Alright so this is of relatively minor importance to us, but might as well point and laugh since we like doing that around here.
Dashingdon, the long time hosting site for degenerate CoG shit, is going away soon based on some info I stumbled on. Already CoGites are scrambling to scrape the site of the many abandoned half assed games of all their favorite waifus.

If someone wants to do more research other than this screenshot feel free, I don't even bother clicking links to the place anymore. Seems like there's another hosting site, but complaints are it's buggy. This has been followed by other CoGites complaining in general about CoG when the simple solution is well stop being retarded faggots that support this company. Pretty simple.
Anyway other than Avery and Mara who I warned already to get their stuff while they can, I don't think anyone else of note here is using the place to host anything. But if you are, here's the info.