LexiTheMidnightWolf, The Contributor
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Hey ya'll its Lexi! You can find me in the forums messing around and causing havoc.
Because everyone likes a little trouble.
Eh I don't feel like finishing this. Send me a pm if you want to talk.
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Slicing Pie puzzle (no solution posted yet) on 2/23/2015 9:41:37 PMPretty sure you were on the right track only, |2n+1|=y so you can't come up with a negative number
How would a corporation run America? on 2/23/2015 6:34:57 PM
How would the cooperation deal with foregn countries. I'm thinking things like invasions, trade, maybe even getting more land.
Never posted here on 2/22/2015 9:18:10 PM
Excuse me!
Your pets on 2/22/2015 9:14:30 PM
My sister killed my first bird by laying on it... It happens
Your pets on 2/22/2015 8:23:32 PM
No it's because she didn't even notice it was necro'd.
Your pets on 2/22/2015 7:22:24 PM
Two cockatiels ^_^
One is my little sister's, his name is T-bird.
The other is mine, her name is Pickles. (We didn't name her we bought her off craigslist
Never posted here on 2/22/2015 6:44:38 PM
No Delta xD
Never posted here on 2/22/2015 6:26:15 PM
*pushes you away* No
Never posted here on 2/22/2015 3:06:14 PM
Highschool wrestling
Never posted here on 2/22/2015 1:17:56 PM
It was way before the WC invasion. And I doubt he even knows what they are.
Plus, he's my ex for a reason. I won't take offense to anything anybody says about him.