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The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

Alright so some kid told me something today and it completely blew my mind and I am still recovering.  So here it goes, have any of you seen the popular show the Berenstein Bears?  Probably all of you have.  Now let me tell you something, it is not the BerenstEin Bears, but the BerenstAin Bears.  How can this be? As a child I grew up to these books written by Stan and Jan Berenstein and all of a sudden they are written by Stan and Jan Berenstain.  

How could I possibly know that it was as a matter and fact Berenstein you may ask.  Well at the beginning of every episode they would have this intro to the show that sounded like the Berenst E n Bears (Emphasize the E).  Now I watched it once again to prove to myself that my memory had deceived me.  The intro clearly sounds like Berenst A n Bears (Emphasize the A). Especially at the end.  My mother said the exact same thing, she could have sworn it was the Berenstein Bears along with a few good friends and my girlfriend and her mother.  Could this possibly be a coincidence? What the h*ck is going on? (Excuse my language).

This is the video, click it


The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

Weird. I also could have sworn that the title was Bearnstein Bears. I'd chock it up to the country drawl, sucky child memory, and the power of suggestion.

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

The strange thing is that there are a lot of people who think the same thing.  Why would so many people think it was Berenstein when it actually was Berenstain.  


Another link that connects the Berenstain Bears and parallel universes


The Berenstian Bears

7 years ago

Oops; looks like we've slipped into the universe where it's actually "Berenstian".

The Berenstian Bears

7 years ago

Now I'm going to trip out on this mess for years. It's really bugging me.

The Berenstian Bears

7 years ago

This really messes with me. I can't figure it out! When the song plays the final tune and says, "The Berenstain Bears, the Berenstain Bears." It's supposed to be the Berenstein Bears, I know it!

The Berenstian Bears

7 years ago

I know! I can't help but feel like Berenstain is wrong!

The Berenstian Bears

7 years ago

The fancy little cursive a on the title screen also screws with my mind.  It's like it was replaced.  I pulled out a few of my good old childhood Berenstein books, they all said Berenstain on them.  I have read those books a thousand times and always pronounced them Berenstein with a long e.

The Berenstian Bears

7 years ago

I've asked my Mom, and even she said she remembers it as Berenstein.

The Berenstian Bears

7 years ago

My parents both said the same thing, along with my friends.  Welcome to an alternate reality where Berenstein is actually Berenstain and Nelson Mandela didn't die in prison.

The Berenstian Bears

7 years ago

I wonder what else we'll find that'll bug us.

The Berenstian Bears

7 years ago

Do you think it's Berenstein or Berenstain? 

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

Memories can be easily warped by time. The human brain, according to a study, doesn't remember non-critical things for more than five years, but you can remember memories of things from more than five years ago... And a lot of shit can get lost in translation. I remember specifically having been driven around in a purple van as a kid, that was the car my parents had when I was little. But, we gave that car to our relatives, and I saw a picture of them in it not long ago, and it was maroon. I remember playing with legos on the floor, and an ad came on for Masters of Disguise. I thought the voiceovermun actually said "Starring the Snake Charmer, the Golfer, and the Turtle Guy!" as they went through the guy's appearances. And I don't even need to rewatch the ad to know that, if there even was a voiceover, they sure as shit didn't say that. The sounds of Long A and Long E, as quickly said as they are in the intro, are easy enough to become interchangable in the mind, especially after years and years of not watching the show/reading the books, and only hearing last names that end in -Stein.

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

Alright that is all good and fine, but consider this.  I had a lucid dream once that I was going through a tunnel in Mount Rushmore and I came out of Lincoln's ear at the end.  Clearly this is not true and my parents told my that it was.  I accept that that was not true and that I just had a super lucid dream one time.  The difference between that case and this case is the magnitude of people who have experienced the same thing.  Look up Berenstein on ebay and find all of the books by Stan and Jan Berenstain.  Talk to your parents without them knowing anything at all about the controversy and them saying Berenstein.  Post something on a forum and have a complete stranger have the same distorted memory.

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

Just because it's a phenomenon doesn't really mean something out of the ordinary has happened. It'It's like the whole "Have you seen this man?" thing, wherein people who saw the picture had dreams about a man with similar features. Well, obviously they'd dream about him if they knew his face and had reason to think about him a lot, and enough placebo to believe he will be/has been in your dreams, I.E. a weird conspiracy about him being in dreams. People went psycho about the color of a dress, but it was all a trick of two photoshopped images.

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

Never really thought about it that much, but yeah it does seem like it would be "e" rather than "a".

The funniest book was the one where new neighbors moved in and the father didn’t like them because they were pandas (Chinese obviously).

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago
god dammit now I'm invested. I have to go look for the books on my old bookshelf - I'll be back with pics in like 30 minutes.

Edit:: I've concluded that they are in the attic and therefore I will not be able to get pics.

Edit2:: I've now fully read each article and reddit/blog post - favorite exerpt:

" Dr. Henry L. Roediger is one of the foremost experts on false memories in North America, so I wrote him about the Berensteinites to get his thoughts. His response made it clear he believes what's happening is more Occam's Razor than X-Files.

"I'm not sure that misremembering one letter in a long name is a major league false memory," he wrote VICE in an email. "My guess is that in this case that "stein" is remembered because it is a common ending of many names—Einstein, Frankenstein, Goldstein, etc."

He's obviously a shill in the great Berenstain conspiracy. " lol

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

Unfortunately I must disagree with because of eBay.  When you put something into eBay you have to type the name yourself to list it.  Read it right on the cover Berenstain.  Why would someone list it as Berenstein?

Check this out:

Warning Conspiracy Theory Evidence


The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

The Berenstain Bears

7 years ago

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

I read an article about this that said people most likely think it's Berenstein because stein is a more common end of last names than Stain, so our brain auto corrected it to stein. The whole parallel universes thing doesn't really work because it's physically impossible to travel backwards in time, maybe forwards, but never backwards.

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

Am I the only one who remembers it as Berenstain?

Granted, I did only see the PBS remake. Still, I don't think it's 'cause of an alternate universe or some 'sghettio bow buns like that. :)

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

Agreed, an alternate universe is pretty extreme.  But what if, right.

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

I remember it as Barenstein... Two syllables with the first being "bairn" and the second being "steen". 

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

Don't worry your not the only one.  There are a bunch of people who think that it is Barenstein not Barenstain, just like there are a ton of people who think that it was Captain Crunch instead of Cap'n Crunch or people who worked at Chuck E. Cheese's claiming it's always been Chuck E. Cheese.  People even claim that Hillary Clinton is spelled Hilary Clinton.  Some people remember an alternate ending to Lost that never happened.  Some people remeber Froot Loops being spelled Fruit Loops.  Some people remeber McDonalds being spelled MacDonalds, even people that worked there.  Older people claim that Jif used to be spelled Jiffy.  You can chalk it up to stupid people with the same bad memories, but here's where it gets even stranger.

If you go back to credible newspapers such as the New York Times, or other ones, you will find the misspellings above in the older papers.  You will find Barenstain being spelled Barenstein, Febreze spelled Febreeze.  You can watch interviews of people saying Sex in the City instead of Sex and the City.  You will find people who wrote books, such as Interview with THE Vampire, saying it Interview with a Vampire.  You can even find clips of David Letterman messing up famous quotes saying "Luke, I am your father." as opposed to "No, I am your father."  Whatever, it's just a stupid coincidence or bad memory.  I've decided to let it be.

The Berenstein Bears

7 years ago

I remember the A being in the first syllable, as opposed to the last. BerenstAin (the correct way)--BerenstEin (the alt. U theory way)-------BArenstEin (is where I'm weird), lol.