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Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Mythic Nippon: The Demon God of Sendai

Prolog ---

Those who would one day bear the honorific title: ‘Samurai of Sendai,’ were once the children of minor nobles in Sendai, the fortress city of Daimyo Shinsen Hasekura. When they were young, these children knew each other and attended school together. Their parents fell into the upper social ranking of the city, below only three other families and the Daimyo himself. They were taught to love the Daimyo and bring honor to their family names, by faithfully serving the Daimyo – as their families had for centuries before; serving as city officials, military leaders, royal physicians, political advisors, court magicians, and priests.

From the time they were very young, the children of Sendai knew that the Chinese were the enemies of their homeland; the Isles of Nippon. The parents in Sendai would say that the Chinese would carry them away if they misbehaved, and that the Chinese waited in the forests to capture runaways. Back then, the children of Sendai never saw any Chinese, but that’s because they were obedient children.

Then one day, the city flooded with common folk. Smoke billowed beyond the city walls and the people talked excitedly amongst themselves about grownup things that the children of Sendai couldn’t understand. Shortly after, their fathers were called away and the other men of the city started to carry weapons. Slowly, over the next few days, these men began to disappear as well, until only the very old remained.

At night, the children of Sendai would hear their mothers weeping, and sometimes fighting would be heard outside the homes – men yelling and then the clashing ring of swords – erupting suddenly and ending as abruptly with the cry of dying men.

Then, after a long time, the men finally returned to Sendai, but they were different… foreign…

Were these the Chinese the children of Sendai had heard about and feared? They came and took the young women away. And other men, who were older, came and took over the houses and stole the place of Sendai’s fathers. The children of Sendai suddenly found themselves with new ‘fathers’, left yearning and hoping for the return of their real fathers to come and make things right.

Not long after, some of Sendai’s younger men returned as well, bringing the children of Sendai a glimmer of bright expectation. Certainly, the children of Sendai believed, the young men of Sendai would fight and drive out the Chinese, so that the fathers of Sendai could return – but it did not happen that way. Instead, the young men of Sendai came home wounded and sad. Many had to be treated by healers and some had even lost the will to speak for a long time to follow.

It took many years, but things slowly began to return to normal; except that the real fathers of Sendai never returned. The children of Sendai began to go to school again, and to play, and to grow up. And as they did, they began to learn and understand the history of their city and people.


The Chinese had come to war against the Isles of Nippon and those who called it their home, led by the great Mongol Warlord Kublai Khan. Their numberless army, and a new weapon, called the ‘Roaring Dragon’, had swept over the lands, conquering all in their path, until finally coming to battle against Sendai itself. It was a bitter and hard fought contest, but the city eventually fell – shortly after the Daimyo, Shinsen Hasekura himself, took a terrible wound from the Roaring Dragons.

It is said however, that Kublai Khan was so impressed with Daimyo Hasekura’s spirit and skill in battle, that he had him healed by his own powerful Wu-Jen; and then restored him to his station and allowed him to continue governing the city of Sendai under the Chinese occupation.

Then, not long after the land was conquered, a Chinese Shogunate was established in the Imperial City of Edo and the Kublai Khan left Nippon with his fleet of mercenary warriors to travel back to China. Legend has it however, that a terrible typhoon rose up like a ‘divine wind’ – sent to avenge Nippon’s lost honor – and before the fleet reached the mainland, and it was all sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Even so, the remaining Chinese rulers (and those occupying the land) still possessed their fearsome new weapon, the Roaring Dragon – a light brass cannon that could be carried by infantry and which fired a three inch ball of stone. The sheer number Roaring Dragons in the possession of the Chinese invaders and the secret of gunpowder that gave these cannons such fearsome breath, secured their rule and were believed by the people to rival even the powers of sorcery itself.

The Daimyo meanwhile, may have survived the fall of Sendai, but his heart had not – and following that dark day, no one was allowed to see him for a very long time, except for a few of his closest advisors. He was, even back then, very old and the people of Sendai expected he would die soon. As it was customary that a Daimyo of such an age would normally step down and appoint a younger leader in his stead, the people of Sendai anxiously awaited word of who the next Daimyo would be – but Daimyo Hasekura had never announced a successor.

It may have been due to the fact that all three houses of Sendai’s major nobles had been killed in the war, or executed shortly after, and that the minor nobles of Sendai, suddenly elevated in the power vacuum, had not yet established a clear position of seniority amongst themselves. With all the intrigue and maneuvering among the new nobles however, the people feared that the Daimyo’s passing without a clear appointment of succession could bring a civil war.


Sixteen years following the fall of Sendai, the Chinese army had long been gone; having taken the city and the country. The Chinese who remained to rule, particularly those in Sendai, were slowly absorbed into the culture, and some joke that it was actually the Chinese who were defeated in the end. Regardless, the two peoples were now one; the original children of Sendai sharing their homes and family names with all of the half brothers and sisters of their now ‘civilized’ Chinese fathers.

Though the original children of Sendai might not have liked their Chinese fathers, they did respect them, and their mothers had grown to love them. As for all their half brothers and sisters – they were a pain, but as they shared some of the same blood, the original children of Sendai tolerated them at least.

As for Daimyo Hasekura, he has not died as expected nor stepped down, and has only been seen a few times in the past decade – making an annual appearance at each New Year’s festival, but rarely at any other time. When in public, he still manages to carry an air of youthful strength, in spite of his advanced years.

Rumors – however quite – now circulate that the Daimyo’s wounds during the battle of Sendai were mortal – as one of the young men who was spared after the battle of Sendai once told of how the Daimyo had been blasted through the chest by the Chinese Roaring Dragons after fighting valiantly for many hours. A Chinese warlord had the Daimyo’s body brought to Kublai Khan and somehow, the Daimyo was restored – but he should have been dead.

Such talk is never spoken in more than a hushed whisper among the closest of comrades or friends however, as anything that would keep a man from passing into his next life (or worse – that would prevent one from dying in the service of his lord) was against the Order of Creation and anathema; dishonoring both the Ancestors and the Five Gods of Creation themselves. Even to be overheard speaking of such things, in relation to the Daimyo, could bring instant death.

It is now the end of the Kamakura era: Year one thousand two hundred ninety seven – and sixteen years into the reign of the Chinese Shogun, Taiko T’ien Shinhan.

Welcome to the legendary Isles of Nippon. A place of mystery and wonder; inspired by the legends of Feudal Japan, Imperial China, and other places in the Far East. It is a world of stoic samurai and treacherous ninja; sorcery wielding wu-jen and brutal warlords; where dragons soar the skies and immortals walk the earth; Where demons and oni scheme among men and danger lurks in every shadow; Where legendary heroes and masters of ki search for honor, glory, and adventure!

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

The Demon God of Sendai
Story One ---

1st Day of Spring 1297
The Chief Magistrate’s Home

The evening at Chief Magistrate Saito’s home had started off well enough; the requisite entertainment, food and music – not to mention the lovely young geisha running about. Things became a bit more serious when everyone else had left and the eight young samurai were directed to stay.

“The Daimyo Shinsen Hasekura’s samurai are beginning to show their age; and the Daimyo has decided to retire them in order to bring some younger samurai into his service.” The tall willowy steward in fine silken attire spoke to the assemblage. “You and your companions have been chosen to serve the Daimyo under the direction of his Chief Magistrate, Noburu Saito, as the Chief Magistrate’s Yoriki. Your duties will be to protect the city of Sendai in the Daimyo’s name and to head the local police force. You will bring great honor and station to your family’s name if you serve faithfully and with honor.”

Here the man paused, to make sure his audience grasped the significance of what he has just said. Satisfied that the assembled samurai were all paying sufficient attention to his words, the willowy man went on.

“Because you will head the police force, you will be allowed to openly carry weapons within the city and to wear armor while on official duty. Each of you will have ten Doshin working under you as your deputies, who will do most of the work, stand watches, and are allowed to carry flail-staves while going about their business. The Doshin will follow your orders without question, but only so far as it applies to their official duties. Be careful what you task them with, because they can cause you to lose face, should any of them fail you while carrying out duties in your name.”

Face, as every young samurai knew, was an outward measure of one’s honor. To lose face could have serious consequences, ranging from public humiliation, to a loss of station, to even being forced to commit ritual suicide, or Sepuku, in order to regain one’s honor.

“You and your Doshin are to capture and hold criminals and lawbreakers until they can be heard before the Chief Magistrate”, the man continues, “which happens once a week as a public service. Though you are within your rights to kill any criminal or lawbreaker that resists arrest, doing so will annoy the Chief Magistrate, who enjoys his weekly hearings and likes to put on a good show with those worthy of death.”

Here, Juro Saito finally stopped talking and sat down. He was Noburu Saito’s younger brother and served as the Chief Magistrate’s Steward and Head Scribe. It was through him that anyone needing audience with the Chief Magistrate would normally go. The eight samurai sat in a semicircle before him, arranged in order of age – and in the ensuing silence following Juro’s announcement, they had a few moments to consider one another.

~To the far left of the row was Yasuo Shiga, the Ancestor Worshipping Priest. He was 23 years old, wore an all-to-fluffy Shinto robe with really weird hat, and was considered by most to be nothing but kind, humble, and fatherly.

~Next, was Udo Kuwabara the Scout. He was 22 years old, of solid and sturdy stature, but rather arrogant, sarcastic, and mocking. Some say he was more comfortable around animals than people – and some say he must have been raised by animals to be so uncouth (though not to his face of course). Udo also stood out for the odd habit of wearing two bucklers on his arms most of the time and this was no exception.

~Third in row was Kirito Kirigaya, another Priest – only Kirito served as an Emissary of The Five Gods. He was 21 years old and somewhat meek, but was known to be a peaceful, compassionate, healer.

~Then there was Keitaro Hokusai, the hulking Samurai Warrior. He was 20 years old and huge – towering like a sumo over most of his peers with a blue dragon tattoo on his neck that worked its way to one side and breathed a red flame under his ear along the jaw-line. Keitaro was not much of a deep thinker though, but was graced with common sense, and was loyal to the Bushido Code.

~Fifth was Roka Takemura the Brawler. He was also 20 years old, and tended to dress more like a monk than a samurai – being barrel-chested, yet agile, and sporting a flamboyant goatee. He also happened to be very popular around Sendai and had a large group of fans constantly inflating his ego more and more each day. In fact, anyone not completely blind, might have noticed the geisha giving him an inordinate amount of attention during the evening compared to everyone else.

~Following Roka was Sakura Kashiwagi, a newly emerging Wu-Jen. She was 19 years old, of petite stature, but friendly, outgoing, and tenacious. She also had a naturally pretty face that made it easy for men to stare at her – though she seemed a little aloof of any attention one might spend on her in that regard.

~Beside Sakura was Yuki Shirahata the Fair Folk Zen Archer and daughter of Akiko Shirahata: The Headmistress of Sendai’s Zen Archery School. Yuki was 16 years old, small and harmless looking with her fox ears, fox tail, orange eyes, and orange hair – but could be deadly with a bow. Generally though, she was whimsical, friendly, and mischievous.

~Last was Miya Sugai the Archer. She was too was only 16 Years old, but very fit for her age. She was known to be inquisitive and bookish, but had a vengeful side when riled. Perhaps the most notable thing about her outwardly, was a large and ugly crescent scar going from her wrist, all the way up her arm, to her neck.

For the most part, everyone knew each other quite well, especially those closer in age. Even the youngest had at least heard of the oldest and the oldest knew of their families in return. So it was that these eight that had been chosen of the Daimyo to serve under the Chief Magistrate’s direction.

Moments later, the white rice-paper door to the room slid open and everyone inside bowed their heads as the Chief Magistrate Noburu Saito himself entered. Glancing over the occupants the Chief Magistrate gave a short nod and bid everyone to rise.

“Welcome my Yoriki”, he began, “I am sure you will all serve the Daimyo well and bring great honor to yourselves and your families in his service.”

As he spoke, the Chief Magistrate moved to a dark lacquer box in the corner. From within, he retrieved eight parchment scrolls and a like number of small ornate war fans, called tessen. Both tessen and scrolls bore the Daimyo and Chief Magistrates’ seal on them. These would be proof to any who would question the samurai that they were authorized to act in the Daimyo’s name. Typically, they would only show the tessen to those of higher station than themselves, as those not of the samurai caste should do what they required without question in the first place.

“As your first official duty”, Chief Magistrate Saito went on, “you will travel to the village of Aomori three hundred and forty miles to the north, at the very reaches of the Daimyo’s province. The Daimyo suspects that the villagers are conspiring with the Ebisu barbarians of Hokkaido and wants six of the village women brought back to Sendai as punishment. Here are your traveling papers and emblems of office; you leave tomorrow.”

With that, the Chief Magistrate handed the papers and eight tessen to his brother Juro, before moving to leave the room. Those present knew better than to speak just yet and simply bowed as the Chief Magistrate took his leave.

Having seen him however, one could not help but (at least momentarily) be impressed with the Chief Magistrate’s presence and bearing. It seemed as if the man could radiate a contagious air of authority and self-confidence, giving anyone listening to him the ability to accomplish anything that the Chief Magistrate might ask of them.

Then the enormity of what they had just been tasked with suddenly sunk in – and everyone’s mind began to consider the area in which they would be traveling.

The eight samurai knew, as did all samurai, that the Daimyo ruled over the Mutsu Province, the largest yet most sparsely populated Province in all of Nippon. Its boarder began south of Sendai about three quarters of the way to the Hitachi Province village of Iwaki and then headed west into the center of Honshu where it turned north to ride up the spine of the mountains all the way to the fortieth parallel, before turning west again to the sea.

The area encompassed the Fortress City of Sendai; the village of Nakamura sixty four miles to the south; the village of Kurokawa one hundred and four miles to the south-west; the city of Morioka one hundred and seventy six miles to the north; the village of Aomori three hundred and forty miles to the north; and the city of Hirosaki forty eight miles west of Aomori.

The city of Morioka, which would be a waypoint along the trek, was governed by the Daimyo’s Magistrate’s Mikio Amori – while both the city of Hirosaki and village of Aomori were governed by Magistrate Ho Kasamatsu.

There was only one road traveling through the Mutsu Province and the land was mountainous, rough, and known to be infested with dangerous Spirits and Oni. Because of the remote nature of the country, way stations along the road north of Sendai where limited to every thirty miles, rather than the standard fifteen mile interval, and were also frequently attacked by wandering bands of goblin-like Bakemono.

The journey promised to be no easy task and filled with danger.

Juro Saito meanwhile, took the traveling papers and eight tessen and relayed them to each of the eight new Yoriki. As he did so, he offered some additional advice – “Your Doshin will mind your normal duties while you are away. You can also take any number of horses you need from the Chief Magistrate’s stable. Do any of you have questions?”

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yasuo Shiga politely stands up and addresses the man

"What are we to do should the villagers resist? Should we encounter the barbarians on the trek to the village, are we to gather our forces and destroy them, or ignore them and continue to the village?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Kirito also stands up whispering to Yasuo "show some respect and bow before you talk" 

he then proceded to bow to counter his questions. 

"My lord, i do understand the need for some violence, but i ask that we only keep it to a minimum. If we encounter these barbarisks should we not capture them and bring them to justice, that would also make the villagers more happy.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: Bitch, I have a ridiculous face skill level, and I said politely, don't lecture my character on niceties. Also, that's not a thing. They only do that at the end and beggining of meetings, and i'm not sure that's even true.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: burn.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Saito-San, I do not understand" Udo Kuwabara pauses for a moment. His finger entrenches into his nose, obviously trying to dig for some serious gold.

"What do the village women have to do with this? As a punishment, it seems rather..." He yawns, stretching in an crude fashion, "unrelated"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"It is likely to remind them of the power held here." Miya Sugai says as she turns her head towards her fellow Samurai. "By taking the women from their village it shows that by working with the barbarians they will destroy their families and it could represent the death of their blood-line."

She remains sitting but obviously expecting a reply.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo states at her blank eyed for a while, still struggling with his nose. He cringes; he must of accidentally pulled a nose hair out. He leans back on his chair and replies "Still, all punishments are to assert some kind of dominance. The same reaction could be gotten from other ways, from burning farmland and other things" he shrugs, "I guess your analysis makes sense."

"Which reminds me, what kind of village is Aomori?" Udo asks the magistrate, a bit disinterested.

Minutes later, he whispers back to Miya, "Cool scar" he says bluntly.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Miya stiffens slightly and narrows her eyes at him for the comment. "I was a child when I received it. I nearly died..." She then resumes her normal relaxed pose and listens to the conversations around her as if nothing had happened.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Seito-Sama, do not worry, the eight of us shall easily complete the task you request of us. It shouldn't be too hard for anyone under my leadership." Roka Takemura says, with an arrogant tone. But, for all those that knew him, it is a rather normal tone for him.

"Though, I am gladdened by the choices made in forming this team." He adds, smiling at the three women.

"As for convincing the women to come with us, if anyone is worried, should be no problem." He states, chuckling softly. "The women... They don't need to remain, untouched, correct?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yuki Shirahata's head gently swayed back and forth and she listened to Miya's conversation and then Roka's. She knew well enough that Roka didn't need her help in dealing with Udo's insult, so she instead focused on Roka's comment in regards to the topic at hand.

"We're free to investigate while there and choose who we bring back.....right?"

Yuki asks Seito, with another slight tilt of the head. One might think she actually had a neck injury, but she merely found it more interesting to speak like this for the time being. She turned to Roka as if to say something, but instead just looked at him, or rather right past him, before returning her gaze to Seito.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro Rose slowly. His figure shadowing most of the room from the light of the oil lamps behind him. He placed his papers in a pouch that was fastened under one of his great plates and took up a position by the exit of the room. He couldn't really think of much to say, and at least knew not to speak when he hadn't fully formed a coherent thought. He stood like a statue with his left hand firm on his father's Nagamaki "Keiko" and reminisced of his father's great deed that had earned his family the right of Samurai. 

Though he wore a terrifying mask, which served his already dominating figure of perpetual doom, he was smiling thinking of his father. He vowed to defend his family's honor and this was just the beginning. He thought to himself: Why 6 women? And why from a village 300 plus miles away? This must be a test of our resolve... He looked at his fellow companion Samurai. Roka he knew well from training and thought highly of his combat skills. Though he held a certain disdain for all of the "attention" given him. Though not envious, he just felt is was too superficial for a warrior combatant. The others he knew of but not all to well, and certainly not enough to speak with unless directly spoken to, though to be chosen for this mission and given such an honor of having Doshin, they must be equally skilled, respectively, as he.

He thought of his Doshin which he was sure had been trained well, and to what he was going to say to them on his departure. He didn't worry about their abilities, just that they knew what he expected. Keitaro had become use to repeating things and having things repeated, his lack of schooling provided him little mental foundation and it took him multiple tries, or at least instruction, to solve more complex problems, as he was sure his Doshin had figured out by now...

He remained in Silence gathering the conversation of the group, like a sentinel on watch. He took into consideration all the questions being asked, so that he may formulate his own questions in time. Learning to gather intel and detect true motives had become his backbone, and served him well in his station.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Sakura takes everything in and thinks about her ten new Doshin. She thinks she would like to meet with them, not only to see what she has to work with, but to come up with a game plan for the journey that lies ahead.

"No questions at this time" she replies to the steward, but stays to listen to to what is said to the others. You never know what information may come in handy.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Juro Saito, tries to keep up with all the questions – “Should the villagers resist the decrees of their Daimyo,” He replies to Yasua the Priest, “then you must make them see the error of their ways; and ensure that such rebellion is slow to form the next time.”

“As for the Ebisu Barbarians,” Juro continues, now addressing everyone, “our Daimyo and the Daimyo of the Dewa Province have a standing treaty of peace with them – as long as they keep to their own lands on Hokkaido. However, if they are now on Honshu (and conspiring with the village of Aomori no less), they have breached that treaty.”

“If such proves to be the case, you must get word back to Sendai as soon as possible, so that preparations can be made to push them back to where they belong. Should  you encounter  any that prove to be more than the usual rogue bands, it is your duty to remind them of the treaty and then to defend the honor of the Daimyo and  Mutsu Province against their encroach, should they choose not to abandon their folly and leave.”

Then looking at Udo the Scout and giving a momentary shudder of revulsion, he instead turns to Miya the Archer and confirms what she had said about the punishment – “Yes, yes, that is correct.”

When Udo then asks about the village, Juro seems to ignore him.

“Do not mix business with pleasure!” Juro scolds Roka the Brawler for his comment, giving him the look a noble father might give a son caught impregnating a commoner.

“Chose who you will,” he then replies to Yuki the Zen Archer and then turns back to Roka – “bring them back in one piece and unmolested.”

Then changing the subject, Juro advises – “You should all go and meet with your ten Doshin, who will help you make ready for the trip. You leave in the morning and can each take up to three Doshin with you if you wish. The rest will remain to handle your duties while you are gone. Be sure to take enough horses for yourselves, your Doshin, and six extras for the women you will be bringing back. You may also want to say goodbye to your families.”

Juro then signals that everyone is free to leave, but it is not required to do so immediately. Should there be more questions, he is ready to answer them…

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

The steel plates of Keitaro's Armor clink to together as he removes his hand from his sword and bows a near perfect 90* angle at Juro. He pauses for a brief second then rises. He nods slightly to the rest of the group and exits the room. First he must see to his family outside the main city. He exits he city gates and stops by the stable. Upon requesting a horse and showing the Stable Master his mark from the magistrate he requisitions a dark chocolate brown, well built stallion. He rides off to the west for his families farm.

After a little travel he arrives on the outskirts of the family's great farm. He passes many bowing commoners that serve under him and his family's rule by right of nobility they must bow to him when they pass. He motions for them to rise as he continues past. Having someone bow to him, when he himself has been little more than a farmer his whole life, never really felt right. He ties his horse at the hitching post on the far side of the house and makes his way to the door. As he walks he surveys the farm, the barns, the workers dutifully carrying out their various tasks. He is going to miss the farm on his travel but he knows it is well looked after.

Upon entering the house he is greeted by his mother, he removes his helmet and mempo and while holding them under his left arm drops to his knees and bows to the floor, showing the most respect possible for his mother. He waits for her to touch his shoulder to signal him to rise.

" You don't have to do that my son. I know your love for me" She sighs, "The Samurai honor, never understood the bowing. Please stand son." As he stands she smiles deeply at him and kisses his cheek. "What was the big fuss about in town?"

"I have been granted Doshin, and further authority. I and 7 others have been called upon by the Daimyo and the Magistrate to carry out a mission far to the north, in Aomori. I will not be returning for a very long time. I wanted to see things right here before I left. I also need to gather my things and speak with my Doshin." He moved through the halls with his mother explaining things to her about his journey and the other 7 Samurai that would be accompanying him. Once he gathered his items he fixed the horse to a cart and bid his mother farewell, bowing again to her, though not as deeply as before. 

He reattached his mempo and helmet, mounted his horse, and drove the loaded cart into town to speak with his Doshin."Keiji (male) Miko (Female) you will travel with me. You are tasked with guarding my possessions and to alert me to anything suspicious in our travels. The rest of you will carry out your duties here. You will my eyes and voice of law in my absence. Do not abuse your positions, or I will deal with you myself. That is all." 

He dismissed his remaining 8 Doshin and left with Keiji and Miko to see to their departure preperations.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Just making sure, Saito-Sama." Roka says, bowing. "I shall see the rest of you in the morning." He adds, talking to his fellow samurai(-Ko)s, and leaves the room. 

I must have a pleasurable night, I suppose. The women can not be touched after all. Hmm, didn't Ichiro mention something about some women wishing to see me? That should do it... But first, duty calls, time to meet with my doshin. Roka thinks to himself, and begins walking to wherever they would have been stationed. 

Eyeing the group, he nods to two of the more attractive looking Doshin. 

"You two, shall come with me for our trip. The rest of you, however, shall be led by this fine young man... Name?" Takemura states, his hand clasped on the man's shoulder. 

"Botan Kunda, lord." The man says, bowing to Takemura. 

"Good. I have a friend i need some of you to visit. You should know his name, but he is Ichiro Miyazaki. It would be good of you to tell him to prepare for a long trip. I believe I may require his assistance in the job the Daimyo instructed me." 

"Now, Aiko and Kei, follow me, we shall have to collect some horses from the stables." He stays, and walks to the stables, along with his two female doshin. After getting his horses, he sends them away, and heads off to find a women. Barley walking across the street, he encounters Hoshiko Isobe. Roka smiles, puts his arm around her, and walks to his family's manor. 

Inside, he encounters his mother, looking dejected when she sees Hoshiko. 

"Didn't I send you to the monastery to clear your minds?" She asks, but Roka ignores her statement. 

"I will be gone for a few weeks, mother." He says simply, and heads to his room with Hoshiko. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo, not realizing that he was being disrespectful, simply stands and leaves the room, neither bowing or speaking another word.

" I wonder why he didn't answer my question... No matter, this is a good step toward embellishing my families name in the halls of history. The team don't seem like a bad lot, for the most part at least. Plus, I'll bring Rai and Yoshi to talk to" he wonders this aloud while walking to wherever his doshin are, drawing odd stares from pedestrians.

Udo kuwabara arrives at his doshin. He makes a loud belching sound, as if clearing his throat. "Ahem, uh, you are my doshin, and I guess I need to make one of you  the leader of the rest, so I, uh, choose you! guy who has bags under his eyes. Over workers make great leaders!" Udo grins, though he noticeably doesn't like making speeches.

"I am Kaemon Okita, at you-"

Udo interrupts, "Very nice, I'll be taking you two over there" he points to two guards, a healthy looking male and female, "the rest of you all should, uh, follow the  Kaman guy and stuff. Any who, I have to be going, so , uh, see ya?" he turns around, leaving his doshin confuzzled, while he lets out a sigh of relief that he doesn't have to speak to others. 

Suddenly, the two doshin he asked form caught up to him, the male said, "I am Tanak Fukao, I am proud to be chosen by you.

"And I am Ran Akera, I am also glad to serve under you."

Udo shrugs, murmurs some things to himself, and says, "Uh, thanks, have a good night sleep, I guess"

They nod, and Udo continues to his empty home. he meets up with Rei, the watchdog, whom he he is greeted quite warmly, and by Yoshi, his glum horse. He excitedly tells them both of his soon to be adventures. He smiles and. Laughs quite a bit, and Rei just sort of watches him with a pitiful look. Udo picks up his multiple replicas of his father's headband, hoping to make a mark during this trip. he stocks up on some useful drugs he had, and made sure to assemble his weaponry for the morning. He assembles his ranger kits, medical kit, surgery kit, among other useful doodads. e is excited for tomorrow, perhaps he might get along with the other teammates, but he is more excited that the daimyo trusts him enough now to do a job, perhaps he'll be able to truly make his family name stand above all.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Miya raises from the floor and does the according bow to his station. "No questions my lord, I am grateful to serve the Daimyo." She then turns to leave, noting that Yuki had almost approach her but left instead.

Eventually finding her new Doshin she tells them who she is and then proceeds to bombard them with several questions about random things. Disappointed in the majority of the results she picks one out who seems particularly clever.

 "What is your name Doshin?" 

 "Kazuo Tarumi." He does a quick bow.

 Waving it off Miya continues. "No need for that, I will be leaving on a trip by order of the Daimyo along with # samurai. You will act as leader of these Doshin until I return. You will uphold my family honor as well. Understood?"

"Yes, but... you are not taking any Doshin with you?" He asks hesitantly.

She stops for a moment, as if suddenly realizing some of the possibilities of her new station. "No, I think it will be best for me to go alone for this one." After this she gives some basic orders and leaves them to return home.

    At home she enters silently while gathering the necessary equipment for her trip and prepares her horse. Then she heads inside to find Yasuo~ in the library. After a very friendly greeting she tells him that she will be leaving on a mission. She then leaves the manor again to get her horse and rides to the meeting spot. 

~ = The servant boy from the background.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Before anyone leaves, Yasuo says, in a projected enough tone for everyone to hear him:

"I'll get the horses for the women"

He nods his good-bye to the deputy and the others, and begins searching for his Doshin. Once he finds them, he examines them all, a slight feeling of distaste hidden behind his kind mask. 

"My name is Yasuo Shiga, I am a worshipper of the ancestors and samurai of the dayimo. The Magistrate has given me the great honor of being a Yoriki?, and you have been placed under my command. I am sure that you will all perform obey my orders to the utmost of your abilities, and I thank you for this.

He addresses a young, spry looking man around his own age.

Y: "Your name Doshin"

I: "I am Ichiro Lu, sir"

Y: "Ichiro, do you have any rank within the police force?"

I: "No sir, we must be assigned ranks by our Yokiri"

Y: "Perfect, you've just been promoted. All of you are to listen to Ichiro in my absence, obey him as you would obey me."

Y: "I will be leaving on a trip soon, me and several other samurai have been given orders to investigate the village of Aomori, several hundred miles away from our great city. I will be gone for a long time, I trust that you will all keep the peace and uphold our honor in my absence. Ichiro, I believe in your ability to lead my Doshin, do well. The rest of you, I am proud to have been given command of such a promising group of young men, it is only unfortunate that I cannot have you join me on this trip, but your duties are here."

Also, you'd probably be killed by the first Bakemono we see, and I don't want to lose Face because you worthless incompetent fools couldn't keep yourselves alive against minor demons.

He gives a light nod to the men, and then leaves, heading towards the stables. He collects 8 horses, 6 for the women and 1 to serve as a pack horse (and food if they run out on the road), as well as a pony, like the one you would use for a child.

He heads back to his manor house, and ties the horses and the pony off in his personal stables, where he pats his own horse on the neck. He enters his house and begins gathering his equipment.

Yasuo considers taking his wagon but decides against it, it would take him much too long to keep up with the others if he brought a wagon, and it would make them too much of a target to bandits on the road. 

He keeps his scholar's kit, disguise kit, and traveling pack on the back of the pack horse. He also gets spare sets of his scholar robes in there, and a few mint leaves, because, you know, hygiene.

He hides the nunchaku up his sleeves, and slides a dagger into his right boot. He keeps the sickles hanging off the side of his personal horse (so he's not carrying them, they're on the horse he's riding, not the pack horse), and holds his sword on his side, and the shield on his back, so as to be more comfortable while riding. 

He takes 4 doses of wulong tea, 2 doses of arsenic, 2 of nightshade, 2 of purge root, and 2 of yellow lotus, carefully separating them into containers using his gloves, vigorously washing his hands of the poison each time he separated the substances. He didn't want to get purge root in the nightshade, or wulong tea in the arsenic after all...

He carefully hides away the poisons, putting them in separate, labeled bags in his packhorse's packs.

He keeps his permit to carry arms on his person, along with his traveling papers and his emblem of station.

He also brings the waterproof tarp, in case it began raining, after all, he couldn't let his things get wet. 

And of course, the chains. They would probably need the chains for the women, or for any captured enemies.

He finishes things off by tying his packhorse to his own horse, making a lead line so that the packhorse didn't run away at any point with his things.

Once all of his journey preparations are ready, he enters his basement, a cold, dark room, filled with religious symbols and more or less soundproofed. 

He attempts to summon his imp.

A slight warp is seen as the demonic little bastard pops into existence.

After promptly passing gas and making as if to push the foul wind in the direction of the priest, it says
"Geez, you coudn'a leave me alone for a month at least? I mean, i've got shit to do you know, those souls won't torture themselves, those lava pits need to be reheated on a regular basis, seriously man, not cool."

Making no effort to hide his distaste at the imp's behavior, Yasuo promptly picks up the imp and roughly shoves him against a wall, and then says, in a deadly serious voice

"You will not harm me or any of my fellow samurai unless specifically ordered. You will not attempt to twist the meaning of my orders. You will not speak unless I have given your permission. If I am captured, you are to try and find a way to free me, without causing harm to me. You are to stay hidden and silent at all times unless I give you permission to speak or reveal yourself. If I call for you, you will always answer, and come to me. You will not physically interact with me in any way unless it is to heal me, help me escape, wake me up if we are being attacked, not with weapons or by causing me harm, or to save my life.

You are not to attack any human of any kind unless it is attacking me in turn. If I am being attacked, attack my attacker. If you see Oni or demons that do not belong to me or my allies, then you are to attack whatever demon i've begun to attack, or I am defending against."

He pushes the imp harder against the wall, and lays a hand down on his sword, giving him a stare that would strike uncertainty and fear into even the most callous of souls.

"Fuck man! Do you really have to do this crap every single time? Ok, ok, I promise, shit..."

The priest lets go of the imp, and it hovers it's way down to the ground.

"You tried to kill me the first four times I summoned you, and i've had to cover up five murders in this city for your filthy, lying ass."
"They were non-persons!" The demon shouts out indignantly

"And I still had to spend time making sure no suspicion fell upon me."

"Bah, you're no fun... So, whadda ya need me for, Yasi?"

"It's Yasuo. We're going on a road trip, I got you a little pony to ride. You are to hide near me until we leave, once we are out of the city, you will mount the pony. You will not torture the pony or try to escape. You will not hide from the other samurai in our group, and you will listen to everything they say and report the important parts to me later in the day. If we encounter travellers or we near an outpost, then you are to continue hiding. No stealing from anyone unless ordered to do so, no torturing any other samurai or humans"
"So, just to be clear, I can still torture the animals in the forest?"
"Of course, what do you think I am, a monster?"
(Imp nods eagerly in agreement)

"... Shut up. Get to hiding"

The imp practically disappears into the shadows, hiding as well as, well, an imp.

Yasuo then goes around the city, informing his contacts and those who he worked with that he would be leaving on a long trip in the wake of his promotion. After wishing him the best, he returned to his manor. After ordering the imp not to do anything to him in his sleep, he rests.

When he wakes up, he goes down into his basement and prays for an hour to his ancestors, burning a luck point to replenish his energy pool.

He takes the horses out, as well as the little pony, and exits, resisting the urge to proudly show off his increase in title and his permit to carry weapons.

He waits at the gathering point for the rest of his group. His imp hides nearby, waiting for them to leave the city before waiting for them.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yuki bows to Juro and then is about to whisper to Miya, but decides that this isn't the time or place. She quickly exits the room and begins to search for her Doshin.

None of the ten she had been assigned seemed particularly special, however she did notice that one seemed to be especially forceful, so Yuki approached the man.

"So, what's your name?", she asked.

"Rei Kitao", he replied confidently.

After a brief moment of getting uncomfortably close to Rei's face, to inspect him, Yuki took a few steps back and nodded.

"Okay then, Rei, you will be in charge of the group."

She said smiling. Rei was noticeably pleased, but remained composed and nodded confidently in response.

"And as for who will come with me...."

Yuki began, trailing off towards the end and looking around the group. She then took out her Lopan, and seem to play with it for a few minutes. At least, to those who knew nothing of the Lopan, it would appears as though she was playing with it. Finally she smiled approvingly at the result.

"It's settled, none of you will come with me!"

She said, quite enthusiastically. While the displeasure was rather obvious with the Doshin, most knew well enough to not talk back. One of them however, did question her.

"Do you not believe us fit to escort you?", he asked.

This caused Yuki to appear to think deeply.

"'ll be dangerous....and I can protect myself...and I would feel better if I knew you were all keeping Sendai safe...."

She replied, gently swaying back and forth.

"'s best if you all just stay....probably."

She finished. While not entirely happy with the result, the Doshin bow in respect as Yuki leaves them to go say goodbye to her mother.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Upon arriving, Yuki gave a quick bow to her mother.

"So, I'm off on my first mission!"

She states proudly.

"Oh my, what is it?"

Her mother asks with mildly exaggerated shock.

"We're going to go kidnap some women from the village Aomori to the north!"

Yuki replies without missing a beat. She then paused and continued speaking upon noticing her mother's frowned face and lack of response.

"Well, something like that anyway. It's probably all for the best."

Her mother sighs softly.

"Just be careful dear. You tend to...."

She begins, trailing off.

"Act recklessly...."

Her mother finished, putting that Yuki had a bad habit of doing things without thinking about the consequences. Yuki noded and headed to the door.

"Of course. I'm always careful!"

She states cheerfully before exiting.

"By mom!"

She yells as she ran down the pathway. Her mother smiled and waved goodbye, with the slight shake of her head, wondering what mischief her daughter would get herself into.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

With a Quick bow, kirito took his leave of the daimyo.  After walking outside he encounters his 10 Doshin.

"greetings, my name is Kirito Kirigaya, an emissary of the five gods. You are my chosen ten, i will have you all stay behind to look after things here when i am out on tasks. Is this understood?" He said with a friendly smile, 

"yes sir". They all replied in unison.

"good."  He replied while eyeing he group over. "You!" He said while pointing to on of the smarter looking men in the group. "What is your name?" 

"My name Ken-ichi Tsubasa."

"good, it is now your job to lead these men and women in my place, dont bring dishonour to my good name when im gone." And with those last words he took off towards the monastery. He did like it so much better than that big Empy house. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Sakura is still trying to take in all of this. She is thinking of how this is a great opportunity to possibly put into use the magic that she has been blessed with by the ancestors. A part of her feels like she needs to prove herself worthy to the others. With that in mind, she decides its time to meet her Doshin.

She sets out on her horse to go and meet her new deputies. She bows to the Steward as she leaves the magistrates home. As she rides off into the moonlight, so many thoughts are crowding her head. The excitement of this journey almost overwhelms her. She finds her men waiting for her in a field near her home. She looks them over one by one  trying to figure out who is loyal and would do anything that is expected of them. (the read mind spell she cast before arriving does not hurt in helping her decision ;) ). She looks at them all one last time and finds her leader, Odo Kubari, a respected weapons specialist.

"I was sent here to tell you of a mission given to me and seven other samurai by the great Daimyo. Odo will be joining me on this journey. The rest of you will be taking care of everything here.We leave in the morning and the rest of  you are expected to take these responsibilities very seriously. Now go and prepare sufficient provisions for us as dawn will be approaching soon."

Sakura heads off in the direction of her home to say good -bye to her mother and younger siblings. When she arrives at home, she explains to her mother how important of a mission she is about to undertake. Although her mother is sad in lieu of her upcoming absence, she understands and is proud of her eldest daughter that she was chosen for such an honor.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

2nd Day of Spring 1297
The Long Road

Gathering in the early morning at the city gate, the eight samurai of Sendai and a few Doshin made last minute adjustments to their equipment in preparation for their long journey.

The Doshin that were there, considered their new masters with more than a little awe. A Wu-Jen, two Priests, and a Feng-Shu Master among them – and the rest all competent looking in each of their areas of expertise. This either bode very well for the Doshin traveling with them, or it was a sign of how difficult the mission was going to be. One or the other – and only time would tell.

Sakura the Wu-Jen meanwhile, scanned the road into Sendai looking for her Doshin Leader Odo. He wasn’t exactly late or anything, but the fact that all the other Doshin were already there and he wasn’t was starting to concern her. Then she finally spotted the weapons specialist hurrying towards the gathering, carrying a large furled flag. Stopping at her feet, he bowed and unfurled the flag revealing the traveling standard of the Daimyo. The flag, when flown from the back of a rider, would signify that the company was on official business of the Daimyo. With it, the company could ride through the way stations along the road without stopping to show their traveling papers if need be. Carrying the flag would be an honor and a responsibility – for if anything happened to the flag, the loss of honor would be great.

Then the opening of the city gate suddenly drew everyone's attention to a single point. A few commoners, waiting on the other side for entrance into the city, hurried off the road at the sight of the samurai and their company.

The Journey begins!

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro sitting upon his steed, his doshin in the cart comfortably with all the gear, surveyed the road as far as his eyes would let him. He made a mental note of his companions and their traveling parties. He patted the horse on the head and said to it: "Bring me the horizon" and with that they began out of the gate. 

"So Roka" he began and swiveled his head "I take it you had a good night before our departure?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Ha ha, it wasn't so bad." Roka says with a grin, "Been a while since we talked, Keitaro. Four years, I think." 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro nodded at the statement. "Yes far too long, I see the seasons have treated you will friend. I have to say I am glad to see you. Looks like we'll have plenty of time to catch up. Maybe even spar like we used t do in training? I have to wonder if your fists are as fast as they once were."

Keitaro laughed at the joke, hoping that Roka would accept his challenge to spar when they get some downtime or set up camp.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I'd hope they've gotten faster. The years in the monastery may have been an annoyance, but I did manage to make the experience worthwhile." Roka says. 

"The years have certantly treated you well, though. You probably still have the strength of a thousand." 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"And one" Keitaro laughs heartedly. "But what do you think of this whole ordeal Roka. I mean a village 340 miles away? From the way they described it sounds like a dust bowl anyways. So even if they were to defect I don't see how this could hurt the Daimyo." Keitaro sighs behind his mempo, "There has to be more to it."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I've never been one for heavy thinking, Keitaro, you know that. We'll head over there, bring the six women, and increase our face." Roka says, shrugging. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"You think more so than I friend. I guess we will see. Do you know anything about the way there? I don't leave the monastery and the farm often."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Not really. I never studied geography. I'm sure one of the others has though." Roka says. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmm... what do you make of our group? I know of the others but not much more than that."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"They are all well known, the two priests, the wujen, the two archers, even the uncouth Kuwabara has a legacy in Sendai (though not a very good one, I suppose.) The magistrate was wise in picking us." 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
"Hmm well keep a sharp eye out for raiders. This road is notorious from my understanding. If we manage to catch any criminals we can tie em up and put em in the cart with my Doshin." He looks at Miko, "Speaking of, hands off the Doshin Roka" He glares at Roka as to say "we are on duty and so are they, keep it in your pants"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I brought my own, Keitaro, don't worry." Roka says, chuckling. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Never stopped me from worrying before" Keitaro turned to look down the road again.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

 Udo is excited for the trip, a simple mission as taking 6 women from a village may not seem like much, but it is a start to bring fame to the Kuwabara name. He ponders on the fact that they were sent with 2 priests and a wujen, which are usually sent on harder tasks.

 He examines the nearby terrain, looking for different animals, clouds, and plants to prepare for the road ahead. Will it be dry or wet? Windy or calm? Is the terrain easily passable? His mind is occupied with these questions, so he doesn't bother socializing with his fellow samurai, at least, for now. Instead, he talks to his dog, Rei, about whatever he finds.

 Rei the watch dog follows closely, being Udo's companion, he follows Udo wherever he goes, humoring him along the way.

 He considers that he should've questioned the magistrate further on the city of Aomoru, seeing that the magistrate might've just missed his question over the others'. "Too late for it now I suppose" he says to himself as he rides Yoshi.

His doshin follow on their own horses, though they are proud to have been picked for this, they can't help but feel weirded out by Udo's tendency to speak to animals and himself, rather than others.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Once everyone is out of sight of the city, Yasuo speaks up, addressing the rest of the group.

"I brought along a companion of mine, he's extremely uncouth and rude, and I apologize for that, but he's useful to me. He'll be riding the extra pony I have here. Do not kill or hurt him, if you would, unless he attacks you all of course."

"Imp, you may come out now, stay on the pony"

The ugly little creature gleefully flies onto the poor beast of burden, forcefully ploping himself down onto it.

It begins violently shaking, the pony that is, and it tries to buck off the imp, feeling violated by it's presence.

The imp flies through the air, and almost hits the ground until he flaps his stubby little wings, keeping himself aloft.

"Aww c'mon! ****ing animals never let me ride them..."

Yasuo sighs in exasperation at the imp's display.

"Why didn't you tell me animals hated you? (Though I should really have figured that one out myself...)"
"Eh, didn't seem important"

"(Sigh) Keitaro, may my imp travel aboard your wagon?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I've heard nothing but good things about you, and you have a demon summoned? What are you trying to accomplish by socializing with demons?" Kirito asked, trying to figure out the mans intentions.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"They're useful, are they not? This foul creature right here, demon though he may be, is perhaps one of the stealthiest beings i've ever laid eyes upon. And what is wrong with summoning demons, I might add?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Useful for stabbing you in the back one day most likely. And how is a stealthy demon a good thing, one order that could be misinterpreted would likely achieve utter chaos. You ask whats wrong in summoning them, i ask why would even consider summoning them."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Eh, you're much too tight minded Kirito, the demons are useful and that's why I use them, I see no reason to stop, nor will I."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Perhaps, perhaps not. But it's not my place to judge what company you want to keep. May i ask what orders regarding our safety you have given it?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Too many to list. Suffice it to say, i've learnt from past experiences what orders to give my demons from the instant I summon them."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Demons? As in plural? Are you mad? Dont say you've summoned more than one of those... things. why cant you use elementals like good priests would use. Or you could have just gotten a stealthy familiar if it's the stealth you're after. "

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Don't be silly, you can't customize your familiars. Elementals are very difficult to summon, and not nearly as powerful as the greater Oni. Now, if you'd like to have a theological debate, I can assure you we will waste a good deal of time and annoy our allies to no end, not to mention we won't do anything to change each other's minds on the matter. I would much more prefer that you keep your beliefs to yourself, as I will in turn."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmpf, as you wish. Just make sure that thing doesent come near me or i might use dispell magic on it."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I promise you that should you attack anything under my command, I will pay you back very bit of damage you dealt them."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yes because dispelling it would cause it so much harm. Just keep it away from me."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"It would be a waste of my spells and effort, and dispelling something, as you know, destroys it. Mind yourself Kirito, do not be so hostile, it is unbecoming of you."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yes, you are right. I am sorry for my hostility. I just cant accept the fact that im traveling with one of those things. it's a little, well unnerving to be honest."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Don't worry about it, imps are not nearly as difficult or dangerous as they'd have you believe.

So, how did you become a priest, Kirito?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"My parents were both priests. My mother died when i was born, so i spent most of my time at the church with my father. Then when he got sent off to the war i was six years old, and he never came back so the priests took me in and practicly raised me, when i started showing healing abilities it was a given what i wanted to be. What a out you Yasuo?

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Family tradition. My great-great-great grand-father was the first, and the tradition has been passed down from generation to generation."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Doshin, do you mind if the unnatural freak rides with you?"

Keiji: " Uh sir, ...if you want it too.." He looks hesitant

Miko: "As long as it doesn't sit near me or touch my hair products."

Keitaro looked back at Yasuo. "he may till he finds more appropriate means of transportation"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


"You have hair products? Imp. Do not damage or do anything to the wagon as you ride on it. Do not disturb the Doshin."

"(Grumble grumble, grumbly grumble)"
The imp goes into the wagon.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

As he began to ride out with the others, he stopped and took one last look at the monastery. With a small tear in his eye he began to ride a little faster to catch up with the others. "Wait for me, or are you too hungover to talk?" He said with laugh.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmm...a demon huh..."

Yuki mumbles to herself as the company rides together. While she's mildly interested in the demon, she's far more interested in some of her other members at the moment. Particularly the Wu-Jen mage, who is closest to her and Miya in age, along with being the only other girl apart from the two. With that in mind, Yuki quickly rode to her side.

"Hi Sakura!"

She exclaims cheerfully.

"So you can do magic right? What kind of magic can you do? Is it hard? Can I do magic? Wait I already can kind of do magic...So what can you do?"

Yuki asks gleefully, edging closer and closer to Sakura as she speaks.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hello Yuki..."

"My magic changes reality. I can do just about anything, but sometimes the consequences can be very dangerous. The priests have the same sort of magic that I carry but I of course have way more options to choose from ( depends on my mood ;) )."

"So what exactly is it that you specialize in Miss Feng-Shui mistress ;) ?" " I am sure you have some neat tricks up your sleeve as well :). "

" You know the priest's imp, don't be too concerned about that. The rotten little creature will try to take out its master before even considering to waste its time with one of us."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: I'm not sure how to react to emoticons within speech haha.

"Hmm, I'm not really concerned with the imp...."

Yuki says.

"Changing reality sounds like a pretty fun ability. Personally, I can change fate, hehe."

She replies to Sakura's question, smiling.

"I'm still new at it, but it's quite fun. So, how do you actually change reality? Can you throw fireballs at people? Do you throw fireballs at people? Doesn't it hurt when you throw fireballs at people? It's kind of a mean thing to do isn't it?"

She asks, without giving Sakura an opportunity to answer.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: As far as the emoticons, I am a Wu-jen, the symbols could very well be in the air while I speak. Hehehehe


Sakura answers

" Changing reality involves weaving the threads of reality into a new pattern. Pretty cool actually!!! I never tried to throw a fireball however, I am very fond of the wither and fling spells. Wither can make a man left soulless, dry and shriveled up like a prune. Now fling on the other hand is quite amusing. I can make someone or something fly from the spot they sit into the air as if launched from a catapult. I love that one ;)."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
Keitaro pulls his cart over to the side of the road and walks behind some shrubs. It is clear he must be relieving himself.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

" Hey Keitaro! Where's the fire?" HaHaHa

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yasuo suddenly remembers that the imps were capable of unmanifesting...


"Imp, unmanifest. Follow from the other side"

The imp disappears into the air, leaving the presumably uncomfortable Doshin.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
Miko: "Oh thank Heavens, that thing smelled..."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
Keitaro returns from behind the shrubs. "Where'd it go?"

Keiji: "The priest recalled it. Feel better?"


Miko: "Shall we close the gap with the others?" She obviously is anxious to be done with the ride...

Keitaro just grunt and mounts his horse. The cart nears the rear of the party

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Among other things, yes"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
"So how do you do that" Thewarrior obviously means summon and dispel creatures.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

My ancestors give me the strength I need to manipulate the fundamental laws of the universe through my mind. Through prayer and meditation, they give me the energy necessary to use magic.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Kirito begins to summon his familiar, 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

After a little while he a tiger was summoned. Though it was the size of a dog.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Pretty small tiger there, priest." Takemura says, chuckling.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"No you cant bite him." He said while looking at the familiar." Then he turned to the man and said "well, familiars are size restricted for some reason" he said chuckling a bit at his reaction.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Just funny, you know, having such a small looking tiger. Makes it more amusing then threatening." 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Size won't matter when it's teeth will bloody your hand, Roka" Udo speaks up, smirking.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hm, maybe you are right, just dont tell him that. Familiars have personalities of their own, and i'm afraid you'll hurt his feelings."

then he looked at Udo and said "He says he doesent need you to defend him, but he thank you for doing so."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Can your 'familiar' even understand our language? Ha ha, but I shouldn't be afraid of a small tiger. I'll respect your wishes though, best not upset a priest," 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I dare say hes smarter than some people here are." Kirito said with a smile. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Doesn't mean he can understand language." Roka says, with a chuckle. "Good to see we have Two creatures serving for our benefit though." 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Animals can only understand our notions, though sometimes it seems they understand much more. Rei here... He listens to me..." Udo scratches his dog.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"..... Right." 

"Now, can I ask you something? The rumors state that you were raised by animals. True, or not true?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo sighs, having to deal with this rumor many times, "Rumors are just that... Rumors" he sighs,

"Still, I lived alongside them for most of my life, though it was my brother who taught me practicalities, the animals taught me to LIVE though. you could say that My brother was a father- type, and the animals were a mother figure, looking out for me, and teaching me "table manners" as you call it." Udo thinks that his explanation is perfectly clean and practical, though others would probably find this disturbing...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Roka just rides away, looking rather confused. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Were there any particular animals who you felt the closest to?" Asks Yasuo, while he casually reaches to pet Kirito's familiar.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Ken just pushes himself towards yasuos leg and purrs, clearly enjoying it.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"The squirrels were cool, though the macaque was the most mothering to be honest" he replies happily. Those were the happiest days of his life.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Did you ever name these animals, or did they tell you their own names?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Both, and neither really haha," Udo says, clearly surprised that Yasuoat least seems intrigued by this,"Some named themselves, others wanted me to name them. Rei clearly like his name, but I had to take the time to read a list of names for him to choose from. Yoshi was simply Yoshi, we both kinda knew when I took him" Udo grins at his animals.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"What happened when you left the Forrest?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"As you might know, I trained with you guys, not in the same age group, but I've seen you guys around. I invested in my studies, and maintained relationships with passerby animals." Udo scratches his rear while saying most of this, but it seems natural, and not meant to be insulting.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Not a hint of disgust is to be seen on Yasuo's face, only the same kind ensemble he always has.

"I meant to the animals. How were your goodbyes?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

It was hard, they were my only family after all. But Mother Macaque, or 'Tree' as some called her, was hard to leave. the squirrels are still there,growing atronger as a bunch. But Still, I had to leave, I need to give Honor to my blood family..."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Have you ever visited them since?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Kuwabara frowns, "Not much I'm afraid, I got caught up so much in my work..." He looks back,"I just... GAH! It's true I miss them, but I have a mission, I can't live as a Morio for the rest of my life" He grits his teeth.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Udo, it's not polite to scratch yourself when talking to people, especially not there." Kirito reprimanded the man with a slight laugh.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"it isn't? Mother Macaque did it..." A sign of confusion is shown on Udo's face.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"No, it isent. I understand why you might think so, and if you want i can teach you how to act propert around people."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Nah, perhaps another time, it seems much easier to scratch my rear when it itches" Udo says this in a relaxed way, but he seems to have more troubling matters on his mind, especially after Yasuo'a last question.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Nothing to defend, teeth hurt." Udo says laughing, "But Roka may learn this the hard way, though I'd hope he isn't foolish enough to stick his hand in your familiar's mouth"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I hope he doesent stick anything near him at the moment. Hes pretty mad at him for repeatedly making fun of his size. And oh, his name is Ken."  He replied with a laugh 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"A fine name, hopefully he stays strong and healthy Haha!" Udo chuckles.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Well, hes a spirit creature so doesent really get sick." 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Well... he could always die..." Udo shudders for a moment.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Oh, a familiar doesent die as we know it. When they die, or someone casts dispel magic on them they are simply returned to the spirit world. I can summon him again moments after.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Ooh cool," Udo is intrigued. Perhaps I can get one one day... He thinks to himself.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yes, that is pretty cool. Hes my Lifelong companion, though part of me is sad that he cant truly die. He is a friendly being  and im sure he would be reincarnated as something truly magnificent."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Indeed, but a lifelong companion... No need to say goodbye" Udo states this, and looks slightly saddened. Still he keeps his face up, watching the road ahead.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Death isent the end Udo. When one dies, we are reincarnated as something else. If you lived a good life, then i'm sure that your next life will be more beautiful and glorious than you can imagine."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo Kuwabara shifts uncomfortably on his horse, speaking this much to others is unusual for him. He rides on ahead instead of replying further, examining terrain, weather, and local plants.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yasuo speaks out into the air, and says, quite clearly

"Do not torture, kill, or harm Kirito Kirigaya's familiar"

He then turns to the priest "Sorry about that, imps love hurting familiars, had to make sure he wouldn't remanifest himself just to hurt your summons"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Thank you. Well, it would be bad for his health if he tried though."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"True, you are clearly more powerful than the imp is, and you could probably easily avenge your familiar" Yasuo answers.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I cant quite tell if you're being sarcastic or not. But if you are not, i assure you, i am quite a bit more powerful than skulking devious little flying ape."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"You, ahh, you realize that's what I just said, right?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"And i also said i dident understand if you were being sarcastic my friend." 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I see no reason you would think I was being sarcastic, you're a priest, you've been bestowed power from the gods themselves, There is no way a simple imp could ever outdo you. Really Kiri, you are much too easy to take offense.

So what is your familiar's name?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Oh i dident take any offense my friend, i just couldent decide if you were or not, and his name is ken." He replied with a smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"That is a good name. Would he mind if I petted him?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"He doesent mind, i think hed like it actually." 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

(Continuing above with Tant)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
"Doshin, you may pet the mini beast if you like."

Miko looks exuberantly excited to pet the pygmy.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Ken growls slightly at the man for calling him mini beast, but walks over to the wagon and jumps up, excited to be cuddled with.

"you really shouldent call him small, he seems to dislike that." Kirito said the man.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
"He isn't large though, shall I call him medium?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"How about calling him Ken?" Kirito said with a smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
"What if I call him wafer? Seems odd to call an animal by a human name."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Another, louder growl could be heard from the wagon.

"dont think he likes wafer. You should just call him Ken."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Miya Sugai rides out of the city in silence among the talk of her fellow samurai, she listens to each of the conversations being held around her but does not join in to any of them. Instead she seems intent on learning more about her companions without giving information about herself up. 

While she is riding she pulls out a blank Hanshi sheet along with a Sudo and the needed ink material from one of the satchels attached to her horse. Having prepared the ink beforehand an kept it in a small glass vial of sorts she dips her Sudo into the top of the vial and begins writing about the journey and her thoughts on it.

OOC: Yes they did have some glass and no the writing is not supposed to be pretty. It's a personal journal. Sorry for not posting earlier.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

As the first day of the Journey passed beneath the hooves of their horses, the Samurai of Sendai had made it twenty miles north of Sendai, before the sun began to cast red and purple colors across the tops of the mountains to the west. They had made decent time and now the daylight was waning. They had about an hour before it would be dark.

Stopping off the road in a suitable spot, the Samurai and their Doshin began to set up camp and to cook dinner…

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro dismounted and scanned the area, he was a little unnerved that they hadn't ran into any trouble as of yet, but he was ready to set up camp none the less. He instructed his Doshin to set their tent up and unroll their ground bags and then to gather wood to keep the fire going. 

While they began to set their tent up he took out some vegetables from his own supply and fed them to the steed. After petting it's mane he began to find a suitable place near the fire to construct his sleeping quarters. Being of giant stature compared to most of the Japanese and especially the Chinese his outdoor sleeping arrangements had to be custom made. This basically meant he had an extra long bed roll and ground bag. And overhead a very large tarp that had to be tied to several trees. Luckily there was a back drop canvas that provided him a  little more protection from the elements. 

By the time he started tieing his tree lines from the tarp both Doshin had made their way into the woods to gather wood for the fire. Once he had his ropes taught and the tarp set so that any rain water would roll down away from the entrance he unfurled his bedroll and ground bag and set up a few candles inside his enclosure. He began to meditate until his Doshin returned with the wood for the fire.

After several minutes both Doshin returned with arms full of wood, they arranged a firepit and lit the fire. Moments later it was roaring to life and they invited everyone to begin their meals and to mingle with good company. Keitaro got up and walked over to the group and offered some Sake to any willing to take it.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Kirito took out some apples from a bag and feed it to his horse. Then he began setting up his own tent, after a few failures he managed to do it right.  By the time he was he was finished Keitaros Doshin had already managed to get up a fire. 

"Yes, id like some sake." Kirito gingerly replied.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
Keitaro passed a very fine looking bottle engraved with his family crest on it. "It bites on the backside, be careful" Keitaro laughed and removed his helm and mempo revealing the tattoo on his neck.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"How bad can it be" Kirito said, taking a large zip of the bottle. 

*cough cough* "aaargh, that stuff is poison!" He said with teary eyes. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"told you" He takes the bottle back. "Anyone else?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I'll have to pass, my friend. I rather keep my pleasures in a different sector. My doshin, however, need not refrain." Roka says, bowing to Keitaro, while the two Doshin eagerly accept Keitaro's offer. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Imp! Scout out our surrounding area. Check everything in a half a mile radius around us and then return to me. Re-manifest yourself and then tell me everything you saw."

Yasuo then proceeds to begin setting up his tent. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Doshin, stay close to the camp but you are free to do what you please till we rest for the night."

Miko: "Thank you Keitaro-san"

They both bow and wonder off to explore and/or look for danger.

"will you have no sake Yasuo?" He looks at the priest. "Family Vintage"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Poison" Kirito mumbled.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Of course comrade"

Yasuo finishes setting up his tent and grabs a cup of the stuff, slowy sipping it.

"Very good. Family vintage you say?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"My Grandfather perfected it, my mother taught me how to make it back on the farm after my father passed away in battle. She swore it had to do with the rice grown in the area. I think they were just drunks." Keitaro laughed and poured himself a glass before breaking a loaf of homeade bread handing a heavy piece to the priest and keeping some for himself.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Ken approaches Keitaro suspicously. After all he called him small time to check him out.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro looks at the pygmy and after a few moments of staring at each other he offers the beast some sliced meat and bread.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

He eyes the meat suspicously before digging in. After a few seconds he goes up the man and jumps up in his lap.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro grumbles, but makes no advance to remove the pygmy.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yasuo laughs along with the giant, when Yuki makes herself known to him and he starts his conversation with her.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yuki hops off of her horse and begins to make camp beside where ever Miya decides to set up hers. Being short makes this a mildly difficult task, but she succeeds in the end, with a proud nod of approval once finished.

"We still have a long way to go huh...."

She says once she sits down by the campfire to no one in particular. She then, continuing her introductions, moves on to the two priests, who are the second most interesting here to her (Sakura being the first).


She says, walking up to Yasuo.

"You're pretty much the only one of us that's evil...."

Yuki remarks.

"Is it fun? Can you summon other demon things? What else can you do? What else have you done? Actually don't answer that last one, I don't think I want to know...."

She says, rambling on a bit.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"What makes him evil?" Kirito asked the woman.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yuki tilts her head in a confused motion.

"The same thing that makes someone good, good."

She replies.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"You make no sense little one." 

Keitaro chimes in between bites.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"You HAVE no sense Keitaro haha!" Udo Kuwabara laughs.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro just Glares at Udo, it'd be a lot easier to make a convincing agry statement if he didnt have such a small beast on his lap.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I can summon other sorts of demons, like fiends and succubi. I can also summon Oni, though I prefer to not summon them, other than the occasional Bakemono. They're very hard to control, Oni. 

As for my other powers, they are the spells typical to us priests, our gods seem to grant us all the same line of abilities. I assume you're not just simple archer, Yuki?" He  says with a little smile, seemingly amused at her ramblings.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yuki shakes her head while eating some meat.

"Nope, I'm a Zen Archer. I have the power to control fate."

She says proudly.

"It seems like we have some interesting people. This should be fun!"

She continues with a smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Perhaps, though I have a nagging feeling that we're being followed... Are you able to sense such things Yuki? Whether we are in danger or not?"

He gestures for her to join him, Kirito and the giant for dinner.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmm....not yet."

Yuki says after a moment of pondering. She then takes a seat by the others and continues eating.

"So...what should we do when we get to Aomori?"

She asks aloud.

"Something feels off about this..."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I assume we'd do what we are told to do. But I agree, this seems ill favored for us."

Keitaro switches his focus to this ongoing conversation. "Me and Roka spoke of this, we form an agreement that it doesn't add up."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

" I think a better question is what we should do when we leave Aomori. We already know what to do at the village. Take 6 women and leave.

But after we leave, I fear the villagers may ask the barbarian horde to retrieve their women for them..."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Or break from the rule of the Daiymo and align with other factions... We should tread lightly, and swiftly."

Keitaro swigged the sake.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmmm, I wonder if it's that simple."

Yuki says, slightly swaying from side to side.

"You know, it could all just be a misunderstanding, or maybe something else...."

She says.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"To be honest, it seems as if we should be attacking the Etsu barbarians, not capturing villagers. After all, it's the barbarians who infringed on the treaty, the villagers might just have the bad luck to be near them.

Heck, for all we know, the villagers could have been conquered by the barbarians and we're simply walking towards our enemy now right now..."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmm, you make good points priest. Let us enjoy the fire for now, we rest soon."

Keitaro moves the tiger beast dog sized thing from his lap and stretches. He returns to his "tent" and removes his armor and dresses in monk robes. His tanto, and nagamaki still at his side.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo sets some traps around the camp (some steel jawed, to some caltrops) and once again, watches the skies, trying to make an estimation on the weather. 

He sets up his own tent, and covers it in tarp. Rei and Yoshi don't have leashes; they are expected to stay in there place unless they aren't grey.

While walking around the camp site, he looks for tracks around it, that don't look like the team's or his own.

When done, he sits next to the campfire, occasionally joining in on the conversations.

OOC:Are traps reclaimable if not tripped?

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Rako walks over to Udo, still looking confused. 

"Why are you setting up traps? Isn't that a bad idea? I mean, if the Magistrate wishes to inform us of anything, their messenger could be hit by your traps." 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"And i would heal them. If some bandits on the other hand shows up.. Dont want to think about it." 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"But their horses might die. And there is no reason to make the traps. How would anyone follow us?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Demons. Oni. These roads are infested with the two, i've heard many a story of travellers being killed by them out here"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Can't you just control them if we run into them?"

Yuki asks.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Unfortunately this is not the case. Wild demons are out of my reach"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"And would demons and ONI be cought with simplistic traps like these?" Roka says. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"The most simple trap can still catch the smartest creature if it's not expecting it. If you were to be walking through this forest, and came across a camp of travellers, would you first check for traps around them, or would you rush the sentries?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Well, I wouldn't, but a smarter man would. Ha ha!" Roka says, laughing, and patting Yasuou on the shoulder. (OOC: Assuming that doesn't deserve death in Japan, and Yasou isn't trying to dodge said pat) 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: Hehe, I don't think so. Besides: Fantasy.


"Perhaps... Will you have your Doshin stand guard tonight along with the others?" Yasuo offers Roka some of the bread he had been given from Ketairo.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: Because Fantasy? XD

"Hopefully none of them. Ha ha!" Roka says

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Udo, grins, "Some of our teammates think we're being followed. Don't want to be taking any chances. Plus, the messenger should make a loud, auditory statement if he were to come.

"Also, Tanka and Ran! Stand guard along with the others, but Ran," his face turns serious, " stay away from Roka, he is a terrible lech haha!"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro smiles at the Lecher comment and offers some sake to his old pal Roka (ooc: who forgot how his name was spelled several posts above"Rako") "ROKA!" Keitaro shouts, "Spar with me. Barehands only" he is smiling still holding out the sake.

OOC: Should be fun for BZ to have to do some rolling :) lol. BIC: "Priest will you heal any wounds we give each other afterwards?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"If you agree to call me Kirito, sure." He said happily.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
OOC: thanks forgot your name.

BIC: "Isnt that what I said?" Keitaro looks confused but still waits on Roka to take the Sake.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: Already replied about sake above. ;P

"I, do not believe such things as being, well, wise, but I could care less, I suppose. Why not." Roka says, shrugging. "No chance an Oni or a demon would catch us of guard, after all."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Just make sure not to hurt eachother to much. I dont want to waste to much energy healing you should any trouble find us" Kirito said as he turned to look at the duel.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hey Roka, don't be afraid to hit Keitaro in the head haha, he won't lose anymore brain cells!" Udo laughs heartily at his joke.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Miya sets up her tend near a large tree and unpacks most of her limited equipment and setting it up inside her tent; mostly so it will not be ruined in a storm or some other similar product of nature. Then making sure to feed and care for her horse before heading over to help Yuki with her tent.

 She makes her way to the center firepit and sits near the edge of the fires warmth. 

I wonder what we will encounter along our journey? A loose demon, bandits, perhaps an Oni?  Musing inside her head while scanning the camp(and surrounding area) for anything out of the ordinary.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Sakura follows the group to the campsite feeling a little embarrassed and uneasy. She knows setting up a camp is not one of her specialties, but decides to give it the old college try anyway.

After much struggle, ( the directions ARE in Engrish ;) ), she looks at her finished tent and stands back to admire her work. She feels as if she accomplished a task that seemed utterly impossible at first. As she turns to walk to the campfire to see if her help may be needed there, a small breeze went through the area. What that means is the beautiful tent standing proudly suddenly collapsed and she is now waiting to hear laughter and comments from her fellow samurai. The only thing she could do is give a crooked smile and call upon the doshin to put the tent up correctly.

Her doshin quickly fixes the problem.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Kirito? I've heard of a strange food from far away lands called popcorn. could you perhaps conjure some of this while we watch our team mates spar?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"It's better if you summon it yourself. i hafto heal those two after they are done. Unless you want to heal them?" He replied.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"You still have, what, 6, 8 spells left for the day? A single heal can get them both up to health easily. Besides, i'm not that good at conjuring, haha. Find it difficult to cast"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"And yet you've managed to conjure a imp?" He asked surprised.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Summoning creatures and conjuring objects are different things. The creatures existed before you summoned them. The objects did not.

Why, do you not have spells the gods gave you that you find to be difficult to use?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Oh, yeah you are right. I am just tired. Sure, i will Try to summon a bowl of this.. Popcorn. Can you describe what it is for me?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Soft, flaky, white, with a rather bland taste unless their primary ingredients: Butter, salt, and more butter, are put into it."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmm.. I think i can work with that." He said while concentrating on summoning popcorn.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Moments later he had popcorn in his hands. He tasted one before saying "wow, these are pretty good. Id give the, 7/10."he said with a laugh.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Excellent. Let us enjoy watching the large man in armor get pummeled by the martial artist in a fist fight"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmm.. I think he wins actually."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Keitaro may be big, but Roka trained in hand to hand combat. He is obviously better suited to victory."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Well, one hit from Keitaro may be enough to tale Roka down, if he manages to hit him."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Want to bet on it?" He says, a slight smile showing itself on his face.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmm.. A friendly wager couldent hurt. What do you have mind?" He said with a smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"The winner can have the other cast a specific spell for him in the future, should they need it."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I agree on one condition, that we dont ask the other to cast a spell against the others nature.  Is that ok?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


OOC: Now cast disaster on that village full of innocent orphans and kittens! DO IT DAMN YOU!

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Then we have ourself a deal my friend." He said while lifting his left hand to seal the deal.


OOC: ha! I can refuse to that! Mohaha

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Indeed, we do" he says, raising his own (right? left?) hand.

OOC: Disaster is a universal spell :)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

ooc: Casting it on a innocent village goes against one's nature (at least, he could argue that. XD)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
OOC: also I am in Monk robes, as is Aman, not armor.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

(Continue Below...)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

As the the darkness of night descends, the Doshin return from their explorations and begin to sort among themselves who will be taking which watches during the night. Once that is settled, they go back to their Yoriki to see if there is anything more needed of them before they retire.

Yasuo the Priest's Imp meanwhile, suddenly manifest in front of the campfire - "BOO!!!" It yells obnoxiously, "AH-HAHAHAHA!!" it snickers - "that never get's old!"

Then, turning to Yasuo it reports - "Nothing but animals all around and ain't none of those dangerous my 'Supreme Overlord and Ertenal Master of The Dark Abyss' - err... I mean 'Mr. Priest who just summoned me today and that I've never seen up until that moment'. Yeah, that's what I mean, yeah..."

Then the foul creature hops over to Roka and asks, making sly winking motions with its eye - "Hey bud - mind if I watch tonight, eh? Know what I mean? Yeah... you knows what I mean! Haha!"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"If you even think of harassing me while i sleep i will dispell you faster than you could say "i'm a foul smelling flying ape." Kirito said to the imp. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Wouldn't think of it Padre." The imp replies with a wicked grin...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Stand watch tonight and wake me if humans or ONI who are not in our group approach the camp. Do not disturb me or any of the others otherwise."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Cool title Yasuo, do you have a business card?" Udo asks lazily.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Business card?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Oh you know Yasuo, like the squirrels have!"  Udo grins. "Though you should realize it was a joke, I was just commenting one he imp's title of you haha!"

Udo leans closer to Yasuo, so he could smell his rancid breath It would appear that he brushes his teeth with leaves. His face looks dead serious-

"Hear this Yasuo Shiga, the popular Squirrel's "Nut business" is no joke Yasuo, not a joke at all."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Might want to add dangerous beast and demons who arent Oni." Kirito said to the man.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

" I know what I am ordering my I'm to do Kirito, trust when I say I've thought thinks through."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I trust you, i dont trust that thing not twist your orders if you dont make it perfectly clear." He simply replied

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Or maybe i should say ive yet to make up my mind about you. Mr Supreme Overlord and Ertenal Master of The Dark Abyss."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Haha, that is such an amusing title.

"Yasuo Shiga, Mr Supreme Overlord and Ertenal Master of The Dark Abyss, for all your demon summoning needs!"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Demons are no joke"  he replied, "but the title does sound kinda amusing haha" he added with a slight laugh.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Yasuo sighs and then begins speaking at a quick pace.
"If I tell the imp to wake me if a dangerous beast approaches the camp, then he will simply purposefully misinterpret the instructions, saying that he thought a butterfly or an ant was dangerous, and then wake me up during the night to warn me about it- for no reason. Besides, the doshin and the animal traps will be more than enough to protect against dangerous beasts, my imp not warning us of this would influence practically nothing.
As for the Oni, I can assure you I have made the correct order.
Non-Oni demons are completely incapable of existing independently in this world, they must be summoned, and even then they can only remain for short periods of time. Therefore, the only way we would see any sort of non-Oni demon would be in the case of an attack, which would have to be led by an enemy Wu-Jen or Priest.
Now, frankly, if a Wu-Jen is going to lead with any sort of attack, it probably won't be a demon summoning, rather a more powerful summons, or perhaps a destructive spell. 
In the case of a priest, assuming his powers allowed for it, he would, chances are, only summon an Oni.
We are a group with 2 archers, a martial artist, 2 priests, a Wu-Jen, a scout, and a warrior. A normal demon would quickly die against us, an Oni would be needed to make any sort of impact. Not to mention that we have three magic users, each of which can use dispel magic, something that would render Non-Oni demons worthless. Any spellcaster would recognize this and choose to send the un-dispel able demon against us, therefore the chance of us being attacked by non-Oni demons are practically 0.
I know what I'm doing Kiri, I've had much more experience with demons than you have, and for the last time, would you stop telling me how to use my power?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Cool hat Yasuo" Udo says, simply because he doesn't care for the above conversation, and the funky priest hat intrigues him.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Standard priest uniform, Udo.

If you'll excuse me, I'll have to discuss the intricacies of squirrel nuts at a later time with you, We must get up early to travel tomorrow"

OOC: G'night

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I tell you, it's fascinating" 


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Kirito simply replied "no, but thanks för telling me that. It does make me feel better. " then he went to his tent.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"For your sake, i hope thats true." 

Ken, the familiar appearently agrees by letting out a low growl towards the imp.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

The Imp flies up into a tree at the growl, but otherwise seems unimpressed by the Familiar.

"You got it boss," it calls down to Yasuo - then adds, "Does that mean I can still watch the other guy if he don't mind?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Oh never mind - he said no..."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"At your own risk"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Argh! Dammit Imp, you scared my doshin!" Roka says, in reply to the imp's startling appearance. 

"You may watch the spar between me and Keitaro, if it comes to pass, but my private pleasures, are just that, private. And, if it does come to my attention that you did, these guantlets are prime from ripping apart demons. At least, thats what the blacksmith said..." Roka says, eyeing the imp with a mixture of amusement and displeasure.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Ba!" the Imp frowns and quietly slips out of view up in the tree branches...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Imp, I'd recommend not doing that ever again for I promise you that if it happens again you will have a sudden desire to remain unseen even when away from camp..." Miya speaks in a strangely dark tone while still looking towards the edge of camp.

Her head turns slowly to reveal a blank face staring at the creature. She then smiles before turning away to pull out a small paper which she then begins to draw a map of some sort on.

OOC: Ah to slow to respond. : /

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"What an eventful evening."

Yuki says, yawning and heading into her tent, not too concerned about the imp.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC:(sorry was sleeping when you all decided to post that your characters were going to bed. Deal with it.)


Roka VS. Keitaro spar match


 Keitaro Dropped into a deep horse stance after removing his nagamaki and tanto. He slid his right foot back in the soft grass and raised his open palms and turned his body so he was in an Akido form. Roka loosened up and pranced like most kickboxers do before a match. Roka did some small flourishes with his fist in the air and shook his head. Then he charged in and feinted a low kick, hoping to draw Keitaro out of his superior defensive form. For sport Keitaro feinted a kick of his own, acting like he was going to push Roka's leg away, but then withdrew and returned to his form. Roka closed the gap and threw some lighting quick jabs in. 2 aimed at Keitaro's torso were easily blocked and doged, one aimed for Keitaro's head ended up grazing his shoulder instead. 

Keitaro sensing Roka off balance after the jab threw 2 lightning quick ball kicks with his left leg, both kicks landed on Roka's right hip. Roka and his speed quickly moved to avoid further attack, sidestepping he threw a deep jab into Keitaro's exposed right side. Keitaro closed his elbow onto Roka's fist and managed to hold him there long enough to twist and grab Roka's arm with his left hand. Roka quickly countered the grapple move with one of his own, twisting the left had of Keitaro and throwing another forceful jab into his torso. Keitaro took the punch and swept Roka's left leg out from under him laying him o his back. But Roka rolled backwards and was instantly back on his feet. 

"I see we are pretty evenly matched old friend" Keitaro says to Roka. Neither side really having an advantage this round. They squared off again.

Round 2.

Keitaro stood in a whooping crane stance where as Roka took on a hybrid Boxing/Kung-fu posture. Roka came in for the attack and did several rolling punches as Keitaro defended with distance kicks and arm sweeps trying to push the blows away. After accepting several blows to the torso and arms Roka noticed a break in Keitaro's defense, his footwork. "Sloppy friend" Roka said as he dropped and did a sweep kick, dropping Keitaro on his back. He placed his right foot on Keitaro's chest, "yeild?" He asked Keitaro. "Yield" Keitaro answered.

Round 3. 

Keitaro jumped back to his feet and lowered himself into a Hapikido stance with his left hand open, palm facing roka. His right hand in a tight fist tucked in his right side. His left foot pointed towards Roka as his right foot was sidweways for support, not wanting to make the footwork mistake from the previous round. Roka again took on the Hybrid stance. This time Keitaro led the assault with blazing fast pokes and jabs. Roka was unprepared and had to drop into a defensive stance to avoid being utterly beaten before getting a punch off. Keitaro jab Roka in the arm pit with a dragon tail spear attack forcing Roka to raise his arm in pain. When he did Keitaro grabbed his wrist, spun around ad tossed Roka over his shoulder and onto his back, placing his foot on Roka's chest he asked: "Yield?" though he was smiling.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
"Damn Keitaro, looks like you've gotten better then before. Far better." Roka says, breathing deeply. This fight wasn't gone as well as he had hoped. Definitely not impressing the ladies with this one, unfortunately.
"I'll have to stop taking you easily." He states, quickly rushing right at the Giant's body. Feinting a right straight, Roka tricks Keitaro into trying a counter, and overextending himself.
"Perfect.." Roka mutters, grinning, as he shouts, "Secret Acupuncture Technique #7!"
And with a quick movement of Roka's arms and fingers, he taps at all the pressure points on Keitaro's body, with lightning speed, and slips away as the giant falls to the ground.
"That's a technique i developed on my own, I'll note. Great fight Keitaro, ha ha!" Roka says, bowing to Keitaro. “You won't be able to stand for a while." Roka adds, raising his hands in victory.
“I.... don't... know what you’re talking about Roka, you haven't won yet., ha ha!” Keitaro states, exerting himself, and pushing himself off the ground, shocking Roka.
Keitaro then quickly lunges at the surprised Roka, and grabs him, knocking down to the floor. After a short bout of wrestling, the giant manages to keep the pinned Roka on the floor for a decent amount of time.
However, Keitaro's fatigue makes him slightly less hardy, so Roka manages to slip out, breathing heavily.
“I think that means I win, right?” Roka says, breathing heavily and bruised.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Ha! You fight well friend. Pray I never have to draw my blade against you though" Keitaro says smiling. He fastens his 2 weapons back around his waist and bows to Roka his right hand in a fist covered by his left hand (it means "I mean you no malice in Chinese martial arts)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Some excited clapping could be heard nearby, Kirito had walked out from his tent when the ruckus began and he watched most of the fight. "Do anyone of you require healing? It doesent look like it but you can never be certain." He said with s smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I require Sake, and a bed. But aside from a few bruises i am okay." Keitaro said as he shrugged off the pain he was feeling from the spar. He grabbed his sake and retired to his "tent" for the evening to get some rest. As he did this his Doshin approached him. 

Miko: "Keitaro-san *she bowed* who would you like to stand first watch?"

Keitaro thought it over briefly. "Since you spoke first you may take first watch. Keiji rest now"

They both bowed and went their respective ways.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"A few hours rest shall be more then neccasary." Roka says, smiling, and rubbing some blood off him his mouth.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"If you say so" Kirito said, while saying a silent prayer for them to recover fast.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Good match! Haha, much closer than I was expecting!" 

Though whether that's because of the martial artist's incompetence or the giant's skill is unclear...

"Remind me never to spar with either of you, haha, excellent display of your prowess, both of you"

After congratulating both, he looks to Kirito, a hint of smugness showing. The "told you so" remains un-said, but certainly hung in the air.

"So, for future reference, what kind of spells go against your nature?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I guess the popcorn doesent count? Well, i havent dabbled in the darker spells, and i would prefer not to cast any of them. And i wont hurt a innocent." He answered. "But you cant deny it was close keitaro won! If he hadent  been tricked by Rokas feint he certainly would have won." Kirito answered with a laugh. Not gloomy that he lost the bet.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yet he was, and that's all that matters.Well, let's continue on our way then, shall we?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Miya looks up from her spot near the fire to where the two samurai had sparred. She smiles as she speaks to them.

"Well done, I doubt I could beat either of you in a match like that. Where did you learn to spar like that Roka?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"A small monastery in the middle of nowhere." Roka replies, smirking. "Mom didn't want me to be in a place where I could cruise and visit the cities, so she sent me to a monastery she heard of randomly."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Interesting, I always wanted to learn how but I've never been one for physical combat as you can see and I would still prefer my bow anyway's. What about you Keitaro? Where did you learn?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"What a match! Though not as good as the Squirrel Gladiator rings, this was a cool fight Indeed," says Udo smiling, "Secret Acupuncture Technique was pretty awesome"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Squirrel gladiator..?"

Yasuo half-asks, as he begins packing up his tent.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Err yeah. Squirrel fights are common, and animals enjoy watching two "alpha males" beating the crap outa eachother" Says the scout naturally.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Why would you be interested in such battles? They can't be that interesting." Miya gives Udo a glance with her left eyebrow arched before turning away again.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Meh, it's a past time. It's always good to know which squirrel is the head of the bunch." Udo says.

"Of course, my brother didn't let me watch all that much of it, he said I needed to study."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Sometimes i wonder what goes on in Udos head, but when he says things like that im somewhat glad i dont know." Kirito said, laughing his yellow arse off.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

5th Day of Spring 1297
Stranger On The Road

Three days into the trip, the Samurai of Sendai ended their daily ride at the comfort of a way station, 60 miles north of Sendai. At twenty miles per day, they would hit a way station every three days, passing up two between each stop along the route. Being thirty miles apart, each way station could be reached with a hard day’s ride from one to another, but considering the terrain and the length of the journey, the company kept the pace such that their mounts could hold it up for the duration. So it was that for every two nights they camped out under the starry sky, they got one night in a simple, yet warm, way station bed.

In the cool morning air of the next day, Udo the Scout stood outside and inhaled deeply – looking up into the cloudless sky. Though the day promised to be bright and clear, the signs indicated that rain would be near – if not tomorrow then the day after for sure.

Udo then went over the next few days in his head. It would be three day’s travel to the comfort of the next way station, then (if the company pressed hard the last day) another two days to the city of Morioka. That would tire the horses, but they could be rested for a day in Morioka and would be good to pick up the slower pace again on the next leg to Aomori.

Big Keitaro meanwhile, attending to his gear looked at Udo observing the sky and then put a hand on his aching knee – going to rain soon, he though. His knee always acted up right before a long rain…

As the rest of the Samurai emerged one-by-one from the way station, Sakura the Wu-Jen’s stomach lurched, burbled, and then settled. If those young Apprentice-Samurai of the way station hadn’t been so darned impressed with a ‘real life Wu-Jen and not one – but two – Priests’ honoring them with their presence, she never would have let them cook breakfast for her. As it was, she vowed never to let them cook her anything else ever again.

For some reason however, the cooking didn’t really seem to bother anyone else – though it certainly wasn’t the best thing they had ever tasted.

The Apprentice-Samurai smiled and bid everyone farewell, warning them to keep an eye out for a large band of Bakemono that was lurking in the area. To be honest, the news was actually a refreshing change for some to hear.

So far the trip had been largely uneventful (and somewhat boring), with nary a bandit, wild beast, or Oni to show itself. Perhaps the company just looked too powerful for any to bother with them – especially flying the flag of the Daimyo as they went. Yes, it would require a pretty bold lot to try harassing these samurai!

So it remained to be seen if any band of cowardly Bakemono would give them a go – most unlikely though, unless it was a really large band of them.

Yuki meanwhile, consulting her lopan, considered their luck so far. It had held up pretty good, but an unusual spike in the readings presented itself. Something about the company’s luck was going to change today, but she could neither tell if that change would be good or bad…

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Sakura takes some herbs to settle her stomach and asks, "Anyone else get a hole burned through their gut from the 'food' like I did? Yikes."

"Bakemono are weak but sneaky goblin like creatures. Just a step up from the imp really. I wouldn't worry about seeing any in the day - it's at night that they would try anything."

"Even then, it should be a simple clean up to dispose of them."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Glad we have multiple people who know of the types of demons. Never spent time learning about them, to be honest." Roka says, looking from side to side. 

"Doubt we will be attacked. I guess the fame of Roka Takemura spreads even to this location." Roka adds, laughing. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Yuki replies.

"Our luck will change soon though. Since we've had normal luck so far, I'd say it's about to change for the worse..."

She says, then she pauses for a moment.


She ends with an unsure tone and a slight head tilt.

"Oh well, all it means is that something interesting is about to happen!"

She says, smiling.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Luck?" Roka states, looking confused. 

"Oh yeah, you're the feng-shui archer. Forgot that we had a feng shui user in our midst. Is that one of your abilities? To tell your own luck?" 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Something like that, sure."

Yuki replies, not giving Roka a solid answer.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Ha ha, generally I'd ask for a less flaky answer, but youre cute, so I'll let it slide." Roka says with a wink, and laughs. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Dang it Roka haha, she's 16 or something he says, looking at her, though not in a perverse way, but in a way one would look at a passing animal, that is nice to look at.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Making her way to her horse she check's to make sure everything is packed before getting on top and turning towards Yuki "Yuki, if you know something it would be polite to tell the rest of us about it. Especially if it concerned our luck in the short-term future of our journey." She says looking at Yuki from atop of her horse.

"Still if you suspect there will be something 'interesting' ahead then I will keep an eye out as we travel."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Yuki replies.

"But I did tell everyone. Something interesting will happen soon.....probably."

She continues. In regards to Roka's comment, she smiles at him.

"Cute? Thanks, hehe."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Miya sighs and shakes her head despite the smile on her face. 

"Sometimes I wonder why I even try. So when do we plan to leave?" Asking her fellow samurai.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Aren't we moving right now?" Udo says, confused.

OOC: Aren't we?

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

(OOC: Nevermind ignore that part of my post then. lol ^.^)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Definetly not the reaction I expected." Roka says, laughing. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"How about we go hunt them down? I can send my imp out to look for them, and then we can personally take them out, before they can ambush us at night."

I haven't killed a thing in days...

"And what's wrong with the food? I mean, did you truly expect better from travel fare?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I didn't expect to be poisoned."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"A step up from the imp? Disgusting. Why are you complaining about the food? I dident think it was that nasty." He replied with a somewhat slighter green face. If it was from the thought of bakemonos or the food is hard to tell.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

shaking the pain from his knee Keitaro checks on his gear makes sure everything is there and accounted for, checks in with his Doshin, and rechecks his gear to make sure his full set was properly fastened. He put on his mempo and stood at the ready by his steed, listening to the conversations of the group.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Rain" Udo stops for a moment to point at the sky, "Tomorrow or the day after"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Nightfall" Keitaro added.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Im doing this because im bored and would like some elemental company" he said while trying to summon a fire elemental. 

"Ofcourse it wouldent hurt that the elemental would most likely kill that annoying flying little ape. " he thought to himself.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Moments after a fire elemental appeared. Eagerly looking around. And probarly really impressions the doshin and the other group members. 

Kirito himself takes a long sigh, breathing healily and swetting. These harder spells take their toll.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

(Continue Below)...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Udo keeps an eye out for other tracks, or odd smells. In a world such as this, long treks typically have at least one at least one wilder east attack, and Udo wasn't taking any chances.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Ah! That reminds me..." Udo examines the traps he left (now in his bag), looking for any blood or animals aught

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Something looks like it was caught - but then something else ate whatever it was right out of the trap...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Examine trap for fur

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Must have been a possum - but another animal or Imp (unknown) ate it...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Continued below

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Imp! Unmanifest and look through the country side for Bakemono. Do not make your presence known.

Should you find a large band of at least 15 or more Oni, come back to me and tell me about it. You have 4 hours to complete this task, should you not find anything return to me"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yes Boss!" The Imp replied and flew off to the north before vanishing into thin air...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

As the Imp leaves, Kirito the Priest successfully summons a large Fire Elemental.

Turning to Kirito it telepathically communicates - "Greetings Priest."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Impressive, an elemental. May I ask why you summoned it?

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmm.. I have this nagging feeling something bad is going to happen, and since im not much of a fighter myself, i summoned him so he could do it for me." He simply replied. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Greetings Mr elemental. It's nice to have a friendly one such as yourself by my side. Do you have a name i can call you?" He bowed and asked telepathicly. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I am simply 'Fire' as are all of my Brethren," the Elemental replied.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Then would you mind if i call you kasai? It seems a little disrespectful to only refer to you as fire.  Oh and before i forget, my name is Kirito." 

OOC: kasai means fire in japanease.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"As you wish."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"These are all my traveling companions, but beware, the other priest has an disgusting little imp summoned. Though the imp is not here, he is out scouting for Oni at the moment." He said telepathicly to the elemental. Knowing full well the elemental will kill the imp when it gets back.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

The Elemental seemed to flare a moment at the telepathic mention of the imp and anyone nearby could feel heat radiate off it suddenly. But then the heat died down again and one could actually get quite close to the thing if they actually wanted to.

Somehow, the Elemental could control the amount of heat that its flames produced. Right now they were no warmer than the rays of the morning sun on one's face; and the ground beneath it failed to ignite, as one might suspect it to.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Glad to see im not the only one who despises them. So, kasai, whats it like being a elemental? And forgive me if i seem rude i have nothing but high thoughts of your kind," he said telepaticly with a bow.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Cool fire thing Priest." Roka says, looking genuinely surprised. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Be respectful to the elemental Roka, it is a higher being than us humans." He reprimanded the man, but a slight Hint of pride could be seen in his eyes, for truly this was an amazing feat.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"It's an elemental! A thousand pardons." Roka states, bowing. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Oooh" says Kuwabara, he sways his hand near it, as close as he can until it gets hot. (But not burnt)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"same thing goes for everone, be respectful towards the fire elemental, they are higher beings than us lowly humans."  Kirito said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Someone's got to stop getting his acorns tight in a bunch" Udo says to Kirito, an annoyed look on his face.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Actually, the Elemental barely radiates any heat at all...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

(He's talking about the uptight Kirito)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: Yeah, sorry for not being explicit BZ

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Well, i dont have any squrriels stealing mine." He answered, a little annoyed at the blunt man.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Because there aren't any to steal" Scoffed Udo, visibly annoyed at his teammate. First he tries to make him civilised, now he' trying to make the adventure a brooding sulk!

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Well, we all knew that." He simply replied.

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10 years ago

Udo'a smirking face turned to surprise and disgust, "You were CASTRATED?!?!?!"

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10 years ago

"What? Oh, that's bad. Can't you use regenerate on the little guys?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I don't know man... I just... Ugh. Just don't...." Udo says shuddering.

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10 years ago

"WHAT!?" He replied completely shocked 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Well, you said that you didn't, so I thought it was common knowledge..." Udo is silent, he looks at the lower region of Kirito torso, "Are they... You know.... Gone?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I thought you were trying to say i wasent smart with your comment! Not that my.. Well those were gone! And NO, they are still there. And stop looking at my crotch, pervert." Kirito replied, slightly offended that he was looking at that region.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo doesn't seem to realise that staring at the pelvic region is bad (after all, a animals are practically always nude:P) but stops staring. He appears to relax, his mind shaken of what he thought.

"Whew haha, I mean, WHEW! That was odd." Udo is a bit more silent after this, still trying to shake this off. He breathes, and huffs.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Kirito just stares at the man, shocked at how thick he could be at times.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
Keitaro nods, "Far better than the pygmy"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

This time, the familiar actually tried to bite the giant. One insult to many.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
"What beast? I know youbare ferocious. Large things come in small packages too.

(Ooc you just to download a free trial of winrar)

He threw the beast a slice of meat from his pouch.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

He looked somewhat pleased, and greedily pounced the slice of meat.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo, blinking quite a bit, as he is usually good at figuring which animal left what marks, decides that it may be a supernatural fiend. 

He approaches Yasuo Shiga, a priest, and shows him the marks on the traps.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yes Udo?"

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10 years ago

"The trap, it caught a possum or something, but it seems like something bigger, or more dangerous got it. Was wondering whether your knowledge of the supernatural would help" Udo says, troubled.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"An animal was caught in a trap. Another hungry animal took it. If it was something big and dangerous, our doshin would have seen it, or it would have set off a trap. It couldn't have been a demon, otherwise my imp would have told us. No problems"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I dont remember hearing you ordering the imp not to eat anything from the traps." Kirito remarked.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: would you stick to your own conversations? You're a human, you have a limit to the amount of people you can talk to!

Also, no reason to suspect that over any other animal...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Usually I'd be able to identify it, but this looks different" Udo says, unsatisfied.

OOc: Pretty sure we're assuming conversations are being said at different times, during the day.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"How would you identify it? It's literally just a missing animal, what signs would an animal be capable of leaving?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I don't see fur, though if you don't see anything the wu-jen might..." Udo looks at the Wu Jen

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC - GM Override - (Lady Z won't be available till tomorrow)

Sakurak sees nothing out of the ordinary about the trap and just shrugs her shoulders.

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10 years ago

Udo shrugs, whatever it is, we'll be able to handle it he thinks.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: @LadyZ

"Poisened?" Roka says, looking rather confused and shocked. "Who would poisen a maiden like you, and not any of us?" 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC - GM Override -

"Oh. No, I wasn't actually poisoned," Sakura replies to Roka - "just the food disagreed with me for some reason. I will be fine thank you." :)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Ha ha, must be the stress of the whole thing getting me." Roka simply states, and mutters something under his breath, and moves to talk to the others. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

After leaving the way station and traveling an hour or two, the road began to track along the west side of a wide rock-strewn river flowing down from the north. It would be a familiar feature the rest of the way to Morioka, as the city itself was built on the river’s banks higher up the rugged terrain ahead. There would be plenty of fresh water and perhaps a fish or two if anyone cared to catch them.

Up ahead, a copse of trees stood by the river’s edge. As the wind blew through them the soft sounds of a woman crying were carried up to the traveling Samurai. Those riding out front, could see the silhouetted figure of a woman standing among the trees holding something in her arms…  


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Quickly men, a women crying is never good." Roka states, riding up ahead. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Kirito rode to the woman as fast as he could shouting "whats wrong?" To her.

he also readies his holy symbol should it be a demon. 

(Spending one surge point with the holy symbol and will Try to touch her if it is a demon)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yasuo draws his sword and his shield, and advances cautiously atop his horse, staying behind the rest of the group.

The woman could easily be an Oni in disguise...

(perception and sense motive, if you would)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo Kuwabara stops sulking, he glances around. He grips his lance and hurries to the woman, though he tries to not reach her first, since he wouldn't know what to say...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Miya suspecting this was what Yuki meant earlier rides up to the woman but maintains a good distance away. She makes sure to watch the surrounding area and the woman for any trouble and pulls out her bow; nocking an arrow just in case.

(Perception and Evaluate on the woman and surrounding area.)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yuki stays in pace with Miya's horse and places her bow on her lap.

"Wonder why she's crying."

Yuki asks aloud, without much sense of concern to her words.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"It's likely she has lost someone she cared for or perhaps she ran away from her village/town?" Miya responds while taking a glance at Yuki.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
(Evaluate and sense motive)

Keiyaro stays on his horse but readies his weapon. He also signals his doshin out of the cart and to stand ready for an ambush.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Sakura also moves forward with caution, letting the others stay ahead of her, but ready to do anything if needed.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

As Roka, Kirito, Udo, Yasua, and Sakura moved their horses closer the stand, they could see the woman more clearly through the trees about thirty yards away. She leaned wearily against an old tulip tree, holding a baby, and weeping. As they drew closer, the woman gave no indication that she was aware of their presence. The Fire Elemental meanwhile, followed through the brush to stay close to Kirito. It didn’t seem overly concerned by the woman and wasn’t rushing forward to attack it, like it most certainly would a demon or Oni. The odd thing about the elemental though, was how it could walk like a living inferno through the thick underbrush and not set any of it on fire.

Up on the road, Miya and Yuki drew their bows, while Keitaro and the Doshin scanned the surrounding area to make sure someone wasn’t chasing the woman or setting some kind of ambush. They saw no one else at the moment, but stood ready nonetheless.

After closing to ten yards, the Samurai approaching the woman saw that the copse of trees was thick enough to prevent their horses from easily passing through. Stopping the horses and calling to the woman did not get a response from her still, though the Samurai could now see her clearly. She was young and dressed like a noble with some sort of Family Mon (crest) on her robes, but she appeared completely bedraggled, with strung out hair, and an utterly exhausted look.

She was slumped up against a tree weeping and looked like she might fall over at any moment. Tightly clutched in here arms was a baby boy wrapped in a fine blue blanket, sleeping peacefully…

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
Keitaro dismounted his horse and called Miko over to him. "Miko, go check on her, she looks Noble and it is our duty to protect the upper classes as well as the commonwealth. Tend to her and extract what information you can."

Miko bowed and approached the woman slowly. "Miss, My name is Miko, I am Doshin. What is wrong? Are you injured?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

As Doshin Miko approaches, the woman looks up at her – her eyes heavy with sorrow.

Miko sees that she is a young noble (perhaps 18 years old) and that her mode of dress suggests that she is newly married. The woman is exhausted and seems very weak or in shock, but otherwise physically unharmed. She has a tiny baby boy wrapped in a fine blue blanket – his little chest rising and falling with his breathing as he sleeps peacefully in his mother’s arms.

“Oh kind girl, I am so very weary and my baby is so heavy and I fear that I will drop him,” the woman says, “Will you not hold him but for a moment that I may rest?”

Here, the woman hands the baby to Miko and sags to down her knees.

Miko, not sure what else to do, cradles the baby in her arms and ask the Samurai – “Oh… A little help here my lords?”

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
"Miko bring the baby to the cart make some bedding for it and the mother. Keiji help me get her to the cart."

Keiji and Keitaro catiuosly approach the woman and lift her up to carry her to the cart. Once placed on a bed roll Keitaro instructs his Doshin to look after them. "Obviously the baby is frowned upon. Do you think she married a commoner and her family disprove?" Keitaro asks the group.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

The woman is easy enough to help up, but as the Samurai move to go back up to the road, Miko stops abruptly and gasps aloud - "Help! Something is wrong his this baby! He's too heavy for me to lift! I am going to drop him!"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

(Continue Below)...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Kirito puts away his holy symbol, gets off his horse and walks up to the woman.

"Are either of you hurt? I need to know what happend to be able to help you." He said with his most comforting tone he could.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo questions her, "What happened? Why are you so bedraggled?" He asks, bluntly.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"put him down gently while you can, it might just be some evil spell cast on him" kirito said immedietly, running to check on the baby.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I can't, he'll slip out before I can set him down!" Miko cries.

(continue Below)...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

The woman does not respond to questions and seems completely out of it by this point. The baby starts to sink into Miko's arms (like it weighs a ton). She's just moments from it falling to the ground.

Watching, the two Priest suddenly find the whole situation familiar. Something they learned about spirits...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"wait... wait... i find this oddly familiar.. i cant remember what exactly but spirits have something to do with this. Kasai, what do you think" he said out loud to the group. backing slowly from mother and baby.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Let me hold the baby, Doshin." Roka says, trying to take the baby from Miko's arms before it falls. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Roka is unable to lift the baby out of Miko's arms - in fact, not only does it feel like she is holding a ship's anchor - it actually seems to double in weight the moment Roka get's involved and the two of them now struggle with significant effort to keep the baby off the ground...

The thought that this might be some sort of test suddenly crosses Roka's mind...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo examines the baby (not touching it, just looking) trying to look for something, whether it's an odd facial expression, to something it could be groaning about.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Could it be that the weight increases Everytime someone touches the child?" Roka mutters to himself, as he countinues to try and lift the baby. 

"Test... Something is testing us. What?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

As Sakura watched in interest, she noticed the Mon (family crest) on the woman’s kimono. At first it seemed unfamiliar, but then Sakura realized why. The style of the Mon was one that had been abandoned over a hundred years ago, when the Mon stopped being used exclusively by the Imperial Court at the end of the Heian period (794-1185).

“Hey, the woman’s Mon is outdated hundreds of years,” she points out.

At that, Yasuo and Kirita suddenly realized why the situation now seemed so familiar – She was Ubemi – The spirit of a mother who had died with her baby in childbirth. It was old lore, but the sorrow she felt at such a great loss had weighed her down and prevented her from returning with the child to the Ancestors, but if she could find one who could hold the baby for but a moment, she and the baby would finally be able to rest. All they had to do was prevent Miko and now Roka from dropping the baby.

If they could, the Ancestors for their deed would bless the company – but if they failed, they would receive a curse.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo places his hands under where Roka and Miko are holding the baby, should it fall, he'd try to catch it.

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10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Priests? Do you guys no anything? This is getting harder to carry by the second," Roka says, his arms beggining to tire. 

OOC: BZ, if it appears that I'll drop the baby, ill have Roka use a Surge to bump up his strength. ^_^

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Ah, i remember!" Kirito said, as he began to explain. 

"The woman is Ubemi – The spirit of a mother who had died with her baby in childbirth. It's old lore, but the sorrow she felt at such a great loss had weighed her down and prevented her from returning with the child to the Ancestors, but if she could find one who could hold the baby for but a moment, she and the baby would finally be able to rest. Miko, Roka! DO NOT DROP THE BABY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!" he said to them.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yeah Kirito, I'm sure Roka was planning to drop the baby for shits and giggles had you not said that" Udo says, sarcastically.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro brought over a pack and strapped it to his back. "Put the baby in here I will try to make it back to the cart."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"No.... I'm pretty sure I'm physically stronger then you Keitaro, and I can't hold this. We'll manage, I hope." Roka states, his arms in pain. 

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10 years ago

"and what makes you so sure the pack will hold when a adult man barely can hold the baby?" kirito quickly added.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Because no one will be holding it. Once you let go of the baby no one will be physically touching it. It should work guys."

Keitaro hesitantly replied.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

The baby meanwhile continues to get heavier and heavier by the second. Roka surges with all his might and realizes that he is going to need help - he and Miko are now holding up almost 2,000 pounds and climbing...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Udo? Keitaro?.... Argh! Gonnna need some help!" Roka shouts. 

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10 years ago

"Oh! My arms are going to break!" Miko cries.

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10 years ago

"Don't worry about it!" Roka says, "Ignore the pain Doshin!" 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Keiji over here now. Miko move" Keiji and Keitaro help Roka carry the Post Messagebaby.

"Hey can one of you guys summon an elemental? This baby is a spirit it shouldnt have the same effect on another spirit."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"THE ELEMENTAL" kirito added. "Kasai, help carry the baby if you would" he added with a bow.

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10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

As Keji and Keitaro get under the baby and relieve some of the weight, Miko begs her master to continue helping - "Please lord, I can help. I just need to shift my grip - if it pleases my lord!"

The baby's weigh meanwhile, again increases, and everyone finds themselves stuck in the spot - their feet actually starting to sink into the soil beneath them...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Miko fine, hold the line. DO NOT DROP THIS CHILD!" Then keitaro gets a brash idea and lays down. "Rest the baby on my steel armor it should be enough to hold it without causing any real harm." He lays directly under the baby.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Sakura casts her heavy hand spell to help lift the baby up in their hands.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

With the two Doshin and Roka straining with all their might to keep the baby off the ground, Keitaro slides himself under their arms – his back on the ground. The three above slowly sink under the weight – until the baby partially rests on Keitaro’s breastplate. Amazingly, it sinks in even more, and Keitaro finds himself slowly being crushed under the incredible mass of the still peacefully sleeping child…

Then the Fire Elemental engulfs everyone – standing pretty much completely in their midst and its warm (yet non-burning) flames roar upward with great force, easing the weight considerably and giving Keitaro a few inches to breathe once again.

Then Sakura’s spell goes off and the load is suddenly manageable once more – and all take a huge sigh of relief!

With that, the weight abruptly vanishes – along with the baby. The young woman looks up in unbelieving surprise. Then with a warm smile, she quickly fades away.

The Samurai have done it! They have succeeded were generations before them have failed!

Gathering themselves, the Samurai stand a moment to rest, as Roka pulls his feet free from the ground beneath him.

It is then that Yasuo the Priest first (and then everyone else) notices a shining gold glint at the river’s edge.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Kirito walks over to the river and inspects the shining thing. (appraise if you would) 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro uses his experience in outdoor spotting and evaluation to determine what the glimmer is eminating from as he approaches the riverside.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Udo runs over to the lake, the baby problem being done, he quickly examines the shiny thing, using perception and perhaps outdoors track.

Then, he touches the river, and determines whether the rest can swim through easily. (Unless it's like, 2 feet high, then he wouldn't) 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Ah, thank the gods that we succeded." Roka says, his arms still in pain. 

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10 years ago

Sakura also follows to the riverside to see what the glimmer is all about.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

During the whole ordeal, Yuki could only sit back and watch as everyone struggled to lift the child. Why she was confused as to how several grown men struggled to do so at first, it being a spirit clear that up. With the child gone, Yuki gets off her horse and walks towards her comrades, when suddenly she notices something.

"That was pretty close. You were all about to dr- OH SOMETHING SHINY!"

Yuki yells, sprinting towards the glint of gold coming from the river.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Kirito just looks at her and facepalms.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yasuo stayed atop of his horse the entire time, never getting off it, and watched the ordeal. He was content to let Kirito lecture everyone on the Ubuto spirits, as there wasn't much he could do, after all, while a fiend could have easily lifted the baby, the elemental would have certainly attacked, and he himself was relatively weak.

He was still somewhat concerned that they were going to be ambushed, and so examined the surroundings while he waited. Once he felt the blessings of the ancestors wash over him, he knew that the others had successfully dealt with the spirit and relaxed slightly, letting his gaze settle on the river, where he saw the slight golden shine.

Curious, he spurs his horse forward, going ahead of the group, but he strains his senses as he approaches, wary of a trap, and keeps one hand on his sword, the other on the reins.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Keiji! Bring the cart near the riverside." As Keiji does so he asks the group: "Does anyone want to use my canoe and follow the stream? Anyone want to summon anything unnatural to use the canoe? It could prove useful. Just don't lose my boat."

Keitaro offer the open invitation to anyone, he assumes 1-3 people could fill a canoe. So a couple of Doshin or any combination of the group could use the boat to scout ahead on the river for danger or a suitable place for camp. Also for fish and wild game canoeing could prove useful...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Summon anything unnatural to use the canoe.. bah. Magic is not a tool to be played with. One wrong spell could kill the caster. Ask the flying ape." (who should be coming back to his doom soon i hope) kirito said.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: Water elemental. Dude.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Miya had been watching the event from the hilltop and was suprised to see that it was a young noblewoman then was even more suprised [Perhaps a bit amused as well] that a baby would be such a struggle for men like the samurai. It was only after she disappeared that Miya realized the woman+baby was a spirit or test of some sort. 

 She began following Yuki up until the girl suddenly ran off torwards a small shiny item by the river. "Yuki, where are you going?" Miya Sugai called out before turning away and heading to where Keitaro was.

"I would like to gather some fresh fish for the evening meal if you will permit me the use of your canoe. Anyone else is welcome to come along."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro waived off Keiji, then stood near the group. Sharpening his swords. taking note of a shimmer in the far distant river.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Inspecting the shiny glint of gold at the river's edge, the Samurai found a number of small gold charms scattered among the shallows - each bearing the Mon (or family crest) of the Ubemi they had just 'saved'.

With everyone gathering them up, they found ten of them in total.

Yuki meanwhile, could tell with her lopan, that these were good luck charms - each being useable when needed to help temporarily sway one's luck toward good.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Wow, these are really cool. What do you make of them guys?" Keitaro asked his fellow fighters and magic wielders.

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10 years ago

"hmm.. i dont know. they are definitively gifts from the ancestors though."

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10 years ago

"I suspect they are gifts from that spirit you had helped. Perhaps they have a blessing of sorts they the priests can discover?"


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Sakura replies " There are ten of these beautiful charms. My suggestion would be to give one each to all of us samurai, and the two extra ones give to the two doshin that helped lend a hand in successfully passing the test of the spirit that was put before us".

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yuki picks one up and smiles.

"Nope, they're good luck charms!"

She announces.

"I guess this was the change in luck that we were going to get."

She says happily.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Kirito takes two of them. "Im saving the second for an emergency, should we ever need a heal that cannot fail and we need luck on our side, any objections?"

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10 years ago

"That would be a good idea. I support your actions." Miya then takes one for herself.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yasuo (Who had already taken two) gets up from the river, one of the lockets he put away in his pocket, the other he elected to wear around his neck.

"How kind of the spirit, to reward her helpful samurai so"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: I refer to Berka whether or not you have taken 2.

BIC: "Yes, her helpful samurai." Kirito replied.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: I arrived first, so yes, I did. Not an option, Daedalus.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
Keitaro snags 2 and hands 1 to Miko. She seems ecstatic and dotes it like fine jewlery around her neck (assuming they are necklaces.) Keitaro shoved his in a pouch. After examining them further (the remaining) "Hey there is not enough for all of us here... huh"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yes, i noticed that aswell. As i said before, i took two. One because i helped, the second if we ever need a healing spell that we realy needed to rely on."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yasuo takes Keiji aside and moves away from the others. 

Once he is out of earshot, he tells Keiji the following.

"I was worried that some of my comrades would be so greedy as to forget about you, like that other priest Kirito who has already taken two for himself, so I procured one of the trinkets for you. You performed well doshin, I congratulate you on your efforts."

Yasuo hands the doshin the trinket he had pocketed and then goes back to the group.

Oh I am going to get so much face for this when we reach the next city...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
"This is very kind of you my Lord." Keiji bowed in respect and placed the trinket in his pocket.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Knowing she'll be able to have a lot of fun with more of the charms, Yuki decides to sneakily steal them one by one from her companions during the course of their travels.

(OOC: Basically I want her to try and take them from people while they travel when we actually get back to traveling)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Kirito, you remember that bet I won? I need you to dispel your elemental so that my imp will return and give me my information unmolested."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Keitaro lets the priest finish his dealings with Kirito and then turns to address him. "Yasuo, how long do you think till we reach Morioka? Do you know anyone in the village? It is a village right? Or is it a town? I don't know these things friend." 

The somewhat dense and now slightly unsure/confused Keitaro sits on the a stump by the riverside watching the others go about their business and scanning the trees for enemies or another spirit come to test them while he waits on Yasuo to respond.

"What did you think of my grandfather's sake? Also dont you find it odd we haven't encountered any travelers on their way to the capitol? I find that odd. I mean not even merchant carts or caravans." He adds to the questioning.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Well, it was the town my great great grandfather Udo died trying to burn to the ground...

"It's a city now, I believe, it used to be a large town but it's grown over the past few hundred years. There might be a few fellow members of the occult community there, but I doubt we'll meet anyone I know in particular.

As for us not meeting any travelers, I suspect the bad reputation of this road and the surrounding demons may be proving itself true to us"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
Then why are Samurai not assigned to the road, or mercenaries assigned to the caravans. I find these things strange. Very strange. As for the occult, well I find that strange too."

He stops for a moment, "what did you want with Keiji a moment ago?" He eyes the priest suspiciously, though he doesn't really suspect any ill will or doing.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"We have been in short supply of samurai ever since the china-men invaded Keitaro, and mercenaries can only do so much against true demons. Not that our "great" shogun would care enough about us to protect our country" He says, with a light touch of sarcasm labeled upon the great.

"As for Keiji, I was merely making sure he received his due. We have already begun in-fighting over the blessings given to us by our ancestors, I wanted to make sure that he, as someone seen to be so unimportant, would have his blessing given to him"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
"Oh that makes sense. Tell me about yourself. How did you become Samurai?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Family, I was born a samurai, and you?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Same but I meant in general, how'd you know it's what you wanted to do? I could have remained on my family's farm, and lived leisurely if I so desired. But I chose to defend my father's honor. And by father I mean my real father. We never had the fake replacements from the invaders."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"It is not an option Keitaro, you know as well as I do that as Samurai we are to live as samurai, no matter what. As for being a priest, it is a family tradition. What did you have to defend your father's honor from?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

" From nothing really, maybe carry on? is a better term. i thought highly of him and he earned my family the right of Samurai for his actions in battle. I serve to defend his honor from being forgotten."

Keitaro nods in acceptance of his explanation.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"So, have you ever been out of the country before Keita?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hardly ever even left my farm before minus for my Samurai training and buying supplies in town."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Do you have any experience fighting?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Tons, I am considered a weapons master among my age group. My hand to had is decent, obviously not refined to the level of Roka-san. But you saw our spar match."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Of course. But I meant actual fighting you know, not simple sparring or practice. Have you ever killed a man Keitaro? Have you fought with someone and extinguished them? Have you ever fought with someone without knowing whether or not you would live or die that day?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yes. I have had the honor of combat in service as Samurai.I have felt the life leave another human beingat the end of my blade."

Keitaro Stares at the man trying to find his angle on the questioning.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Who were they?" 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Chinese bandits who tried to raid our farm. They had my sister tied up in the barn, my mother in the house. Back then we didn't have servants it was just several generations of family working on the farm. Most were elderly (over 50) so the raiders probably thought we would be easy pickings. Me and 2 of my cousins were upstairs playing Beigoma when they struck. I was fairly young. In my 1st years of teens. We panicked at first, but then I saw them drag my sister into the barn, violently. They killed a few of the Elderly males for o reason. Me and my cousins found some old swords my father practiced with and snuck through the house. We came upon one silently and I hesitated... *He pauses* My Cousin thrust the tanto into the back of his neck, downward in his back. He was dead, but I was spun around by my shoulder as a bandit was getting ready to cut at me with his sword. I thrusted my weapon into his gut.  I quivered as the warmth of the blood washed over my hands and dripped onto the floor. Though I admit, I found a brief solace as the light in his eyes faded and he fell before me defeated. By the time we made it outside we had killed 3 others. As we opened the door, Doshin were all over the farm fighting and killing the bandits. They retreated and I ran to my sister. I never told my mother that I had killed those bandits. 

But after that when I started my Samurai training, I would often times go into the woods around the farm and look for bandits and raiders for added practice. After our house had been marked as Noble by the Daiymo small skirmishes have been a plague. Fighting has never been hard to come by."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Have you ever killed someone you weren't supposed to?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"No, and I don't intend to. It isn't a sport, it is a duty"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I was merely asking. 

Have you ever killed out of anger, or spite?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"The fact that I have to take a man's life in battle, though honorable as it is to slay your enemy, provides me with a great deal of guilt, anger and strife. So I guess you could say everytime I have killed, or will kill, is out of anger and spite."

He stops for a moment. 

"These matters make my head hurt." He grunts as he grips his Nagamaki.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Perhaps you should get Kirito to cast a healing spell on you?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Sakura gets her charm then sees that Roka hasn't got his yet. She says to the priest who has two charms, "is it honorable to withhold the blessings of the ancestors from one whom it was intended?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"So, Sakura has stated that there were ten charms, and I find that one is missing. While, normally, I wouldn't make a fuss about this, simply because blessing is not something I require, the blessing of the ancestors is not something I'd relinquish quickly. May I ask, who took the extra charm?" Roka says, looking a little annoyed. After all, it was him and Miko who carried the baby before the others realized it would be, he felt that he was the most deserving of the charms. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"If needs be, you can take this one" Udo shows him the one he was examining.

 I don't want luck to be the reason my name will be famous anyways

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"You don't understand. Someone has an extra one. You, assisted in the task, the blessing of the ancestors should be with you. However, someone is taking more then he has right to, or taking when he has no right." 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Kirito there has taken two" Yasuo helpfully points out.

I wonder if I can get Keitaro to bet on who survives with me...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yasuo, how many did you take? Kirito is a healer though... Still, Roka might need it more, since he is a fighter" Udo says.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I procurred one for myself, like all the others."

He then gestures for Udo to come closer

"My bet's on the elemental frying Roka, you?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Of course, asking Udo Kuwabara to come closer was probably a mistake, as his breath stinks like rotten eggs, but Yasuo has enough bluff to act like he doesn't notice it ;)

Udo whispers back, "I'd bet it'll attack your imp first haha!

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Nah, Kiri is honor-bound to fulfill his debt, and I can always dispel the elemental if needed. You think it'll come to blows?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Possibly," Udo shrugs, "Though if Roka is arrogant enough..."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Thank you, Yasou." Roka states, before looking at Kirito in the eye. 

"Priest, I have great respect in your powers, and who you worship. Nevertheless, I must request you give me what I deserve, especially since you did nothing, ordering an elemental to do a task instead of you." Roka states, anger in his voice. It's amaizing that he can keep himself respectful when he face is enraged.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"If I remember correctly somebody had stated they were a very popular and lucky man with the ladies before we left. Why would you need more luck unless you feel that your charms are inadequate?" 

Miya says as she glances in his direction before turning back to watching the forest for danger.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Not inadequate, my dear. I simply do not wish to forfeit the gift of the ancestors. The ancestors gave us a gift, I wish to receive it." Roka says, smiling. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"So you are saying the common man should receive gifts from the ancestors over the very priests who serve them?" She asks without turning away from her post.

OOC: Bookish+Inquisitive. lol I'm bound to play a debate lover. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Kirito does not worship the ancestors dear, I do. He worships the celestials.

And the ancestors have given us 10 trinkets. two for the doshin, eight for us. Kirito taking two would be him denying Roka his rightful reward for his generosity and kind-heartedness, you would do well to think what you're saying through to it's rational end before beginning a meaningless argument"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: Always fun. ^_^

"Who are you to say who is a common man and who is not? The ancestors gave this gift to us, since we succeeded in their test. We are all equal in this case."

"Besides, I don't see you handing your charm to the priest, and you didn't even help with the baby!" Roka states, looking at the charm in her hands/on her neck/ wherever it is. (:P)

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Perhaps we could resolve this by giving some to our horses? It will make the trip easier, and they did theoretically do more than us..." Udo says, thoughfully.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Roka looks at Udo, confused. 

"... They, uh, didn't help carry the baby, did they?" Roka asks Udo. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"They carried us all this way though, and certaintly work harder than us overall" Udo says, thinking that his argument makes sense.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"But...... We are talking about the gift of the ancestors, about carrying the baby. The horses didn't do that, right?" Roka says, remarkably confused. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"But... our steeds could use the luck charm anyways. Plus, we wouldn't be this far without them, so they DID help with the baby. If we were here later, we wouldn't have gotten the chance" Udo says, grinning.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I'm sure. But, I'm also certain that my horse, um, wants me to have the charm. Yeah." Roka simply states, shrugging. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmm" Udo thinks for a small moment.

"Let me talk to him..." Udo stops, "Or her, I'll check for that too"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hmm, don't think so. Horse doesn't like talking." Roka says, bullshitting his way through. 

Can he actually talk to animals? 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Well, no one knows their horse like the owner" Udo says with his best (although it's horrible) poker face, though it's obvious that he wants to talk to Roka's horse.

Perhaps I could try speaking to it in the night

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: moving below so it gets seen when he gets on.


"Hmm I don't think it'll help but yeah sure can't hurt to try." He says plainly and nods.

He leaves the company of Yasuo and makes his way to Kirito. Softly he says: "Hey uhm.... my head hurts, can you help?"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"You want me to dismiss the elemental?"Kirito said to the other priest with a surprised look on his face, then he turned to the big warrior and said "do you want a healing spell for a headache? Ask Yusao, i dont want to use more spells than i need to. And since i hafto dismiss my elemental.." Then he turned to Roka, took out one of the lucky trinkets he had, and said "sure, i guess if you have a lucky trinket, you wont get hurt that easily, yes that sounds ok." Then he gave him the trinket.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yes, you know as well as I do that they go insane around imps and demons, and if you do not dispell it then my imp will be destroyed and i'll have to wait for the elemental to expire before I can learn whether or not we're being stalked by a massive band of demonic beasts with a powerful desire to render us into small bite-sized pieces of flesh"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Also, why do we need a portable bonfire in the daytime?" Udo asks, smirking.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Yes, a elemental would be completely useless against said band of demonic beasts."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"You can always summon him after I get the information, or, if you would prefer, you could simply get him to leave for 3 hours so that my imp returns unmolested, after which I can tell him to leave and return after your elemental expires.

However, he needs to leave before my imp arrives. Whether you choose to dispel him or send him away is your choice. (Though if you send him away, I still have that one spell from you in the future)"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Alright alright,." He replied while starting to cast dispell magic. "I want you to heal Keitaros headache though. I dont wish to waste more spells today,"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"I am not good with healing spells either"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: casting read minds

"you are a priest, and you'll hafto learn some day. Go ahead and try."

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"No, as i've told you, I am not good with healing spells, I referred him to you for a reason"

As you read his mind, you find that he is literally thinking exactly what he's telling you, since he needs to work particularly hard to cast a healing spell, and he finds your stubbornness to be extremely annoying.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Why arent you good with healing spells? They are basic for any priest." He said, continuing to read his mind.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"No they're not" he answers back, confused.

His surface thoughts are "What kind of crap is he trying to pull now?"


"Listen Kirito, cast the healing spell on Keitaro or not, but I referred him to you for a reason, now deal with the poor man, you're just uncessarily prolonging his suffering."

His surface thoughts indicate that he's annoyed as hell by you and wishes to stop talking to you, because, well, you're annoying ^_^

He also doesn't really care all that much about Keitaro's headache, and is simply saying this in order to get you to shut up by appealing to your conscience

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: Drak, you need to pull a will save in order to avoid thinking of Kirito's question. (which means we must wait for BZ.) 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: What do you mean? I'm not avoiding thinking of Kirito's quesiton, I don;t know he's reading my mind, but Kirito has been annoying me with just about every question he asks, it's sure as hell not implausible that I would decide to stop talking to him.

Only surface thoughts, remember?

So no, we don't have to wait for BZ, because unlike what you might think, I know what my character is thinking... And he's not thinking "I'M EVIL!" all the damn time.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


  If the Hexslinger questions the target in conjunction with this ability, he can manipulate what the target thinks about by simply bringing it up in conversation.  Targets actively trying not to think about (and thus reveal) something must make a Willpower Save to do so,

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: So we wait...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: And? He didn't ask whether or not I was evil, he made a completely false statement and I reacted appropriately (With the "That's not true"), I then reacted with my character's thoughts.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: He asked why is it hard for you to cast healing spells. So, you need to wait to see of BZ says you made your save. Or not. But stop the conversation, since I think (and therefore BZ needs to make sure I'm right or wrong) you need a willsave. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: Except no save is necessary since there is nothing being hidden. He asked why I found it hard to cast those spells (Which i'm not even sure we're supposed to know) and then gave a reason as to why it should be easy, which was completely false, so I thought "No, that's not true" because "No, that's not true". I was reacting to his justification for the question, which is what I was meant to react to

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: Drak. We are waiting for BZ. Hell tell us if you're right or wrong. We have to wait for him. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

OOC: Aman, you're saying that I need to make a will save since i'm actively trying to not think about something (because that's what the will save is for) But i'm not trying to do that, i'm following the logical thought path inherent to being told something that's bullshit. There is no will save to be made, the only thing possible to put into question would be whether or not I made the correct response, which I think I did, since I typed out the first think that entered my mind after I read Kirito's answer.

There is no will save since the reason the will save is used has not yet happened.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

(Continue Below)...

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Thank you." Roka states. 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago
"Yasuo told me to ask you Kiroto"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Hes perfectly good for healing you himself, i dont wish to waste more spells than necessary, and i'm honour-bound to keep my deal with him. So, ask Yusao" Kirito replied.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"C'mon Kirito, you're tiring Keitaro's brain" Udo laughs.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Well fine I will suck it up and deal with it since no one is kind enough to heal me." Keitaro shrugs off his headache.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"Dont worry, i can cast it for you. But id rather not do it, it's a pretty complex spell and it would hurt me, more thannyour headache could if something goes wrong, Now, do you still want me to cast heal on you?" 

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"It's ok, it'll pass." Keitaro walks back to his Doshin

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

"If you say so"

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Yasuo leaves Kirito's presence and, now that the elemental has been dispelled, he waits at the edge of the group for his imp's appearance.

Should Kirito continue the mind reading spell (by following the priest) He will notice that Yasuo is trying to think of ways to counter a demon attack should the imp bring back news of an Oni band, and he's also thinking of ways to maybe get the Oni to work for him.

He's also thinking up new orders to keep his imp under control.

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

At length, the Imp returns and reports sighting a few Bakemono in the area, but none formed into any sort of organized group.

Given the info, the group has no choice but to pick up and continue with their journey along the road.

<End of Scene>

Mythic Nippon 1.1

10 years ago

Continue In-Game Posting Here -

Mythic Nippon 1.2