Voldy, The Reader
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2/13/2023 6:50 PM
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Blood & Gold
Play as Victor "Haze" Hernandez, a professional boxer who is thrust into gang trouble the night before his championship fight.
Your dream is in reach, after many years of blood, sweat, and tears.
But in the way of that gold, is a massive debt call originating from many years into your past.
And it must be paid. One way or another.
This is meant to be a very short game. I made it for fun and to practice a bit. Its more story than game, although you can die and there are three different endings.
Lonely Skies
Maybe you're not so alone after all. Just look to the skies.
Rage Against The Dead
A living tale set in a dead world.
Recent Posts
This Site Reject Is Curious About Something on 2/13/2023 6:49:48 PMThat's what I was saying; apparently, no one will ban me and follow through with it. So I'm just responding at the moment. If I get truly banned this time, so be it.
This Site Reject Is Curious About Something on 2/13/2023 6:42:15 PM
I've already been banned. Twice. Not sure why I've been brought back, to be honest. Well, because of the contest I entered. But I'm still not sure why that overrode a respected mod's decision to get rid of me.
This Site Reject Is Curious About Something on 2/13/2023 6:40:19 PM
Again, why respond if you're gonna put this little thought into the conversation?
This Site Reject Is Curious About Something on 2/13/2023 6:34:48 PM
Again, its not like you were going to put any actual thought into your response either way.
This Site Reject Is Curious About Something on 2/13/2023 6:28:51 PM
I've insulted her from day one, but sure, its not like you were going to put any actual thought into your response either way.
This Site Reject Is Curious About Something on 2/13/2023 6:23:32 PM
What exactly am I "struggling" with? I'm responding to something. Its like you guys are bothered anytime I bitch about Thara. She seems like a big girl. She can handle herself. Mainly by going around acting like she isn't a stuck up whore, but that's just her, I suppose.
This Site Reject Is Curious About Something on 2/13/2023 5:25:54 PM
I expected to create discussion around a topic I was curious about, as stated in the post above. I got a couple satisfactory responses.
This Site Reject Is Curious About Something on 2/13/2023 5:20:38 PM
By "intentionally provoking" a mod, do you mean, "pissed off a mod by dicking around with them knowing they dick around with pretty much everyone else, and they took it too seriously for no reason?" If so, then yes, I did. I poked back and ended up getting pretty much everything on my account wiped just for the shits and giggles. So, the story is a lot more complicated than just me being a dick.
But of course, that matters to no one. Anyone who tries to fit in too fast and go with the flow is just tossed aside as a troll noob. No one wanted to move to DMs and discuss the issue.
This Site Reject Is Curious About Something on 2/13/2023 3:02:02 PM
This Site Reject Is Curious About Something on 2/13/2023 3:01:36 PM
Its just from multiple DM conversations on Discord over the months. Nothing too funny. Mostly stuff in the camps you mentioned.
Surprised you even offered, though. But, I mean, its pretty useless since Thara can freely take them away whenever she desires. Not sure what you were expecting, there.