In the gamebook I'm working on (Heroes Guard), I'm trying to randomize a few aspects of the game - not everything is choice-driven. I'm hoping this is one aspect that helps to improve replayability of the game. In one such case, I'm randomizing the prologue of the book which is meant to inform the player they are writing in a journal, trying to recall their past. A few examples:
Was I wrong? Did I make the right choices that brought me here? I’m no longer certain. In this journal I’m attempting to recount all the decisions I made. The mistakes that haunt me. Perhaps I’ll find forgiveness with myself for those I failed. But I did some good didn’t I?
Last Will and Testament
Here-in is contained my final will and testament. But first, you will learn how I obtained my possessions. For that in itself is perhaps my greatest asset. I give you my journal, filled with adventure and wonder.
Parent to Son
This journal of tales is dedicated to my Son. When I no longer walk on this world, you can still hear my stories of adventure and adversity. To my greatest treasure of all with Love.