Daedalus, The Contributor

Member Since


Last Activity

11/2/2021 9:50 PM

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Duel Stats

4 wins / 7 losses





Heeey, i'm a 21 year old dude from Sweden. No, im not blonde.

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Given by BerkaZerka on 01/09/2017 - In memorial of Mythic Nippon greatness

Recent Posts

The Call of PikaChulu 1 on 2/15/2014 8:56:20 AM

Jenny, standing proud, flashing her breast with a bazooka over her shoulder.. Prepares her batoon to give ash a dont kick brocks only way of communicating..

The Call of PikaChulu OOC on 2/15/2014 8:53:39 AM

Yeah sorry, it's been valentines day so i've been a tad to busy to check in and post, i will post like normal starting to tomorrow.

The Call of PikaChulu 1 on 2/12/2014 9:13:15 PM

Jenny eyes Brock suspicously before taking her bra off. "Clothes are for weak people." she states, before grabbing her bazooka from the motorcykle. 

"let the party begin.." she smiles wickedly.

The Call of PikaChulu OOC on 2/11/2014 7:08:54 PM

And a appopiate anime response! 

The Call of PikaChulu 1 on 2/11/2014 6:36:12 PM

"Yes, matte that Would be a good idea..." She starts taking her bra off, but she realized how pervy Brock was and looks for her batoon to give Brock a true anime style pervert beating with it.

The Call of PikaChulu 1 on 2/11/2014 6:32:47 PM

"Did you hit your head?" Jenny asks

The Call of PikaChulu 1 on 2/10/2014 10:57:16 PM

"Wait what?" Jenny replies, not understanding a word that Brock just Said

The Call of PikaChulu 1 on 2/10/2014 1:16:03 PM

Jenny starts up her MC yelling "I'm heading. The Squirtles now, if you want you come, come now!"

The Call of PikaChulu OOC on 2/9/2014 6:39:50 PM

I kinda figured that would happen with you being the GM and all^^

The Call of PikaChulu 1 on 2/9/2014 5:39:54 PM

"Joy, can you fix people's heads too?" Jenny asks as she starts doing the "baywatch run" Google it.

shortly after she pronounces loudly "i'm going to check out those squrtles and anyone that don't want to walk can come with me!"