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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Dear Expander,

15 years ago

Since you are not accepting private messages at the present time, I would like to direct your attention to my profile please.

Thanks for your time.


Dear Expander,

15 years ago

I remember Expander being associated with Bob somehow.  Same person perhaps?

Hard to be sure given that most everything got deleted from those times.

Dear Expander,

15 years ago

I doubt it. He may be stupid, but he does have a vocabulary beyond "I" and "play" and "drums".


Dear Expander,

15 years ago

"I rated that game a negative infinity because I think it deserved that rating. And I changed my avatar because I finally found a decent picture of that guy. Haven't you also realised that"


Dear Expander,

15 years ago

LOL, even tho he changed his avatar AGAIN. When did we implement a "negative infinity" rating? lol, thats new.


Dear Expander,

15 years ago

Well, you know Expander - always on top of things. usually a penis

Dear Expander,

15 years ago



Dear Expander,

15 years ago

Well his mind is on penis.

Dear Expander,

15 years ago

true dat, true dat. It's so funny when someone decides, "HEY IM GONNA TROLL TODAY! WAFFLES!" and they just get fucking OWNED.


Dear Expander,

15 years ago

Who's isn't?

Dear Expander,

15 years ago

Haha, bring 'em here and we'll penis him up!

Dear Expander,

15 years ago

...only on tuesdays.


Dear Expander,

15 years ago

It's the sub of the day! (12 Inch for half off)

Dear Expander,

15 years ago
Subway, eat Fresh :D

Dear Expander,

15 years ago

lol extra mayo on mine please.


Dear Expander,

15 years ago

Jizz, dude, don't forget that.  Expander would be upset.

Dear Expander,

15 years ago

How far are we willing to take this joke...?

Dear Expander,

15 years ago

You'd be suprised, melike. You'd be surprised.


Dear Expander,

15 years ago

He wouldn't be that surprised.

Dear Expander,

15 years ago

Oh you'd be surprised how surprised he would be, Zero. You would be surprised...


Dear Expander,

15 years ago
I like orange.

Dear Expander,

15 years ago

No, dude. Purple is where it's at.


Dear Expander,

15 years ago

True, since purple is over nine-thousand.

Oh, and it's "Subway eat flesh! Or suck on it, your choice."

Dear Site Members

15 years ago

I blokced the direct link to your profile. Same with 3J's because both of you treat lower class members like maggot dung, and you smell like it. You know, when you judge someone you're really judging yourself.

This thread was created by the arse with the head of a robotic retard.

Dear Master Philosopher

15 years ago

You blocked the link to their profiles?  What does that even mean?

"Lower class?"... So, do you consider yourself lower class then?

You've smelled them?

Actually, when you judge people, you actually... well, you judge them.

Dear Master Philosopher

15 years ago

...Add that to the list.

Dear Master Philosopher

15 years ago

Morality can never be objective. Everyone's opinions are biased. Even, and especially, my own.

Dear Master Philosopher

15 years ago
Zero, that qualifies for a top 20 cys-reply. Concise and golden, couldn't have said it better myself.

Dear Master Philosopher

15 years ago

Lol, how is calling us retarded arses with robot heads (or whatever shit you said) not judging us?...So, with your logic (which WE ALL KNOW IS FLAWLESS *sarcasm*) doesn't that make you a retarded arse with a robot head...whatever...that...would mean...


Dear Master Philosopher

15 years ago

Haha, DV's is pretty good too. 

"WE ALL KNOW IS FLAWLESS"  I literally laughed out loud. :p