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Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

So, I noticed that Madglee was holding a contest about poetry, and I was totally going to join with one I wrote before that I was really proud of, then I noticed that Madglee's contest only accepted SONNETS, which mine was not. So, looking through some more threads about it, I saw that some other people had poems that were disqualified because of the rules. Which is fine and all, I'm not here to criticize, it's good that Madglee's contest has focus. But I was wondering if anyone was interested in a little unofficial poetry contest, for nothing more than the joy of winning! Basically, there are no rules other than it must be at least three lines long, at most... anything! And any form of poetry goes! So, interested?

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

I would be

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago


Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

I would! I am extremely good at poetry, except for sonnets. In the past two days I've made two lines of poetry. One, because I'm not a rhymer, two because I'm having issues with the syllables. 

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Sure, Why Not?

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Sure, I'd be interested.

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Considering my best work was when I was five it would not be recommended that I not participate

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Poor Hugo. *pats head*

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

*shoots her hand off* I am not a dog

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Poor Lexi has paws not hands DUHH


Silly hugo logic is for kids

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Fine a shoot her paw and your face

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

MY FACE!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO my beautiful mandibles....

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Are now disintegrated...


Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago


Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

*facepalm to the max!

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Why would you shoot off my adorablness

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

I do no like being latter on the head but look on the bright side you could get a mechanical paw now

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

I am sorry..... YES! That's so cool

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Welcome to the dark side

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago


Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Psst; The Gray side has both sides food. You should join us!

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

It depends. Do you have squirrels?

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

We are the gray side, we have the best of the other too... But squirrels? I don't know, you'd have to ask the grayman about that.

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Not worth it. You'll have to appeal to another wolfy sense if you want me to join. 

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

The dark side has deer jerky and a fire hydrant for you to pee on. It's in every dog/wolves DNA 

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

*sniffs the jerky* Yep I'm staying. 

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

<|:{) yeah go dark side!!!

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Sounds cool! I'll join. But when's the due date and all?

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Woah, I did not expect that much interest! Woo! This is awesome! Ok rules time!

  1. All entries are sent to me in a PM titled 'Poetry Contest Submission'
  2. Since there are so many different types of poems, make sure to say what kind of poem it is so we can have a first, second, and third from each category (it's not fair to judge something like an Abstract Poem to a Haiku, because they're completely different).
  3. Then just submit your poem, ready to be posted in a thread so everyone can vote on which one is the best!
  4. All entries must be submitted before midnight on the 14th of June EST.

So now that the boring rules are done, it's POETRY TIME! WOOOOOOO!

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago
mine is in. dunno what genre its ij but I sent it lol.

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

*July 14th?

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

No, she ment 14 june 2014.

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

No really, I pmed* her.

*but I didn'y say she replied with this answer. MWAHAHAHAH

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Would it be better to judge by topic instead of type? A poem can short and sweet or long and interesting but if they are about the same thing you can decide which is better. Just asking cause I don't think judging by what type of poem it is is fair. But hey.  Maybe that's just me. 

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

If we are judging different types or subjects of poems does that mean we can submit more then one?

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Ddam. Me and my mistakes! Ok, correction time!

  1. The end submission date is whatever month it is now. Sorry If I got it wrong the first time, my iPod's calander is screwy.
  2. I think the idea of judging it by topic rather than type is good, so we'll go with that.
  3. Yes, you can submit more than one, but you can only submit one on each topic.

There! Corrections done!

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

What topics would there be?

romance, fantasy, scifi, etc...?

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Yeah, they're all popular ones, but it can actually be about whatever you want. You don't really have to worry about the topic now, I'll sort them into topics AFTER they are all submitted.

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Kay. I think I'm going to put one in soon. Later tonight or tomorrow. 

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Huh. For so much interest, there have been very little submissions.

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

How many? You need at least 3  =)

Also, have we officially started then?

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Yes we have. 

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

XD BZ gettin left behind!!

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

What kind of topic's are there?

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Any topic, really. Just write some poetry and the topic will (probably) become clear!

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

uhmmmm what would you consider my entry? and what did you think of it? yay? nay?

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Was it loaded with paper cuts like mine was? I wanted to be sure it made her cry - thus the paper cuts and a squeezing of lemon juice just to be sure.  ;)

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

oh don't forget a dash of salt and the wafting of onion fumes. Really get those waterworks going

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Ooh - Onions - that's brilliant!

*note to self, PM a bunch of chopped onions to Amy2 and then spray her with mace when she opens it...

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

you could also include a gif from like the ending of the notebook and twilight etc. whatever makes girls cry these days.

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Well, I wouldn't want to go too far haha!

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

*snickers to himself* 

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

I'm in. Hope it's not too late.

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Nope, it's not too late! We need all the entries we can get to make this interesting!

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Alright, thanks :)

Sending mine in now...

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

YOU LIE! HOW CAN YOU HAVE SENT IT 'NOW' (or then when the message was posted, like the now in the message would imply) IF IT HAS BEEN FIVE MINUTES SINCE YOU POSTED AND THERE IS NO MESSAGE WITH YOUR POETRY SUBMISSION?!

EDIT. Ok, now it's submitted. That's better.

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Oh no! My secret has been revealed! I am...*drumroll please*...A LIAR! Oh woe has befallen us! There is a liar among us at CYS! TTATT

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

I drawed with xt, with the same choices as with Playa!

EDIT: Wrong thread..

Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

But how?

Are you sure?

Can't we just shoehorn the post in the topic anyway?


Poetry Contest: Interested?

10 years ago

Gasp! Poetry contest! I'm in!