Bucky, The Expert Scrivener

Member Since


Last Activity

6/27/2020 2:29 PM

EXP Points


Post Count


Storygame Count


Duel Stats

11 wins / 11 losses




September 2016 - Short Story Contest - Winner - Romulus

October 2016 - Spooky Story Contest - The NON-Shamed - Steve24833 & Malkalack & ugilick & Lampmandnando

December 2016 - Ballad Contest - Overall Winner - pugpup1 ; Traditional Winner - Romulus

January 2017 - New Frontier Contest - Co-Winners - WouldntItBeNice & Ogre11

February 2017 - Flash Fiction Contest - Winner - Romulus: Forever After

Spring 2017 - Chaos Contest - Winner - Saika: From A Great Height

December 2017 - Choose Your Own Prompt Contest - Winner - EbonVasilis: Magno

Summer 2018 - EPIC Contest - Winner - TheNewIAP: Bestist Frend Jane

December 2019 - Year's End Contest - Winner - TBD

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Earning 1,000 Points Earning 2,000 Points Running numerous contests. Rated 59.8% of all Stories Given by BerkaZerka on 01/10/2017 - USA State Capitals - With Zombies! And Contests~ Given by EndMaster on 01/07/2017 - For all your hard work on stories and contest organization. Given by JJJ-thebanisher on 10/31/2016 - Excellent forum presence and indirectly responsible for a huge swath of excellent content through running exceptional contests. Given by Will11 on 01/14/2018 - For organising so many fantastic contests which have contributed so many great stories to the site


It's Raining Again
A short story written and scripted in about four hours.

This isn't meant to be a masterpiece or an attempt at being deep. Hopefully it shows that a competent 20 page + story can be written in a weekend's time.

Contest entrants: there's no reason to garner SHAME when entering a contest on the site. Just sit down and write.

Five Endings.

The Cliche Adventures of a Generic Hero

Generic Warning - For immature  mature audiences only.


Author's Note

I fired the ridiculous cannon up for this one and took it up to eleven.

This project has lingered untouched in my trunk for nearly a year now. Originally intended to be a short work, it grew big and fat in my notes, and was then later locked away and ignored. Life happens. Anyway, I pulled it from the graveyard and decided to patchwork the dangling ends together. 


Play through the heroic or not so heroic adventures of a Cliché knight hero! There are a series of three endings for the knight that I considered canon when I first drafted the story. These unlock the first pages of what were intended to be the other hero paths of wizard, prince and spunky girl (along with some bonus troll material). If enough people enjoy the knight's story, I'd be open to reinvesting in the project and adding one or all of them on as an expansion. Each would play as its own separate story, so don't worry, there is a full and complete story in here.


The work, however, is raw - often intentionally so. And while the 'canon' endings unlock the bonus material, there really is no winning and losing. You just do better or worse.


That said, this is a fragment of the monster that lies in my notes, coming in at a little over 22k words. I feel comfortable saying there are a few chuckles in here, so I think if it brightens one person's day then it was worth publishing.


All comments, both mean and kind, are appreciated. Enjoy.

USA State Capitals - With Zombies!
WARNING: Contains Sexual References

A mildly disturbing result of my attempts to learn my way around the editor. I dabbled a bit in basic html as well. The game functions mostly as a USA State Capitals quiz with a simple combat element. I put in a bit of a backstory, surrounding the quiz, and something mildly disturbing may happen if you die...

While this has little literary merit; hopefully, you may learn something.

Wild Billy
Warning: Not suitable for children.

Written over the course of about three days prior to the extension, as a late decision to enter EndMaster's Depraved Love Contest. The extension was squandered trying to write something more serious, but that story deserves a more honorable effort than Billy.

Billy always had a wild side, even as a tyke.

Another story where you don't really win or lose. You just have a more or less pleasant existence.

A Bastardized Telling of Little Red Riding Hood

Recent Posts

June is Noob Threshing Month! on 6/27/2020 2:13:52 PM
This just shows how far his influence reaches. Eldritch Abomination that he is, should we be surprised? (How have you been, Gower?)

June is Noob Threshing Month! on 6/27/2020 1:59:43 PM
And then on July 4th, End unpublishes all of his stories, submits his entry, and then after he wins, republishes his old stories with correct dialogue punctuation.

The Disappointment Periodical II on 3/10/2020 1:29:12 PM
Yeah. It's the only vegetable that I actually refuse to buy from the store. At least, on the cob. I don't like the canned corn much either, but it's convenient for chili - I use it primarily to add color.

The Disappointment Periodical II on 3/10/2020 1:16:28 PM
You "think" I was asking you to explain what farm fresh means. I promise you, my sole intent on tagging you was for your opinion on whether you would rather eat something the day it was picked or after it was frozen and de-thawed. I believe you agreed with that sentiment - in the general sense. Obviously this wouldn't apply to every food item either. Apparently I did say, "define: farm fresh" - that is my fault for poor word choice. I did not mean that literally or in the marketing meaning of the term. The quotation marks are not meant to be snarky, just emphasis. My entire position was either misinterpreted or misconstrued in the Discord - and apparently here as well. However, I can see how I contributed to this confusion with poor wording. I was not talking about nutrition or preservatives or anything along those lines. I had two, very narrow points. Boiled down to the very base: 1) An ear of grilled corn, pepper, etc. will taste better the day it is picked than at some point in the future after being picked, shipped, frozen, shipped some more, and eventually de-thawed and eaten - and that is not an attack on freezing food to preserve it, and; 2) Boiling apple cider to kill bacteria seems unnecessary (even if you wash an apple before you eat it, you're not washing the inside or the juice). Those were the very narrow things I was saying. Why Mizal took that as an attack on food preservation techniques in general or milk pasteurization is absolutely beyond me, and I am genuinely confused. I wasn't even trying to advocate that people should buy food at a farmer's market. I did not think the concept of eating something closest to the date it was picked will give it the best taste was a controversial topic. I don't have any problem with canning. Heck, I can tomato sauce. At no point, did I intend for the words "farm fresh" to be taken in the context of package labeling. My choice of words was perhaps poor. The marketing angle of the term was not in my mind at the slightest when I used it. "There is nothing wrong with you preferring fresh picked over frozen." I agree. I agree with the inverse as well. Which is why the entire conversation was stupid ^_^ Though, I can say I have never had a good ear of corn from a grocery store.

The Disappointment Periodical II on 3/9/2020 8:39:14 PM
I was not talking about the commercial branding “farm fresh” - all those branding are garbage.

The Disappointment Periodical II on 3/9/2020 8:37:58 PM
That’s not why I tagged Sabley. And I wasn’t talking about the garbage “farm fresh” tag they put on stuff in the grocery store. I was talking about - for example - grilling corn the same day it comes off the stalk vs. the trash corn in the grocery store or grocery freezer or grocery can of corn. This was a minor tangent from the very narrow point - that if you have the choice between eating something the day it’s picked, or at some point, possibly months in the future, after being frozen, the day it’s picked route is the way to go. At no point did I say preserving things was bad - other than it won’t taste as good as day it’s picked food.

The Disappointment Periodical II on 3/9/2020 9:55:48 AM
No one was against canning or frozen fruit. That's exactly why the entire conversation was stupid. Except maybe the Dane. (Yes, he's a Dane in this canon now.)

Covid20 - continuing thingy on 3/8/2020 3:10:26 PM
Zero percent on cigarettes. One-hundred percent on milk. Whole milk. None of this skim rubbish.

Covid20 - continuing thingy on 3/8/2020 2:37:10 PM
Milk first.

Covid20 - continuing thingy on 3/8/2020 9:51:15 AM
Do this, but also order a one-ton pallet of bone broth on Amazon for home delivery.