CheeseIsGood, The Reader
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Last Activity
9/11/2023 10:25 AM
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A Sightly Interesting Storygame
What happens when you embark on life
you must navigate your life with your strict parents
(some parts of this are loosely based on a true story)
Recent Posts
trying to write, not working on 11/1/2022 12:21:05 AMI unpublished it to improve it because people hated it.
trying to write, not working on 10/31/2022 11:27:21 PM
well its published now, so you can see that it gets better
im new on 10/31/2022 9:41:59 AM
Im afraid it is
and it makes your hair frizz
and puts a weird smell in your whiz
and makes your ears hear a sound that sounds like tizzzzzzzzzz
trying to write, not working on 10/30/2022 10:53:01 AM
im new on 10/29/2022 11:37:23 PM
I apologize for asking, i did not know you had rhymes disease, will you forgive me please
trying to write, not working on 10/29/2022 11:01:26 PM
wait, my story isnt published how did you know what it was about
im new on 10/29/2022 10:57:14 PM
Nice Keys?
whats that mean
trying to write, not working on 10/29/2022 10:56:47 PM
It gets better, I swear
im new on 10/29/2022 10:22:23 PM
Hi New, I'm Cheese
Fantasy Recommendations? on 10/29/2022 10:20:05 PM
I'm not sure if they're considered Fantasy, but I really like the Percy Jackson books (and the spin-offs too)
Artemis Fowl is also pretty good.
I really like Fablehaven too.
I would also recommend The Dragon With A Chocolate Heart
Magic Tree House and Whatever After are children's books, but still super good.
another series I liked was The Sisters Grimm