crsc3110, The Reader
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12/30/2022 11:51 AM
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Introductions on 1/4/2017 12:01:07 PMAh, Berka! I can remember you quite well, i actually remember messaging you about a storygame- I needed help for it and asked for a walkthrough (Not that there was one, but you still helped me)
Introductions on 1/4/2017 11:59:16 AM
Oh No i'm Sorry i'll leave :'C- in all seriousness, nice to meet you. Also, I really enjoyed reading your storygame.
Introductions on 1/3/2017 1:30:26 PM
I must admit i don't know who many of you are. I look forward to sticking around and getting to know you all! :D
Introductions on 1/3/2017 7:43:06 AM
Oh this community is beautiful, I forgot how tight-knit everyone was
Introductions on 1/2/2017 7:07:41 PM
Most Probably won't remember me, I wasn't massively active in the forums until about a year after i joined the site. But anyway, Nice to meet you/
Introductions on 1/2/2017 6:45:02 PM
Hi,I'm a longish time member of this site, but due to a broken computer, I haven't been about recently. I just wanted to say hello and reintroduce myself to CYOA- the community has changed a bit since i was last active, but i still remember the Regulars, such as 3J, Madglee, and End, but most others i'm unfamiliar with. Any more regulars want to introduce themselves and chat?
Item Pictures on 4/4/2014 5:37:12 PM
How do you put different pictures on items?