______, The Reader

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Writing Exercises - KF: Week Eight on 4/13/2015 6:09:05 PM

Sophia was born a daughter of a well to-do aristocrat, and lived nicely alongside nobles and middle-class men and women until she was 8.  Even predating the civil strife, Sophia's town had lived separated from most of the world by it being on the southern, coastal side of a mountain.  The mountain itself provided plenty of food, with the only natural predators being humans.

It was no surprise bandits would settle down here.  At first, they presented themselves as gypsies, and even to this day, they treat the wildlife responsibly, since they were lead by a rather intelligent Dona of a rather imposing crime family.

Anyhow, this Dona decided to move into the town around the time Sophia was 8.  They didn't mean harm at all, but given their reputation, it was probable that a group of young men, mostly consisting of a rag-tag team of young lords leading young subjects, would initiate a fight on of the family's associates.  They broke both his legs.  The Dona was not pleased with that.

Within the hour of receiving the news, every major household was held hostage and had to pay about half of their life savings to him.  Sophia's household, however, was a legislative one; they didn't have a family craft to rely upon, and so Sophia's father's income was much, much lower than the others'.

Consequently, Sophia was dragged out the door, but not before cutting off her own arm (she was being dragged away by the Dona's armored guards, so she did what she had to : a reckless judgment).  The sacrifice was meaningless as she was still captured, and within the day, had her nub of an arm fully treated.

While she was recovering in a sort of half-coma, the bandits cleared out of the town, with their cover lifted, and off into the mountains they went.

She would never return to the town.  Until she was 13, she was used as a sort of sick concept of a child-dancer, and then until 16 years of age, as a cat burglar, and then until 18, a part of the bandito guard.

From 18 onwards, she had changed from "Little Lass" to "Little Sister" to "Sister", promotions in rank for her service in the family.  It was when she was turning 19, another Commission meeting, did she flip the power table.  You see, the initial Dona had grown old, and he was planning an heir.  She knew that among her peers, there were more than a few eager to just shoot him and take the title for themselves.

In fact, she was planning to do that at first, but seeing the competition, she decided to pull off a trick a month past her birthday.

They had settled, after traveling a circuit course across many other cities, back at her city, and she decided to hold a feast there.  All of the Commission went, and it was on that day did she show off her new arm; she had spent most of her money making it, though she picked up most of the metal herself.  With a group of amazing blacksmiths (that knew of her identity), she had it built within that month.

And so, she put it to use.  No one had brought their weapons with them, but that metal arm was all she needed.  In fact, she had grown this ability in secret, resetting watches and disrupting clockworks with just a touch.  Without even lifting a finger on that arm, she crushed her competition's lives as though they were statues against a hammer.

She had also tipped off the guard of the crime group's presence, so she'd have an alibi as to why the Commission had all been killed so.  Using this, she eliminated the more ambitious, more obviously threatening of her family.

With her at the tip of the spear, she remained there, and for the rest of that year, killed every young lord that had caused her trouble in the first place, capping it off with the head of the guard.

And that was the first town she actually conquered.  Seven years go by, and now, as the Donna of the family and as a pseudo-noble, she prowls her town with pride.  That was, until the King died.

An uprising chased her and six "family" members up into the mountain again; everyone else was killed by none other than Wenceslas, at the age of 9.

She aims to try and halt the misguided young boy, as well as the others.  Even without the main base, the other branches obey her without fail.  The only reason she even bothers with him is the fact that most of her family reside in high-ranking positions, positions of interest for a bloodthirsty kid to target for information and revenge.  She also aims to kill the runaway Queen to tend the "terrible" bloodline.

Combat-wise, she also has a damnably annoying ability to work machinery with just a touch of the nub of her arm.  She can send even primitive tractors haywire without so much as an animal to drive them, and it doesn't change the fact she can send it barreling into the nearest powder storage for a bright boom.

Check the Apocalypse Plant to confirm my identity matches with swiftstryker's.

Forgot to do this ritual-thingy. on 3/26/2015 10:55:17 PM

Forgot to do this ritual-thingy. on 3/25/2015 1:22:14 AM

I meant by using a real funky username with all underscores.

Forgot to do this ritual-thingy. on 3/25/2015 1:21:36 AM

Wait, did you wipe the underscore out, or is it just not viewable on a mobile device?  o.o

Forgot to do this ritual-thingy. on 3/24/2015 3:46:16 PM

I'm actually surprised no one tried this out yet.