The7thContinent, The Reader


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9/29/2021 4:16 AM

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Adding pictures on 9/22/2021 7:05:00 AM
Thanks for that. Open up your storygame. To upload the picture, click on the button and a pop-up window will show up (make sure you have any pop-up blockers temporarily turned off). You will be able to choose from any of your uploaded pictures to put in your storygame This is the section I don't understand.. It says 'click on the button'.. which button am I clicking? I have the picture uploaded onto the site, I just need to get it from there onto the page I want the picture to appear on.

Adding pictures on 9/21/2021 6:19:14 AM
I wasnt sure if it can uploaded like other images for items or something but when you put it like that it makes sense

Adding pictures on 9/21/2021 5:55:42 AM

Adding pictures on 9/21/2021 4:10:15 AM
so it cant be an iamge that been saved to the computer?

Adding pictures on 9/20/2021 10:53:22 AM
thank you.. It can't be a saved image? do I put this in the link script for the page its going to appear on? as when I do it doesnt like the '<' so I might not be doing it right

Adding pictures on 9/20/2021 10:11:17 AM
Does anyone know how to add a picture (for example of an enemy) into the game, I can do it when adding items just don't know how when it comes to an image on a page.

Variable D6 on 9/20/2021 6:53:04 AM
My aim isnt to get it to reduce the damage to 0 and stay at 0 but ill try that and see if it works.

Variable D6 on 9/17/2021 7:25:09 AM
the variable itself is set to 1, then a page variable change adds 10 to the value (this is done by selecting a class) so thats 11 and then another page variable change adds a further 5 to it (this is done by equiping some starter equipment) which makes a total of 16.

Variable D6 on 9/17/2021 5:46:33 AM
%PERCENT := 1D102 IF %PERCENT = 1 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 0 IF %PERCENT > 1 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 10 / 100 IF %PERCENT > 11 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 20 / 100 IF %PERCENT > 21 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 30 / 100 IF %PERCENT > 31 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 40 / 100 IF %PERCENT > 41 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 50 / 100 IF %PERCENT > 51 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 60 / 100 IF %PERCENT > 61 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 70 / 100 IF %PERCENT > 71 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 80 / 100 IF %PERCENT > 81 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 90 / 100 IF %PERCENT > 91 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 100 / 100 IF %PERCENT > 101 THEN %PLYRATK := %PLYRATK * 2 I am doing it the way I have been advised to and it's still hitting 0's

Variable D6 on 9/17/2021 4:02:19 AM