masterelf, The Wordsmith
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i can censore my self you f pepelo
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In this game the object is to play a scenario some are funny some are sad and some are even sci-fi (for those who love a different kind of game to play.
The story of a Ranger is my first game chances are i wont make many. this story is about just a single adventure from one of my favorite chars i ever made Dearon Birloth an elven ranger
Recent Posts
shadow of the rabbi on 4/27/2012 10:36:18 AMI thought it was because something timed out
Drugs on 4/4/2012 10:24:25 AM
YOu know what would really suck if they leagalized pot in america because they would tax the crap out of it and it would be to ewxpensive.
urban legends on 4/4/2012 10:23:00 AM
What about the the chewbricabra(Hard to spell).
shadow of the rabbi on 4/4/2012 10:20:37 AM
i dont' remember the link but i am sure it was a end game link
shadow of the rabbi on 4/4/2012 10:19:59 AM
no it was like a screen that showed me graph like things numbers and stuff i don't car to understand.
urban legends on 3/21/2012 11:37:47 AM
you guys heard aqbout twin city? its a city with all twins after a nazi doctor poisioned the water supply
Games with stats on 3/21/2012 11:15:40 AM
i know exactly what the section is for i do not accept distructive critisum(yeah i know i spelt it wrong big deal)
whta i am talking about is something like this
endureance 4
streagth 11
mana 100
health 53
intelligence 19
wisdom 13
and so on.
i think youi are the one confused beacuse this can help the website it involes everyone(yes i spelt it wrong).
so yeah i think im right and your wrong get over it.
Games with stats on 3/21/2012 11:06:07 AM
yeah if its good
Games with stats on 3/8/2012 10:41:37 AM
you know what would be cool games with stats like constitution,streagth,and wisdom. stuff like that and during the game chack them and have them displayed at the end of the game.
friends list on 3/2/2012 10:37:40 AM