Yihman1, The Reader

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Last Activity

6/25/2014 9:20 AM

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First Contact

Your name is Frank. You have been a New York City police officer for ten years. You have a wife, and daughter. Aliens have landed on earth in New York City, and you are not sure if they are hostile, or friendly. You have been dispatched to quell a large crowd of people that are gathered around the ship...

Recent Posts

A question about items on 10/26/2012 6:15:14 PM

Ok so I got a question about when u make items. Suppose I make an item called "gun" Can I make so when I enter certain pages instead of going all the way over to the "use item" it would automatically have shoot as one of the normal options?

I have a question about the website that I couldn' on 10/26/2012 2:54:07 PM

I am an author. I am writing a story.The story has some rather offensive content, such as rape, murder, cannibalism, pedophilia, incest Nude photos of adult women, maybe other offensive stuff. Nothing Illegal.

I set the story settings so that only adults should read it, and put a couple of warnings on the first page this should only be for adult eyes.

If I publish my story will mods ban me, or delete it, or delete content or anything like that or are authors allowed creative control.

Please some mod or admin answer me thanks :)