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Finding an item and then moving it to another area

3 years ago
Hello this may be a silly question but I have implemented the combat method from this thread (How to use Characters, Weapons and Combat Rounds) and it mentions about adding items into the equipment room which I have done ok however.. my question is, can I add in finding weapons & armour into the game and rather than them staying in the inventory, can I get them to automatically move into the equipment room?

Finding an item and then moving it to another area

3 years ago
You'll want to look at $ITEMSTATE as far moving items in and out the player's inventory:

This can all be controlled with normal variables, which you'll need to make sure you have a good grasp on before moving onto more advanced uses.

You could also just write in the text that they find an item and put it in the equipment room, using a variable to activate it there without it ever needing to be a real item they pick up. Everything about items can be entirely simulated this way in fact if you really wanted to.

Finding an item and then moving it to another area

3 years ago
Hi Mizal thank you for that I had a feeling that was what I meant to be looking at. Thanks again

Finding an item and then moving it to another area

3 years ago
Be aware that if you give an item a starting location, when it's not in the reader's inventory, it will be there -- even if you just remove it from their inventory. In other words, if they pick up an item in room #2, then walk into room #3 and drop it, it will normally appear back in room #2. That's weird, but that it what it is. If you really want to control items and locations, you can make a room that's inacessible from the story and put everything in there, then control picking up and dropping using scripts and code.

Finding an item and then moving it to another area

3 years ago
I am wondering if I should just remove the equipment room altogether and when the player comes across an upgrade, then just drop the old weapon if you dont want it. I think the method I was originally planning on doing is just too much effort for the outcome lol.

Finding an item and then moving it to another area

3 years ago
How important it is really just depends on the game. The item system doesn't really get utilized much here due to a preference for story focused games, but that's a lot that's theoretically possible with the editor. You should check out Delve! for an example of one of the few good combat focused games here:

It might be a good idea to just do a regular storygames first though while you're getting a handle on the editor.

Finding an item and then moving it to another area

3 years ago
Thanks I will play that game first before continuing. I might just be biting off more than I can chew, thanks for the heads up and the suggestion.

Finding an item and then moving it to another area

3 years ago
Great reccommendation, Thank you!

Finding an item and then moving it to another area

3 years ago
Yes, there is an item system here. No, no one likes it. Yes, it does work, but it's clunky.

You can put items in a place and people can pick them up. When they do, they get the same page reloaded. And the items just kind of sit there. If you want to put the work in, you can use variables and let the reader have items, including descriptions, limited uses, drops, and so on, but yes, that is quite a bit of work behind the scenes. It does make the story quite a bit more immersive, though.

Feel free to do it either way!