kamikaseconnor, The Reader

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3/27/2016 6:45 AM

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ace lawyer

cliche horror story?

Just a cliche horror story?


One single outcome?

Is there only one single outcome?

Set in stone?


What's the point?

A reclusive man who for years has meant nothing to society.He had no friends.His family simply didn't care.Nobody ever will care.His life is dominated by schedule ,never would he differ from the linear path he had set himself, after all whats the point?
Or maybe there is.Take control of one day in his life.Will this be a new turning point in this frankly pathetic man's life or is his fate already predetermined? (Will contain themes of suicide,loneliness,depression and graphic descriptions)Dont expect this to be a light hearted story infact it is quite the oppisite and also note im 16 and quite frankly my grammar sucks so point out any spelling/grammar errors and give me as much feedback and constructive critism as posiple! and hope you enjoy!

Recent Posts

Riddles and puzzles entry idea. on 2/20/2016 3:36:26 AM

i can discuss it in a PM if anyone wants me to.


Riddles and puzzles entry idea. on 2/20/2016 3:34:31 AM

Actually i have an even bigger plot twist in mind ;) 


Riddles and puzzles entry idea. on 2/19/2016 2:35:25 PM

Hey guys i was just wondering what you guys thought of this idea of basing my entry around the concept of the Turing test which is a test of whether a machine can exhibit intelligent behavior undistinguishable from a human.in which you you will meet a series of characters throughout a story and you must figure out which is the robot from a series of interactions you will have.

Just wanting some suggestions. on 1/20/2016 2:40:57 PM

Hey you advanced editor guys was just wondering if anyone could give me advice on how could use the advance editor features in a time loop type story to pull off some cool stuff? im also  new at using advanced so if theres anyone willing to maybe put some time aside to maybe help me out and answer a few questions while im working on a story game i would vastly appreciate it!

My first published story is out now! on 1/20/2016 2:35:57 PM

And yep ive played the zero escape games! im so excited for zero escape 3 coming out this year! 

My first published story is out now! on 1/20/2016 2:34:51 PM

Ahh thanks man! cool nice to know! ive got some pretty interesting ideas to put in! and ahh i already know about that super pro tip from the why people should stop releasing demos article which i checked out after some advice saying i should just release a full game! and thanks for taking the time to not only read it but also to post a comment!


My first published story is out now! on 1/18/2016 3:56:20 PM

Hey i just wanted to inform you guys that my first published story game has just been released!

It is admittedly really short and more of a concept piece than a full story but i want to hear your opinions on it and whether you think i should turn the concept into a full several hundred pages long advanced story.

story idea and looking for possible collaborators? on 7/21/2015 12:26:23 PM

im thinking of doing a very unique story idea which i don't think anyone has done.. erm im wanting to do a story on the based on the "dark web/deep web http://www.vox.com/2014/12/31/7470965/dark-web-explained take the link if you don't know it.im planning to start research on it  and could maybe do with some people who also might be interested in  researching with me. i do want to say that you should be prepared to see some really screwed up stuff from what ive heard (ive never been on it myself yet) and do you think itd be an okay idea or not?!


This idea worth continuing? on 2/5/2015 1:10:50 PM

I originally  started work on this story a few months back but due to applying for colleges ect i got heavily sidetracked and have done little work so far on it and even though it would be my first story im quite worried on whether it would live up to a high standard and whether id be able to keep the concept fresh ( the story is a horror story in which i attempt to break the horror genre conventions but in a serious manner for the most part and is called "cliche horror story?")Heres the first few pages (id like to know your thoughts on my style of writing or plot ideas ect.


You walk through the streets.sillence taking reign over the night.You reach your house the lights are off.They shouldn't be. A foreboding sense of dread runs through your whole body.Your hand runs over your leg your hidden knife holster and the blade is still inside.


  • Pull out the knife and be prepared to use it?
  • Walk right in it'll (probably) be fine? 

Pull out the knife and be prepared to use it (option)

You remove the knife from its sheath as you cautiously open the door. That's when you see it.A figure stood in the doorway holding a baseball bat.You think to yourself ive been wanting a new one for a while now.You dash towards him aiming for his unprotected throat which you do as you cut him off mid sentence "happ-" stumbling back in suprise he begins  to cough and splutter blood.He falls to his knees and desperately attempts to tug at the knife now embedded in his throat but to no avail.The lights suddenly switch on as  a sympathy of screams destroy the once silent urban street. you glance up as a gallery of familiar faces stare back at you in pure horror.Your last thought before the  police arrive is " fuck me i forgot its my birthday today "

Walk right in it'll (probably) be fine? (option)

You walk in and  for a single second your heart stops followed by immediate relief as.... the lights turn on and your bombarded by screams of "happy Birthday!"(pfft sure was lucky you didn't get  your knife out  right?) 

End (of the stuff on this post )

(Please take into consideration that this is really early on and even though i am about 20 pages further on than this small section not all of it are finished pieces and are a bare bones draft of sorts and i am only 16 so my writing style most likely isn't brilliant at this point till i get more practice and there may be grammar or spelling errors as i couldnt copy or paste it for some reason and quickly had to copy it up)


I have returned! and i haz cookiess! on 11/10/2014 5:56:03 PM

yesss i do i was being sarcarstic.... know what metal dan is? now thats sickkk