Faervel, The Contributor
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I am a mama to nine kids. Their ages range from 16-4 months. I love to read and write. Reading is my escape from all the stress and chaos in my life. I go wherever the story takes me. I stumbled onto the site when I ran out of books to read at home. I was googling cyoa books because I liked reading them as a kid. I played Tower of Rowena and I was hooked. I love mysteries, puzzles, adventure,and fantasy. I hope to get to know everyone and eventually create a game of my own.
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Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread on 5/3/2018 6:06:15 PMElfquest.com
Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread on 5/2/2018 5:57:51 PM
I created it on a free create your own avatar site. I started young and was told several times that I wouldn't be able to have more and yet more kept coming. I guess it's just God's plan for me. It's hard.
Hello on 4/15/2018 10:54:17 AM
It was actually what got me started on this site. I didn't have an account when I rated it though. I was never able to find the dragonbone jewelry box. How long did it take you to make the Tower of Rowena? I've read at least 20 storygames and it's still my favorite.
Hello on 4/15/2018 10:16:19 AM
Thank you! I am not ready to try to make my own game but reading is fun for me and my escape from the chaos.
Hello on 4/15/2018 10:14:42 AM
Hello nice to meet you.
Hello on 4/15/2018 10:12:46 AM
I'm not really a zombie fan but I have read a lot of the stories you mentioned. I also liked tower of Rowena. Dead man's letters and The Order of the Midnight Sun are my favorites so far.
Hello on 4/13/2018 9:51:37 AM
I'm Angela. I enjoy reading and rating peoples story games. I just created an account. I have eight kids and two cats. Reading is my escape from all the chaos.