Amy2, The Wordsmith
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Hey, I'm Amy2, and I… don't have anything to say really. My full name is Amy May (but that's not my real name. Putting that online would be stupid.)
I now have an ongoing project called Debt. If you have a suggestion on how to make it better, or what can happen next, PM me or write it in your comment and I'll include it. Yay, everyone's a co-author! For now, I'm pulling it down and re-writing it so that it has the same basic story, but BETTER!
Right now I'm mostly hanging around in the Tavern Between the Worlds. It's awesome, you should check it out! You can find it in the Forum Games section!
So… yeah. That's me, I guess. I'll update this with the latest news every so often (as if anyone would want to read about me!) BYE!
Trophies Earned

Your memories from before today are hazy. Although you are sure that someone or something has tampered with them, you have more pressing issues. You are trapped in a dark forest with no idea wich way is home, and unseen creatures hunitng you from the shadows. You are the hero, but event the best of heroes needs backup.
Will you side with the Wolf Pack, with their strange, yet familiar feeling rituals and customs?
Or will you side with the Humans, who wish to capture one of the Pack and find out exactly what gives them their unique talents?
Or is the only team you play for your own?
Recent Posts
Poetyr Contest: Voting Time! on 7/5/2013 8:39:46 PMOk, so Dark is first!
Now to vote on who comes second! (It will probably be Den, from what's already been said)
Poetyr Contest: Voting Time! on 7/4/2013 4:04:40 PM
Alright, vote away!
Poetyr Contest: Voting Time! on 7/4/2013 3:50:07 PM
Ok, so it's time to vote on who the winner is when it comes to this random poetry contest. Now, since there weren't actually that many entries, we can't put them into categories, so they're just all in there together. But before the poems, it's time for the rules for voting:
- You can only vote once.
- You can't vote for your own poem.
- Only votes should go on this thread, not discussions. Take your derailing ways elsewhere, demons!
- When you vote, put the title, the author, and the reason you voted for it in your post.
So without further ado, the poetry!
The Den by Aeon_Spiral
In my den I sit observing
Sleepless Nights by Amy2
All is sunny, all is good,
Hey Chocobot!!!! - PatNJoe game. on 7/4/2013 8:42:02 AM
No, the radiation will just spread to other threads! What we need to do is send our best de-railers to de-rail this thread until we forget all about the zombies, making them disappear because there is no off-screen inertia!
We need to send Aman and Breka in together so they can save the day while sparking a complete overhaul of the system because of 'the man' threatening to nuke the thread with them inside it, meaning that Aman and Berka have to go on a zany adventure where they discover that even their powers have a limit, and these two mortal enemies must learn the true meaning of friendship!
The War? on 7/4/2013 8:34:10 AM
But what about chaos? Chaos is cool too right? Or would that be hot like fire instead of cool like ice?
what's for dinner? on 7/2/2013 7:35:50 PM
What You Noticed on 7/1/2013 12:15:23 AM
Damn it! Sorry! ......... Damn it again. That was seriously my honest reaction. Maybe I do have a problem.
Poetry Contest: Interested? on 6/30/2013 7:53:39 AM
YOU LIE! HOW CAN YOU HAVE SENT IT 'NOW' (or then when the message was posted, like the now in the message would imply) IF IT HAS BEEN FIVE MINUTES SINCE YOU POSTED AND THERE IS NO MESSAGE WITH YOUR POETRY SUBMISSION?!
EDIT. Ok, now it's submitted. That's better.
Poetry Contest: Interested? on 6/30/2013 7:29:10 AM
Nope, it's not too late! We need all the entries we can get to make this interesting!
What You Noticed on 6/29/2013 8:03:59 PM
Eh, it's not that bad, it's just one of my pet peeves.