Wild Billy
storygame by
Player Rating
, #26 for
Based on
77 ratings
since 03/10/2018
Played 2,303 times (finished 120)
Story Difficulty
"No possible way to lose"
Play Length
"A nice jog down the driveway"
Maturity Level
"Anything goes"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 18. If this were a movie, it would probably be R.
Contest Entry
: Not suitable for children.
Written over the course of about three days prior to the extension, as a late decision to enter EndMaster's Depraved Love Contest. The extension was squandered trying to write something more serious, but that story deserves a more honorable effort than Billy.
Billy always had a wild side, even as a tyke.
Another story where you don't really win or lose. You just have a more or less pleasant existence.
Player Comments
So this started off by giving me the choice between using the girls’ restroom or being gay.
We’re off to a very good start there.
Of course, I first chose the girls’ restroom (anything but being gay!), and the resulting scene was hilarious. However, after the rescue from Satan, I considered that path one of the weaker ones. It was still amusing but not notably so. I did enjoy the scene with Death though, and finding that early on explained a lot about Billy’s acting the way he did as a six-year old. Although, the alien kid thing did seem pretty random and out of nowhere, it fits the tone of the story.
The confessional box murder and underwear bits were hilarious, and Muffy was real swell for not raping me like that.
However, my favorite path hands down was the one in which Billy becomes a successful businessman. The calm, cool way he acts throughout the story is most obvious in that one, and it is probably the most entertaining thing about Wild Billy. My favorite ending was this one, by far.
“You head down the run out of town and into farming country to buy a chicken and a rooster.
The math is simple.
Steal money.
Buy chicken and rooster.
Let rooster have his way with the chicken.
Chicken lays eggs.
Your business savvy knows no bounds.”
That cool business savvy is what made this story so funny to me.
There was a little too much re-joining of branches for my tastes, but it is clear where each comes together or is the same as a previous choice, and there are still more unique choices offered than in many stories of this length, as sad as that is.
I would not recommend this story to someone who did not enjoy the sort of humor in, say, Ducky Park or EndMaster’s modern universe stories. However, if you do enjoy that sort of humor, Wild Billy is definitely worth checking out. While it did not have me laughing nonstop like they did, I still consider it one of the best comedic stories on here, and it is a nice, quick read.
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on 6/18/2019 2:38:06 PM with a score of 0
I think I have a better appreciation of this story upon reading it the second time around. (Or maybe its the third or forth time, who knows)
This is sort of one of those LOLRandom style stories, but not so random that it’s completely nonsensical. Lot of funny stuff going on in the story and it’s definitely brand of humor I like to see.
Character interactions were hilarious which is always a big plus in these sorts of things. Writing across the board was fine and I didn’t see any issues with it.
It’s on the shorter side of things, but that’s fine since it does the job with what its got. (That’s what she said! OH!)
Anyway I liked it a lot and it was a good addition to the Romance story contest and the to the site in general.
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on 6/23/2018 2:27:11 PM with a score of 0
Starts out in first grade. Sounds interesting and has potential! I like the setup and descriptions on the first page. I like that it stays in one person and one point of view. I also like that I pick my nose because that’s totally something I would do! I’m totally perving out and going to the girl’s room. I did actually laugh when I read about peeing in the sink. That’s just perfect and really sets the tone for the story. I’m a bit confused that the girl asks me to be her boyfriend while I’m peeing, but I guess some girls are into that thing…
It was a quick trip from making out with the other first-grader to being home asleep, but that’s okay. I like that you address why I, as a first-grader, understand the pounding going on. I’m thinking since that’s what I’m thinking about that I can’t go wrong by visiting my new girlfriend. Wait, ten miles? I changed my mind. My first-grade legs aren’t walking that far! Oh, never mind, it’s Alabama. Dang. Tough choices leading into my sweet, innocent girlfriend’s room at 2 am…
Hilarious options, no matter what path I pick going forward here. I love the consistency and the way the story evolves and that the choices actually make a difference. And yeah, I laugh every time I read my own name, but I laugh at farts, too, almost every time. Of course, I was hoping that my relationship might evolve into something more (later in years, you sickos), but it was still a lot of fun. I would love to have read more and had the story continue, but every story does have to have an end.
Thanks for sharing, this was fun, and worked well with my level of humor and maturity. It might not work for everyone, but I liked it!
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on 4/28/2018 11:22:57 PM with a score of 0
We miss you buddy, hope you'll come back someday.
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on 4/2/2024 2:53:54 PM with a score of 0
best experience of my life.
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on 4/27/2022 2:53:26 PM with a score of 0
Enjoyable, but too brief.
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on 9/29/2020 3:10:55 PM with a score of 0
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on 12/24/2019 11:16:31 AM with a score of 0
Very Nice.
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on 12/3/2019 5:52:44 PM with a score of 0
Is an extremely funny story. Has many plot twists. Full of action, romance, and comedy.
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— joe on 11/30/2019 7:01:19 PM with a score of 0
Well the first page hooked me right away. There’s no boring lore or background history vomited onto the page. I never thought the boys’ bathroom was gay, but what else do you call a bunch of dudes in a room touching their junk? Apparently heading to the girls’ restroom was a good decision because I got a girlfriend in the process. I wonder if it works in real life! It’s a little disturbing when I remember this takes place in 1st grade. Although I guess it’s less pedo if you’re underage as well.
The content is probably one of the most vulgar things I’ve read on this site. It’s great. I can tell it’s not vulgar for the sake of being vulgar, although I wouldn’t really care if it was. Its comedic style is being over the top on purpose. As the description suggests, this is not a game for children.
It’s not a super long storygame. I find the Play Length to be misleading at times. For example, you can blow through this one in a matter of minutes and it’s 5/8. Granted it’s heavily scripted, Ogre’s new storygame Escape From School is a 1/8 and I spent hours on that sumabitch (In all actuality, great game btw). Similarly to It’s Raining Again, the thing that I enjoy about this storygame is the simplicity and engaging writing. Each page length is brief and to the point. There’s no text block of forced humor the author is trying to shove down your throat. The humor is light, outrageous, and smoothly slides down the throat.
I’m really liking these style of storygames. Fun, fitting play length, and quality writing. Not to mention, extremely humorous and it’s still a better love story than Twilight.
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on 5/9/2019 7:24:17 PM with a score of 0
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