Thanks for the response EndMaster, but it wouldn't work with what I've already planned out. As in the government isn't tyrannical, or seen as tyrannical by other countries viewpoints (irrelevant information, the country is sort of like an island, as in it has no land borders), but it is religious, and has laws in place which ban certain things which are only bad in the eyes of the religion (similar to how gay marriage is frowned upon by most Christians, but obviously something more important than gay marriage in that it starts a revolution of sorts). Most of the country follows the religion, but it's not like against the law or frowned upon to follow another religion or be atheist, it's just most of the laws are based off this particular religion. Basically these underground people are obviously so underground that three people claim to be or think they are the boss, meaning heaps of confusion. One of these bosses is more aggressive than others (illegally uses genetic engineering to create monsters etc.), another tends to go undercover etc. but the main thing is that the government start to catch onto it and because they tortured someone to find answers the more aggressive boss gets them to blow up a religious monument and then the country goes into hysteria, government puts out propaganda which makes them all seem like terrorists, other factions of this underground group are trying to figure out how to stop it etc. Anyway, the main thing is that other parts of this underground group have gone undercover in heaps of businesses and can pretty much plunge the country into an economic crisis if it doesn't bend to their will, and they do all this crap just to make sure everything goes to plan. But there's a problem - why couldn't they just run for parliament and go for it that way?
JJJ, that's kind of what I was thinking of doing, but it's hard to find a balance between the country being somewhat just and untyrannical (is that a word?) and this underground group being unable to just run for parliament peacefully and overturn things that way. The group began about twenty-five years previously and has over 1500 members (haven't put an exact number on it and probably won't throughout the whole story), which would have given them ample time to go into parliament in multiple seats or however the parliament works. But you've raised an interesting point though, I didn't even think of not having a parliament at all. Well, I did, but for some reason or other I changed my mind, but now it doesn't seem like such a bad thing. Maybe a sort-of monarchy thing. I don't like the idea of having an all powerful king - I want a leader that can lose his job and replaced (like a Prime Minister or President or whatever), but also a sort of government that only certain people can get into. And I'm ruling out having religious heads as leaders of government.
Or maybe even the second thing you suggested, you know about having a parliament that is almost impossible to get into? If I'm asking too much don't worry about answering, but how exactly should I go about doing this without making it too un-just?