
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was accepted 8/19/2019: It's been suggested enough times that it probably has legs.

[ADVANCE EDITOR] Sorting Variables

7 years ago

So I looked around the Feature Wishing Well a bit, could find some things about this topic, those I checked were "Automatically rejected as part of the FWW clean out." So I figured I might as well post it now as all of those were pretty old and I heard that somewhat recently alexp isn't the only one able to implement site changes.

So now, I'll get right to it.
Variables are great, but storygames that use a lot of them can end up having countless, which then all get displayed in one long list.

So I thought about it a bit, and I was wondering if a similar thing to chapters being used for organising pages could be implemented.
I was thinking that variables are displayed pretty similarly to pages, but they don't have any chapters to help sort them.

I by no means know how the site handles variables or pages, but if it is similar I imagine adding 'chapters' (you could call them 'folders' or something) to the variable sub tab would mostly be copying the code for the chapters feature and putting them under the variables tab as well.
However, as I heard the site has some pretty old code, it might actually be quite difficult even if it was just copying + pasting it (which I doubt). Not to mention that the last thing anyone wants is it messing up something important.

Then again, this sort of change would mostly be a quality of life one, but it might also encourage more people to try and use variables?

As this isn't urgent by any means, and as people have made do without it for ages now, I can understand this not being accepted even for just one of those two reasons (that is without even considering the previously mentioned ones in regards to the coding side of things).

At any rate, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this. Do you (not) care? Do you not use variables at all? Would this encourage you to use them (or use them more)? Would such a change be as simple as a copy + paste? Do you use variables and think this addition would be a good, worthwhile one?

While on this topic, those of you who do use variables, do you have any advice for sorting them (potentially even outside the site itself, like on... notepad, or something).

P.S. Some of the old threads mentioned arrays could help, both as a change in actual variable scripting and what not as well as for sorting them.
I don't much about them, but figured I should mention them as an option as well (however I don't know which would be easier to implement).

Adding some sort of means for sorting variables in the advance editor would be pretty nice. Is it easy to do? If so, should it be done?