Newage, The Reader

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1/5/2014 7:25 PM

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I love creating story ideas but I never tend to finish them. I focus my stories on more of the Horror Genre. People have their own views and opinions on Horror, but nowadays most Horror stories and even movies have the same set-up. I intend to create a story that will seem cliche at first, but as the story progresses you will see how differently it will play out. The following story ideas are ones I am developing so far:

{New Breed:Introduction} - This story involves two main characters, one woman and one man. You will have the chance to choose which character you want to see this story's point-of-view from. They both have their own opinions on how to handle the crisis around them. So far in the story's development, I have created four characters so far, two of which are the characters to choose your point-of-view from, and two of which are just a main character.

*Winter L. Charlotte - The female point-of-view; Known for being strong-willed and adaptable

*Markus O. Simons - The male point-of-view; Known for being intelligent and instinctive

*Candace Gordenson - Winter's and Markus' best friend; Often referred to as "Candie"; Known for creativity

*Vincent Ramon - Winter's and Candace's friend; Often referred to as "Vinnie"; Known as an amazing mechanic



New Breed: Introduction

You will probably enter this game with a mindset on a particular threat. Will the threat be a zombie apocalypse? How about a group of sinful teens being stalked by a serial killer in a remote area? Is this about a family who are haunted by evil spirits? Erase your mind of the cliché horror-based games. Welcome to the New Breed: Introduction, a game that will take your predictions of what is going to happen in a new direction. This game will have horror, mystery & suspense and will give you a new perspective on your typical threats. You will be introduced to two main characters, one female and one male who you will be able to choose from to view the experience through their eyes. Enjoy!

Only One

Being a sarcastic jerk isn't as fun as it sounds! Yes, you can piss people off easily, but what happens when you piss the wrong people off? Well anyway, to kick things off, the world has changed since 2014. After being taken over by a bunch of weird-ass looking freaks, the human race is now enslaved and forced to work as pack mules. The fun part hasn't come yet, the real twist is when those freaks abduct a random selection of humans for their sick "Games". Every month a selection of ten women and ten men from the ages of 16 to 50 are thrown into these sick games to entertain these freaks with a new twist added every month. You begin to wonder.... What happens when I get chosen for the games? All the people I have pissed off would have a frenzy ripping me apart....