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This bug was closed 2/24/2024: Standard protocol. Nothing to see here, citizen.

Story keeps getting unpublished

7 months ago

I published a story called Sleeping In, and it keeps getting unpublished. I don't think it breaks any rules, but I'm new, and I might not know all of them. Help?

Story keeps getting unpublished

7 months ago

Well, it might not actually break any rules, but the one thing you are missing is that the story must also carry a minimum rating of at least a 2 in order to remain published.  My guess is an admin is unpublishing it since it does not meet that standard.

You probably should leave it unpublished and work on the story before republishing it.

Story keeps getting unpublished

7 months ago

The minimum site standards state that any story game rated under 2.5 after 10 ratings will automatically be unpublished. Try responding to feedback/comments to raise the rating.

Edit: it seems as if I was beaten to this by 30 seconds...

Story keeps getting unpublished

7 months ago

That makes sense. Thanks!