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Hey kiddos it's that new guy Castiel

4 years ago

So..... I'm new here.....

Yeah..... new antisocial person....

Hey kiddos it's that new guy Castiel

4 years ago
Welcome to the site! How'd you find us? What sort of stories do you like? ...oh....oh dear...the newbie locked himself in his room and is listening to My Chemical Romance...

Hey kiddos it's that new guy Castiel

4 years ago

I was just looking for a Harry Potter game-type thing, and I found one on here, and I decided "Heck it, I'm making an account" so here I am. The site's pretty fun so far, right now I'm typing up a fandom choice story. I just hope it's not too nerdy. :D

Hey kiddos it's that new guy Castiel

4 years ago

I think once you're writing a Harry Potter fandom choice game, you probably don't need to worry about if it's too nerdy.  It definitely is, and you should revel in the fact.

Hey kiddos it's that new guy Castiel

4 years ago

Welcome!  I'm social and outgoing, so I promise not to make direct eye contact or speak to you above a moderate whisper.  I know how these things go.