Player Comments on An Honourable Gentleman?
I am such a social climber! This story is very similar to the previous one but entirely serious and you've caught the hang of the tone, speech and manners of the time quite well. It could have been spiced up with a few duels, affairs, extravagant beard growing and the like but within it's limits it was a fine little story :) It'd be interesting to see this developed,
Something along the lines of "Oh Joy I have a husband but alas, he had his head removed by a cannonball at Waterloo which was rather inconvenient and since then his manners have suffered deplorably with his Lordship showing very little interest in conversation or his usual interests. One feels one has absolutely no choice but to go walking in the park with his cousin and take in the sights, regardless of the scandal and dishonour such frivolous behaviour will undoubtably bring on one's fair and upturned hair etc." :D
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on 9/20/2016 10:35:50 PM with a score of 0
I became countess! Well, this was a well-written game and the narrative was something that I rather enjoyed.
So I must say, bravo! :D My only complaint was that it was a bit short, but it wasn't bad by any means.
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on 9/20/2016 7:38:07 PM with a score of 0
this was soooooooo short. Like, i finished`this in like, less than a minute. soooo stupid im soooo cute n popular, like, OMG im a knockout to all those boys out there. Theres one stinkin' girl in my GRADE\ who is prettier than me. i hate her so much like shes perfect\! she dosent even fart! its sooo surreal like, ughhhhh!!!!
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— oceankittyppp on 2/18/2025 6:39:08 PM with a score of 0
It's uh weird
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on 12/6/2024 3:56:31 AM with a score of 0
Pretty fun!! Good at setting the scene and characters, matches the tone and overall mood of the story through language well. I quite enjoyed it!!
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— Athena on 12/30/2023 8:10:20 PM with a score of 0
Love this!!
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on 12/21/2023 7:45:04 PM with a score of 0
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— Jack on 6/9/2022 7:19:09 PM with a score of 0
Had a promising start, but lacks conflict and obstacles to really grab the reader and make them want to root for either couple. The personalities of all the characters haven't really been developed enough for the reader to form an attachment, which is critical when creating a good story. You want the reader to identify with the characters in some way so they are more invested in the outcome of their story. Also, from the little shown about the characters they are a bit sterotypical. They seem a bit too perfect and lack flaws. Wouldn't the cousin seek some way to ruin the main female character's reputation so she can have the main male character all to herself?
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— Gina on 5/28/2022 6:49:06 PM with a score of 0
good idea but kinda blah, wish it was longer/more interesting
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— Charli on 2/7/2022 11:01:53 PM with a score of 0
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on 5/27/2021 7:54:27 PM with a score of 0
Expected a little more, way to easy... Made 3 or 4 coiches and ended up with the perfect love story without even trying.
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— Pernille on 1/12/2021 2:47:33 PM with a score of 0
cool game yo
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— eh on 5/20/2020 12:35:46 PM with a score of 0
It was well written but very short. If I could give it a 5.5 I would.
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on 5/15/2020 9:46:53 PM with a score of 0
This was a short game but it was kind of cute and funny.
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on 1/24/2019 4:39:20 PM with a score of 0
It was a beautifully written story. My only problem, persay, with it would be how short and simple it was. I'd meet a character, dance a bit, then immediately find out that we lived happily ever after. Plain. Still, I enjoyed it. Thank yku.
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— Civetta on 1/11/2019 4:16:59 PM with a score of 0
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— Millyy on 7/5/2018 1:29:17 AM with a score of 0
It's good! Really quick though, and I wish there were more options
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— KAS on 6/21/2018 8:07:47 PM with a score of 0
*Sighs* So Romantic
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on 5/19/2018 12:13:09 AM with a score of 0
Its okay but could be better and way longer.
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— Dinasty on 3/20/2018 10:22:08 AM with a score of 0
Too short. but had good description.
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— rayray on 12/30/2017 10:35:03 PM with a score of 0
This was fun! I liked reading the scenarios. I died at home as an old maid so I guess it's a good thing I don't have to actually go to a ball! ;D
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— Kate on 10/18/2017 7:07:20 PM with a score of 0
The writing style is good, but I wish there were more options for partners.
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— Tali on 10/11/2017 1:46:45 AM with a score of 0
Cute. Reminds me a whole lot of those historical romance novels.
(Why was the first page bold?)
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on 6/12/2017 8:42:11 AM with a score of 0
Way way way too short.
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— Pinco on 6/1/2017 2:37:46 PM with a score of 0
There's only like... four endings? This idea could be so good, but it fell a bit flat. I'd suggest having more suitors and maybe a bit more work. It felt waaay too easy to become a Countess in the end.
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on 5/30/2017 7:58:54 PM with a score of 0
Okay.. There were some parts of the story where there was a lack of punctuation, and misspelled words. This story didn't really entertain or amuse me that much.
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on 5/29/2017 1:34:45 PM with a score of 0
I became a countess.
It was a interesting concept but I felt like it should have been expanded more. The characters could also use description of their feautures.
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on 5/3/2017 5:12:10 AM with a score of 0
The ending is dull.
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on 4/16/2017 4:50:26 PM with a score of 0
Ok I gave it it's full due and played the other option (wont ruin it) near as I can tell there seems to be two 'bad' options (if you care what your mean family thinks) and one good. Very nice representation from that era and social climbing and dealing with how your family would snub you for your parents or little things.
Short but it states that, could use some more detail, as your presented that your family hates you, and yes told why, but there's little build up from there, they just do, and they're horribly unfair without clear justification of why other than they hate you cause of your parents.
Again nice for what it is and not horrible, an option of trying to speak more to family and/or placate them would be a nice addition but that falls in with detail would make it better. Still a fun ride <3
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on 2/19/2017 1:45:58 PM with a score of 0
Hi there! :-). Great game, and I also found the title very fitting. I am glad my character married the Earl. He would also be my catch as well, :-), someone who cares more about personality than looks. :-). The only improovement I feel you could make is: if a player chooses to go off with that other guy, you could add a story about that. Up to you how you want to compose it. Another suggestion I have is: when the cousin finds the main character dancing with the Earl, she could make a huge scene at the ball, get kicked out, and be remembered as evil. The aunt could warm to the main character, and end up being loving and kind. Again, great game overall. Well done. :-).
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— Rahila on 2/9/2017 9:18:58 AM with a score of 0
Could have been longer. I personally would have liked it more if there was more information about what happened after.
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— The readership on 12/30/2016 3:04:37 PM with a score of 0
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on 11/23/2016 2:53:00 PM with a score of 0
I loved the ending with the Earl and that they lived happily ever after and that the mean cousin and aunt got left in her dust!!!
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— Heather on 11/15/2016 1:05:59 PM with a score of 0
Well written with only a couple of errors but nothing too bad. My only complaint is on the length of the story. I made it to Countess in less than 8 pages. You have a great start to what could be a much longer story. I'd love to read more.
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on 11/1/2016 3:31:53 PM with a score of 0
A short but interesting love story clearly set in a 'Austin-esque' London society.
Sadly the length and lack of real choices made it too simplistic.
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on 10/21/2016 2:15:00 PM with a score of 0
Damn that dishonourable gentleman !
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— Mrs steeton on 9/20/2016 6:27:27 PM with a score of 0
Apparently, I'm a filthy harlot. It would have been fun scraping an existence in the dregs of London with a baby daddy and no family ties. Wasted story potential right there.
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on 9/20/2016 6:25:32 PM with a score of 0
Are you AliceCarroll33? This is weirdly similar to that other story that was just posted and you both registered today.
Very, very short but not badly written, it just becomes less of a novelty when there's a clone right next to it. I'm not sure why you wrote out the choices on the first page in addition to including the links. And if course, this could use more proofreading. For such short stories like this and the other that's really no excuse for mistakes.
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on 9/20/2016 6:20:16 PM with a score of 0
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