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New here (sort of)

one year ago

Hi I made an account here in 2018 and then just never read anything or participated in any way. Now after doing a couple of other things outside of here I remembered that this site existed and so decided to return. Unlikely that I'll write anything really but I'll think about writing something and feel happy in that way. Either way I hope that I can enjoy the community here and eventually contribute to the site's collection in some way. Maybe I'll write short stories here and there since that seems less daunting.

Oh and I was wondering if there is anyone here that decided to become a nomad in search of a new community ever since Reddit decided to destroy itself? Though apparently traffic flow is back to normal. So much for the blackout. So far Hacker News and various blogs have taken its place but it can't replace the fun of finding a bunch of mini communities and witness their change. And the demise of others and the overall direction that reddit took (largely negative but better than facebook). Is this what it's like to get kicked out of a tighly knit village? Anyways, I have my suspicion that I'll forever keep searching for a community. With that I'll end my introduction.

New here (sort of)

one year ago
Welcome to the site. I do hope you enjoy your time here.

New here (sort of)

one year ago
I've never used reddit much, I've got my tightly knit village right here. Welcome (back) though. I think you'll find average storygame quality to have risen quite a bit since the old days, and so even if you're not up to completing a story just yet, we're always in need of more people giving feedback.

If you're on PC, check out Brad's profile for the site extension if you want dark mode and some other features btw.

New here (sort of)

one year ago

Welcome to the site! :) 

I think you'll find that the community here is very 'tight-knit'. Lots of people here have been on the site for years. I'm also new (sort of) and I think the people here are pretty cool. 

For short stories, we have a new thing called the 'Thunder Dome'. It's where you are given a prompt and duel others with a short story of 2000 words max. It's on hold right now, but I think it should be back up in a little bit. If that's not your thing, you can also post short stories by itself in 'Creative Corner' and maybe get some feedback on them. But you probably already know this, since you've been around a bit.