone actually do that - start a forum about someone's profile.



Dude, you've done that yourself! You asked people what they thought about your new avy!

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Still... It's not the most necessary thing, and I'm sure Alexp and those are quite busy.
But hey! I'm not the creator of the site, so it's up to them.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

"But hey! I'm not the creator of the site" - Anubis


Thank god

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Anubis... You are correct.  That was my point exactly.  I don't know what it'll take to do it (effort, money, etc.)  I'm sure they've got better things to do, right?  But hey, if it's not too much to ask, then why not?  That's all I'm saying.

Bob... Bob.... Bob, I don't know how to answer that without making you look like more of a.. Never mind.  Ok, Bob, there is a difference between me starting a thread titled, "My profile!" and "My new Avatar"  Understand?  The profile is the page that appears when clicking on a user's username.  And an avatar is the little picture you see on user's profiles or even when someone posts.  See the difference?... You know, this is kinda going back to the whole "messing up when correcting someone makes you look like a (you know what)" thing. 

Think before you type, Bob.  That's all I'm asking for.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

oh rly? I'm much more demanding.

I'm asking for a ferrari, a mansion, bobs demise, and alot of food.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

What do you mean you're much more demanding?

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
You are only asking for him to think before he types. I'm alot more demanding, I want. . .

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

I'm pretty sure I said, "think before you type," before you did, Zero. Whatever.

Also, JJJ, if YOU ran the site. It would be a tyranny. If I ran the site, it would Communist. And I mean SOVIET Communism, which is how it SHOULD be. ROFL :P

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Until this idea is accepted, somebody should start a thread where everybody can comment on each other's profiles.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
If we do that, then there's no need for the comments on the profile; we already have a "legit" thread for them!

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
3J, haha, nice...

Anubis, I'm pretty sure at least ONE other person in this world said "think before you type" before you did, so don't get  all uppity.  And that thread wouldn't really work... It'd be too unorganized.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
I wasn't getting uppity. GEEZ! You always think I'm getting uppity! STOP IT!!
lol, just kidding.

Anyway, there's no point for comments on the profile page, and no reason for a thread about them.

It's not that it's a bad idea, bob. It's just that we don't like you.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

Anubis this isn't his idea. . .

This is mine, I posted it A LONG time ago. . .

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

...And it was rejected?

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

and just incase you all forgot, we arent myspace or youtube. we are a respectable writing site. lets keep our eyes where they belong.


Commenting on profles

16 years ago

"We are a respectable writing site "

That is correct, and the tool i am proposing might encourage writing.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
To JJJ and anyone else it may concern, I said it's a fine idea. And bob, that was a joke.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Wait wait wait.... Are you trying to say that we don't dislike Bob?  Where do you get off?


Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Just because it's a joke doesn't mean it isn't real... heheheh

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

However that is what you were implying :P

And Fleshy, I do not see how this discourages writing?

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

anything that keeps us from writing (ie. looking at people's profile, among many other things) discourages writing.


Commenting on profles

16 years ago
That is only true if you believe that it is realistic to expect people to spend their every waking second writing.  Otherwise it will probably just divert more of their time from other sites to this one.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
never once have i went to this site to look at profiles my friend. neither have i done that with myspace or youtube. profiles are simply profiles, we are a writing site.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

yet you post in the forums, including the lounge. . .

So what your saying is that if we implement this, people will spend less time writing?

What I'm saying is that if we implement this, people will spend less time on other sites and spend more time here.

People are going to write as much as they're going to write and adding or subtracting other non-writing related features will not change this.

Commenting on profles

16 years ago
Bam!... Though, he is technically writing in the forums, but regardless... Bam!

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

AND you would technically be writing these responses to profiles, no? ;)

Commenting on profles

16 years ago

bam? what are we in middle school again? did i just get served or something? lol

anyway, alex and march have always said that we are not myspace or youtube, so i doubt this will even get a second look anyway.

they shot down the idea of adding music to your prifile because we arent myspace.


Commenting on profles

16 years ago
perhaps they have matured ;)

Commenting on profles

15 years ago
Music on profiles is not a great idea, but it's not terrible. I still stand by what I said here, (and laugh at bob's idiocy). I still think I'm right about this. Oh, and I've put up my own website lately, it's pretty awesome, and database driven and from what I can tell this isn't too labor intensive.

Commenting on profles

15 years ago

...I really wanna comment on Bob's profile.

Commenting on profles

15 years ago