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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


16 years ago

<iframe src ="" width="400" height="330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>


Thats an animation i made!


16 years ago
tell me if you like it, its the first one ive made...


16 years ago
thats a good start. but where does he fly away to? did he die? did he just grow wings? is he a superhero?


16 years ago
This reminds me of my first time using flash! onceyou get used to the controls and menus and stuff, start reading up on some actionscript tutorials, you'll have alot of fun in flash but its also very time consuming.


16 years ago
its just somthing i felt like making, didnt really think about where he went, I had to make it pic by pic so it was kinda hard


16 years ago
...Uh, good start.


16 years ago

Now for three others!

<iframe src ="" width="400" height="330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<iframe src ="" width="400" height="330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<iframe src ="" width="400" height="330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Those are my last ones!


16 years ago
Whoa, that guy can turn the TV on with telekinesis!

I think I saw that caterpillar somewhere else...

Oh my god, that bird's beak is messed-up!


16 years ago
<iframe src ="" width="400" height="330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>


16 years ago
yeah this is big because i got dialated right sis?


16 years ago
I love how the pitcher morphs.


16 years ago
It's funny, how her first one was her best one.


16 years ago

im only posting to show orangelilly cuz miniclip (the site where i make them) doesnt work on her computer...  so trust me i will be posting a lot of them!

<iframe src ="" width="400" height="330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<iframe src ="" width="400" height="330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<iframe src ="" width="400" height="330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<iframe src ="" width="400" height="330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<iframe src ="" width="400" height="330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<iframe src ="" width="400" height="330" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

really you dont have to look at these!!!!11///1//111 Only orangelilly does!


16 years ago
Use private message please.


16 years ago
Yeah, that's why we have PM's. If you didn't know about it, that's fine.


16 years ago
Dont mean to make yours look bad but I love making animations with post it notes Look what i can do!.


16 years ago
Why was it squished to one side? Why not center it? And what's with the smudginess!?

Well, whatever. Nice effort, man. I mean, I don't even have the program, so who am I to talk?


16 years ago
anubis go to and search sketch star.


16 years ago
Oh yeah, also its like MS paint but as a slideshow


16 years ago
Heres my second one... Mummy


16 years ago
I olo'd at your Mummy thing. But seriously, why is it so smudgy?


16 years ago
go to the site man, its a painting tool, it's always smudgy


16 years ago
Okay, the hoolahoop thing is really funny! :P


16 years ago

LOL this is awesome! This brings back sooo many memories, when i only knew how to do frame by frame stuff. You should start figuring out what motion tweens are and how you can use Actionscript for smoother movements.

Also with actionscript, you can control whatever your making, so like if you make a car, and you assign commands to the arrow keys, you can make the car move up down, left, right.


16 years ago
they dont work in the pms, i tried...


16 years ago

You should do this stuff in flash cs3 or w/e the new version is now.


16 years ago
Here guys is my best (and longest) yet

This is more for star wars fans but if you're'll burn in heck. (except fleshy and other site gods (excluding Anubis) :P

P.S. I just got a 1st day of issue clone wars figure!! I think these are the action figure equal of rookie cards in baseball


16 years ago
Nice dolls :P


16 years ago
call em w/e you like, but I got a rare one!

Idk if I'm over-reacting about this but my brothers have ALOT of rare stuff - Ex. Autographed stuff, helmets (star wars and a (american) football one) and other pricey figures. It's pretty amazing to see all the "popular" toys back then like G.I.Joe (definatly an actioon figure!) and star wars.