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My very first game!Alpha version, need feedback :3

10 years ago

My very first game!I'm looking forward to in, but i'd like to know if i'm doing too badly, so if you may try my game my very kind sirs and ladies I'd appreciate it!Lots.,-search-for-the-sword-master

My very first game!Alpha version, need feedback :3

10 years ago

Also, a nub question, is using random pics off the net forbidden or counted as plagiarism?

My very first game!Alpha version, need feedback :3

10 years ago

As long as you don't claim they are yours and say where they are from you're fine.

My very first game!Alpha version, need feedback :3

10 years ago

You need to enable sneak preview on it for us to read it.

My very first game!Alpha version, need feedback :3

10 years ago

Done :3


10 years ago

I can't say anything good about it yet.  Write a bit more, and I'll tell you what I think.


10 years ago

Aye i will after i finnish work today.


10 years ago

Good morning.  This may take a while, so please feel free to "tl;dr" me if necessary.  Hopefully you find this criticism constructive without being nit-picky.

1.) Story - "A kingdom known for its majority of traders and vast marketplaces / kingdom hasn't got any soldiers except for a few guards".

You wrote that the country was both "small" and has "vast marketplaces".  If it is a center for trade and prosperity, it would only make sense for other countries to conquer it, either through military force or economic subjugation.  Therefore, it would make more sense for your small country to have a reasonably powerful military that focuses just on defense.  The added bonus of writing this is that you can write something like the following:

"Upon hearing The Great Oracle's ominous prophecy, you sent your strongest squad to kill the mythical beast in its lair.  The charred shield of the former squad leader promises you that the dragon is no myth... and neither is its fiery breath."

It's one thing if a mythical creature is coming to ravage a defenseless kingdom.  Its another if the kingdom is very strong, but the dragon is even more powerful.  It gives a better sense of scope.

2.) Fonts - Spaces, Bolded Parts, and Underlining

The consistent bolding of the important names and inconsistent underlining are very distracting.  Placing those words back into a normal font would make the few instances you DO underline or bold more appealing.  Also, please space once or twice after each period.  Doing this makes things difficult to read.That is, compared to a more normal spacing convention.It's an easily fixable problem that will drastically assist readability.

3.) Story - Of Bandits and Puzzles

Given that The Great Oracle let the whole kingdom know that Rul'Gotaar is coming to lay waste to everything, it seems silly of the bandits to execute the king that's attempting to stop them all from burning into ashes.  It's also strange that the royal carriage for such an important mission wouldn't have maximum guard security to prevent small threats like bandits from stopping the King.  The hardest part to get over is that the bandit leader makes a decision on whether or not to let you live (and thus whether or not he'll be joining a smoldering ember formerly known as Kaerth) based on an answer to a riddle.  It would be much more realistic to have the bandit leader hold your scepter and crown hostage until such time as you return from The Great Oracle and allow the elves to live in Kaerth again.

In fact, why does The Great Oracle need to be sought out at all?  He was clearly around long enough to say that the Dark Dragon Rul'Gotaar would come at the end of the summer to destroy everything.  Wouldn't the King have simply asked for his advice then?  Fortunately, there's an easy way around this.  Just about any of the below work:

The Great Oracle was captured.
The Great Oracle has gone missing.
The Great Oracle told you to search for <Insert Item / Person> that will help you, so you're searching for it / him / her instead.
The Great Oracle foretold an ancient threat but didn't say what it was and has since been missing / has become captured, so you need to find him to learn exactly what the threat is.
Only a person of royal lineage can kill a dragon.
You're looking for the dragon's lair so you can surprise it.

Whelp, I'll be writing a little more later.  Hopefully you find this useful to you.  Keep up the good work!