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Length of a Storygame.

3 years ago
So, to kick this off, I was wondering to myself, "How do I know when a story is a certain length or not?" Is it based upon the amount of words I use, the amount of links, and chapters overall, or is it simply a combination of both? I greatly appreciate the answers for this, and I KNOW that any new people on this site having the same question appreciate it too.

Length of a Storygame.

3 years ago
it's wordcount. more word = more long.


Length of a Storygame.

3 years ago
The formula for the site's calculated length is based on several factors that it looks at upon publication. Nobody knows exactly how it works, and at any rate it doesn't matter that much.

You can see your actual word count by hovering a mouse over the space where the length will show up when you preview the game.

Length of a Storygame.

3 years ago
Thank you Mizal and Ford. As always, your helpful tips allow me and many others to continue on in the desperate mad rush of creativity without having to worry about the odd quirks of a system.