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Core Online and Skyrim DLC

11 years ago

Hey guys, I thought I'd keep up with my thing here as a provider of gaming news and such, so every week or so I'll be posting a message about something big going on in the gaming world. Sounds neat huh?

Anyways, what I wanted to talk about was this cool site I just discovered called It's in beta right now, but the premise of the site is that you build up time to play a game online (right now the only major title is a hitman game) by watching ads on the site. It's a cool idea in theory, and I'm excited to see how it'll evolve over time. It's owned by Square Enix, so I'm going to pray to the gaming god that a couple Final Fantasy games make it onto the site (played 1-6, need to find 7 and up somehow...).

Also in gaming news, Skyrim is to come out with a new minor DLC on Sept. 4th. Supposedly you'll get to design and build a custom home, create new items, and be able to adopt a child. It sounds good, but unless it puts new acheivements into the game i'm probably not going to get it.

What are your guys's thoughts on these articles? Should I keep doing this or should I stop?

Core Online and Skyrim DLC

11 years ago

Oh, and an addendum to the first thing, at some point you'll be able to purchase cards and codes to redeem for points which you can also use to add time to play games.

Core Online and Skyrim DLC

11 years ago

What are your guys's thoughts on these articles?

 Meh, if i want an older game i'll go to a site i know like and skyrim dlc for me is kinda pointless. Also i don't think they will make it so the child will grow up at all which means you'll be stuck with a stupid useless kid who follows you around. (Adoring Fan?)

Should I keep doing this or should I stop?

Well i think it's a nice idea but seems a bit off focus since this is a CYOA storygame site and not a Game-news zone. It's up to you and the admins really.

Core Online and Skyrim DLC

11 years ago

Ooh, I haven't heard about the Skyrim download yet. I hope they also fix the problem where if you kill your wife/husband you can't remarry also XD. and I'm not gonna lie, I do wanna adopt those poor kids in the orphanage in Riften, especially after the Dark Brotherhood starting quest. I'll probably download it, just because my inner girly girl will feel less neglected that way  lol.

Core Online and Skyrim DLC

11 years ago

You provide gaming articles?

Anyways, I'm only really interested in the Skryim, and I almost never download DLC so it's not really relevant to me. However, being able to remarry would be legit (I just started to click the A button to get through dialogue and ended marrying a lizard dude... he didn't last long before they found him in the ocean), and I'm interested in the custom home.

Core Online and Skyrim DLC

11 years ago

Same for me (The marriage part) but she died by a wolf-pack sneak attack after we fought off a dragon. 

Core Online and Skyrim DLC

11 years ago

My character is still an all-powerful bachelorette.  (Without hacks or cheats: Maxed one handed, maxed two handed, maxed archery, maxed healing, maxed both heavy and light armor, maxed sneak, and maxed werewolf in Dawnguard.)

The thing is: grinding was boring.  Really boring.

Core Online and Skyrim DLC

11 years ago

I feel you man. I really do. Nothing says Skyrim endgame better than grinding.