AzBaz, The Dramatist
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I won't be around much but I may periodically log in as I'll be mainly using Ink to write stories now.
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.-- .... -.-- / -... . / .- / .... . .-. --- ..--..
When all that's desired is to do good in a cruel World with so little power, what measures might be taken to create change? Afflicted by something more than just psychosis, one rogue hero seeks a path of getting that power to help people in need. Henle's getting rougher by the day and it's starting to look like Bast isn't the only problem on the streets. In the end, it all comes down to Frameshift.
Parts of this tie into my main project, though they're only minor things that are neither particularly easy to find nor important to the plot. In context of the main story, however, anything you might feel is left unexplained can be understood from the information coming to a CYS near you sometime in the sort-of-near future.
Thanks to all of those who patiently helped me as I stumbled around the merciless world of scripting, especially BradinDvorak.
NOTE FOR READERS: Any number works to unlock the passcode at the start; I originally added this to prevent people accessing the story while editing and kept it because it ties into other stories I'm working on.
hAha sozry, 4 eny m¡§tækeš this my fist storey pleas r8 ni5ely!!1
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NOTES:The sick, twisted experiments of a mad scientist on the Advanced Editor, executed in a state-of-the-art underground laboratory.
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Articles Written
How to Create a Variable Item SystemRecent Posts
Tools for writing CYOAs to be uploaded online on 4/22/2023 12:04:21 PMSongbird Editor - A new tool for IF writers on 4/22/2023 12:03:47 PM
Tools for writing CYOAs to be uploaded online on 4/22/2023 4:05:34 AM
It's still early days and I wrote this post before finding alternatives to ink, so I'm glad you highlight these for any other authors looking to port projects onto their own sites or utilise other features the reasonably powerful (but still limited) editor on this site.
For now, I'm sticking to ink as I can add all the visuals with HTML and javascript if I need to. Also, you're right in saying it's more code-heavy, and some of the things it allows you to do can create powerful and complex interactive content that's perfect for my story. However, I may still yet be converted to Twine, because I'm trying to figure out how to implement my variable item system outlined in this article. It can be done apparently, but requires some stuff I don't understand yet. The article basically outlines how to create an inventory system UI that's present at all times at the bottom of your screen and allows you to use items whenever you want on top of whatever choices are available (it's a more flexible version of this site's native item system).
If you know how to do this in Twine or have seen something similar, I'd be very interested!
Tools for writing CYOAs to be uploaded online on 3/15/2023 4:43:30 AM
The language is as easy or complex as you want it to be and you can upload your stuff onto the web, or even create 2D/3D games around your text story by porting it into other software like Unity. It also has a few features the AE doesn't have like loops (although I think Brad might have implemented this now in CYS Sugar; I'm not sure I haven't been active for a year or two).
Happy writing!
Tools for writing CYOAs to be uploaded online on 3/12/2023 11:49:01 AM
Tools for writing CYOAs to be uploaded online on 3/11/2023 6:26:46 AM
Tools for writing CYOAs to be uploaded online on 3/11/2023 3:34:10 AM
I still have an unfinished storygame on here that's worth salvaging, but I gave up because I couldn't figure out how to use some Javascript.
I'm not actually asking for help with that, though. I was wondering those of you more in the loop with webdev stuff than me (which isn't hard) know how best to approach getting this story I started here onto my own website using an intermediate software.
I don't have time to learn HTML, CSS, and JS to a level where I can build this all from scratch anymore, although I know I'll have to learn some down the line.
Essentially, I want something to do the heavy lifting that CYS does to some extent by creating links and pages for me, which I can edit the script of to produce different results based on tracked variables, which can then be exported as my own website once finished. It should be able to support an inventory system as well as allow me to create slightly more gamey mechanics like a fishing system based off of variables (e.g. Strength and Luck), which I already created in CYS.
Things like Twine aren't gonna cut it from my preliminary research. I've taken note of Ink/Inkly and it looks like a good shout if anyone has experience using this for CYOAs? Else, if anyone has any other or better suggestions, I'm all ears.
Graveyard of Unfinished Stories on 10/23/2021 6:58:38 PM
Site updates, Spring 2021 on 5/1/2021 7:10:23 AM
Site updates, Spring 2021 on 4/28/2021 10:49:46 AM