
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 9/18/2019: It’s a nice-to-have but not worth the effort

Sort by year made

5 years ago

Sorting storygames by year made is something that I feel should be a thing. Not by month or anything, just year. This way we can look at stories from long ago, or better yet, stories that were made in the last few years, so that your review is not wasted on a author who is long gone and a story that was written in 2011.

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5 years ago

I don't think reviews are wasted even when written for a game penned by an author gone from the site.  Reviews are interesting pieces of writing in their own right, or can be, and they are useful to potential readers of a game, as well as useful for potential and current authors who hope to learn things.  If anything, I think older games should be reviewed more, and encouragement to review  little reviewed, or vaguely reviewed games would be a wonderful thing.

Sort by year made

5 years ago

Indeed, even if the author has left the site, the reviews can be useful to aspiring authors and even some experienced ones hoping to touch up their writing.