macileighh, The Reader

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love hate

love hate nigga

Suicidal Love

This is a very serious game. Involving the topics of love, suicide, and drama. You play a seventeen year old boy named Tristan, and you are accompanied by your lover, 16 year old Hallie and your bestfriend 17 year old River.

Characters: Tristan - Laid back and sappy. Loves skateboarding, singing and playing guitar. Standard depressed guy who tries to find the bright side of things. Abusive father, quiet mother. Has dark brown hair, greenish brown eyes, around 5'11 and average fit. Smart but not too smart. Hallie - Brown hair, blue eyes. Pale, and elegant looking. Slightly curved, but all around skinny and on the tall side. 5'7. Into playing guitar, singing, video games, and she loves stars. River - He is known as a pothead. Active pothead, skates with Tristan, reads, and plays video games. Has long (shoulder length) blonde curly hair. Grey eyes, and slight stubble. Very handsome and fit. On the hippie side. 6'1.

Note: All characters are into old music and modern rock music. 

If you are uncomfortable with suicidal teens drowning in love and abuse than this is not the game for you. This is my friends story, she wanted me to post it. Enjoy!